
4. Keeping her watched...

With the arrival of the next day, November woke up, tensed. She wondered what decisions were in store for her. Would she be transferred?? She thought and now held the straps of her bag to head to the bathroom before entering the next class as there was still a little time left. Opening the door and shutting it, the girl came to stand infront of the oval mirror to wet her eyebrows so that they looked darker. She then, pulled out her lip balm and rubbed the cream upon the surface of her lips which she'd parted slightly. Her red eyes, following the movements of her hand before they now averted to look at the ragged person that'd come to appear beside her from the mirror, causing her to gasp and smear the balm across her cheek instead..

Now, when she'd blinked, the person's face had disappeared from the mirror. And just when she'd turned around to see if she was there, the door clicked open that'd prompted her eyes to widen comically and pretend like she was pulling the tissue earlier which she now used to clean the stain on her cheek then, afterwards, threw them into the bin at her side.

Hurriedly, November left the bathroom because among the girls that'd stepped in, the senior girl whom she'd broken her jaw, was present.

Not that she feared her- November didn't fear anyone. She's tough and fierce, and capable of standing up for herself,but sometimes, it was best that one avoids trouble and let trouble avoid her as well.

The bell had already rung for the next class and she was going to be late again! Hurriedly walking, the next step that the girl had taken, had caused her to trip, just at the base of the s-"Ah!"

Came the alarmed sound from her lips when someone had pulled her back with his or her grip on one hand of the strap of her bag because she wore one while the other was free..

Now, November, pulled back the strands of her hair that'd come to cover the side of her face.

The earlier frightened look on her face, where her eyes went wide as saucers that nearly brushed over there hair line,now narrowed to glare hotly at the boy, whom she had not met before..

Compared to his height, she was shorter where he came shadowing and towering over her with a look of boredom to coat his eyes that were pitch black that showed her reflection.

To top that, his hair was tousled like he'd run his fingers through them a million times, and they were dark brown draped-waves.

" Your shoes are untied", he told her, causing her to turn redder than chile peppers, she told him," You tore my strap!"

" I stopped you from falling,"he remarked nonchalantly, then, lowered his gaze and that was when she noticed that his lashes were fucking long, thick, and slightly curled-

Wait! What was he looking at?!!

Instantly, the girl turned alarmed by his gaze and she felt those cold eyes of his, stare at her chest that was bare, causing warm blood to flood her face.

At once, she turned meek," W-what are you staring at?!"

She asked him only to retract his gaze back to her face, where his next words, had turned her speechless. Bluntly, he said," the thing on your chest."

" I-". "Head back to class." He cut in abruptly and bent a little lower than his height, he then said," Least you want to get caught doing nothing." 

And just like that, he straightened and brushed past her like he hadn't been there before, leaving only the trails of his musky scent in the air, as a reminder.

And.....what did he mean by the thing on her chest?

Perhaps he was talking about her breasts? Again, November turned curt. Yes her breasts were small, but they were just the right size for her and nobody ever teased her about them. But, h-he just did!

" Miss, Grant."someone called her and she turned with a questioning response of 'yes?' to see the gateman glare at her. He asked," Aren't you supposed to be in class?",to brush past her even without her replying.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the gates?"

She questioned him inaudibly, in her head and started to walk back to class, to cling onto the good strap of her bag...

At the time, in the afternoon, after the classes were over and it was time for lunch, November packed her books to put them in her bag as the room had started to turn empty with the students, moving and nudging themselves out of the door, when a blonde girl had stopped to greet her.

Her own brown eyes, beamed and she smiled," Hi", 

" Hi"came the polite response from November to the blonde whom she'd met before, whose wavy hair had been combed back and was touching around her waist.

 Clutching her bag, like she was nervous, she continued,"I'm Deborah Court. And Incase you haven't noticed, I live nextdoor."

After giving in her details, November's lips formed a small smile and she spoke," Wow. I.. didn't know. November Grant."

" You missed half of the history class and I thought that it was nice if I lend you my note book to copy from." on hearing her speak, November noticed a silver of concern to lace through and it touched her heart to notice that there were good people here who didn't think that she was crazy and odd with her eyes that were red.

Deborah offered," I'm going to give back these books to their owner," and November's gaze fell at the heavy textbooks in her left arm to hear her continue to say," And I think that it's best that I also get to introduce him to you at once."

So, the friend was a him,which meant that they were heading to the boys' dorm?

The two girls walked towards the boys' block with Bora to lead the way. Meanwhile, November decided to ask the girl a few questions, which she answered politely," Came here in my sophomore year," Deborah told her.

And as they walked, November didn't miss to catch the students stare at them, causing her to straighten up a bit, with her chin, high this time.

If there was something that November had learnt it was the fact that she needed to embrace herself with her physical appearance.. She had a pair of eyes that were different in which she'd come to believe that they, evened the way she looked and she was born specially with them...

When they reached the dorm, from climbing series of stairs and getting to pass through the boys that were outside their dorm rooms, who were looking at them,they both stood at the wooden door that was a darker shade of brown, well furnished, just like the rest of 'em.

Next, a boy stepped outside when November had turned to look around, observing this place's architecture, when her eyes came to fall on a boy who'd stepped outside to lean against the wall, a mischievous smile on his lips, while he spoke to the girl in front of him.

 November's eyes, glared at the boy, before they'd drifted to the third party in their mist.

Momentarily, November didn't miss to catch how Bora's face had turned a little red as she talked to the boy before he then, stared briefly at the red eyed girl for the first time,"Glad that you're here, November, " he told her," I'm Randolph Ryan. You could call me Randy for short."

" I think I'm gonna stick with Randolph instead." November chuckled in the end.

" Umm, guys?"Bora said.

The rest of them, turned to look. 

" Seems like you did make a nice timing, been searching for you." the girl who approached them, told November, and halted just a few inches away from her, with her other girls, to flock behind her.

" Seriously, we could talk things out like matured people, rather than pulling the crowd." 

" You, you pulled the crowed in the first place. " now, November, felt her head, throb because of headache. Headache from all the noise that the senior girl is starting to cause." And what were you thinking? That after pulling your little stunt on your first time here, that I'd let you off the hook at once?" the girl's eyes blazed fire from anger.

"Senior, we- "

" I wasn't talking to you, lowlife bitch." upon the senior's words, Bora took in her lips and clutched her fists.

" Maybe you could minimize how you look down at people?"

" If and only if they weren't below."came the rude reply of the senior girl to the freshman here who then, chuckled and made to brush past her when the girl had grabbed her bag like the last time, to pull her back.

And with the anger of someone else tearing the strap already, November, turned,this action alone, causing the senior in high heels to stagger and hit the ground with her butt.

Though the spin hadn't come in full force, it seemed that the senior herself had no stamina, for her to stagger so easily.

"Miss Grant, Dahlia? "upon hearing her name, November turned to see Miss June glare at them." To my office." and when November's eyes went wide, she emphasized" Now."with her eyes to darken.