
Hell Bound?

a Harry Potter love story with anger, betrayal, blood, love, etc.. A girl who was now almost healed with the past incidents and was now focusing on her extracurricular activity, living a normal life but then........... She turned thirteen, she stepped into her teen age and had many plans for it but everything changed when an old man came to her house and told her things she had only dreamt of and now she is stepping into a whole new world with secrets that were breaking the unbroken, so can she keep up with them or will she broke? Can she cherish the love of her life or will be dragged to hell? Will she be able to rescue the ones she love or will watch them die infront of her eyes? Will she make the right choice or will choose the wrong? Read it to find out. POA: Complete [94,219] GOF: ongoing OOP: .......... HBP: .......... DH1: .......... DH2: .......... STARTED: 30th May 2022 ENDED: N/A *REGULAR UPDATES* The description sucks-but the story is pretty good! Mention of deaths, blood spill, language. It is a crossover of Fate:the winx saga... NOTE: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE ALL RIGHT GOES TO J.K. ROWLING. I only own Adriana Black, Alex, Stella, Coral, Mille, Robert, Sara,Mia, etc.. Now open it and enjoy!! A sweet message: HOMOPHOBIC PEOPLE CAN KINDLY GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THIS STORY!!!!

unnoticed_user · Phim ảnh
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12 Chs

1- Dumbledore's visit

~Adriana POV~

It was night time and I was in my room trying to advance my model of a drone. It was a drone with a camera that can record things but I was not able to set it. Maybe it's design is a little disturbed.

What if I decrease the length from left side and make it a little short. The camera is also not heavy and the radius of the base should be divided by 10 I guess.

I was pulled out of my thought by my mom yelling my name.


"YEAH WHAT HAPPENED? I AM WORKING ON MY DRONE."I yelled back but didn't got a reply, so I jumped off the bed, grabbed my white shirt and wore it on my black spaghetti and went downstairs.

As I reached the guest room I saw an old man with white beard which was very weird because it was so long that it could be braided in a fish tale.

I chuckled to myself when I thought about it.

He had blue eyes and wore a grey-ish black gown an-A GOWN!! and at this point I was not able to control my laugh and laughed loudly gaining attention of that old man and my parents.

"everything alright, dear?" my mum asked.

"yeah!" I said quickly.

The old man came to me and bend a little to reach my height level and w-HOW THE HELL CAN HE BEND SO EASILY?!?! because when I say he is old HE.IS.OLD.

"Good evening, Ms.Rockwood! " he greeted in a weird kind of calm voice pulling me out of my thoughts.

Did he just said Ms.Rockwood? So much respect. I thought but shook my head and answered.

"Good evening sir."

He smiled kindly at my statement and said.

"Please sit." gesturing towards a chair.

I looked at the man then at the chair and then at my parents for approval, and to my dismay they nodded.

I went and dragged a chair and sat on it near the table.

I looked at the table and saw a letter laying on it. I looked at it with narrow eyes. I was going to pick it up when that old man came and sat across me.

"I see you have already noticed the letter please open it and read it." He said calmly.

I leaned on the chair to pick the letter. I picked the letter and saw my name. I looked at the man who smiled and nodded.

I opened the letter and started reading..


Headmaster : Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. Of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Black,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

My eyes widened as I read the letter again and again. After a few minutes I looked up to see the man smiling.

I furrowed my brows and looked at him with a mixed expression of shock and excitement.

"Anything you want to ask, Ms. Black? " he asked

And at that time I realised that he was taking my surname wrong. Then I looked at the letter and saw Black instead of Rockwood.

"yeah!" I blundered out before I could stop myself.

"go ahead! " he said

"First, my last name is Rockwood so I guess there is a mistake."

"That I am n-"

"second, who the he'll is Dumbledore?"

"It's m-"

"third, HOW THE HELL AM I A WITCH?!?!"

"Ms. Black please control yourself. I will give you all the answers." He said

"First question I am not the one who should answer so lets get to the second question." He said in a calm voice.

"second question, I am Albus Dumbledore." My eyes widened when I realised that he was the headmaster of a school.

"and answer to your third question is that you have come from a long line of pure bloods." as he said that I looked towards my parents who looked away quickly.

I looked towards Dumbledore and said "Sir I have a question."


"You are the headmaster of Hogwarts,right?" he nodded "so isn't it weird that..... Look I am really grateful that you came gor me- but you could have send any of your teachers to tell this to me.Why did you came?" as I completed my sentence my mum nudged me hard in the ribs. "not to be rude, of course!" I added quickly.

"You are special Ms. Black and you are needed to be kept safe." he said and I looked at him like he has three head.

"from whom do I need to be kept safe?" I asked

" that I cannot explain right now, but you are very powerful." he said and I looked at him with a confused face.

"So now will you join our school of witchcraft and wizardry?" He asked and I looked at my parents with hope in my eyes.

They nodded....

"YES!! OF COURSE!!! " I yelled in excitement.

"so, there are four houses named as Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Gryffindor. You will be sorted in anyone of them by the traits you posses. Hufflepuff is kind and nice, Ravenclaw is intelligent and just, Slytherin is loyal and cunning and lastly Gryffindor is brave and courageous. In the school your house will be like your family. Now, the rest of the information will be given to you in the school." he explained "any questions?" he asked.

"yeah. How will I buy my school stuffs?" I asked

"you will get all the important stuffs in Diagon Alley."

"Dia-what?" I stammered

"Diagon alley" he corrected me slightly laughing.

"But I don't know where Diagon alley is. How am I suppose to buy my stuffs from there?" I said

"Oh don't worry about that! I will send someone to help you." he said standing up

"now that I have explained you everything I must go." he said while moving towards the door.

"Sir!" I called

"yes, Ms. Black" he said

"is there any kind of games there?"I asked with hope in my eyes.

"yes, there is a series of game called quidditch and you will be told about that in school." he said

"Now that's a news, Thank-you." I said

"oh it's fine. I will see you at Hogwarts." he said and I nodded my head while smiling.

He smiled back and with a small pop he was gone.


So that's it for this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it and Anna is her nickname just to be clear..


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