
Keeping her watched 2.

November was the first to recover from the shock and keep her composure. Gingerly, she followed the woman from behind to brush past the boy whom she'd met earlier today, that tore the strap of her bag.

Reaching VP'S office, Ember, came to stand infront of a boy student before Dahlia stepped in..

The bottle greened eye lady, pinned the two girls in her front with a sharp gaze," Each and every moment, Dahlia, you keep ending up in my lists" she said,

" Miss June, she pushed me!"Dahlia stated like it wasn't her that'd started the little chaos.

"Nice try, child, but don't think that I'm of your little self to fool." with June's words being spoken, the features of her face seem to have turned hard.." But-"Dahlia paused when the woman had snapped to glare harder at her, the girl's lips, pursing.

Her voice then, took on a sterner tone—the one that she employed to ensure that the students fulfilled their duties,"Double detention."

Dahlia's lips fell, while the woman continued," One for causing chaos and the other for lying."

Then, she waved her hand as if to shoo her, saying," You can go now."

Hesitantly, the taller girl-student, took slow strides to the door and out of the office, meanwhile, leaving Ember under the watchful gaze of the stern woman and...not to forget, the boy who looked like he was a senior too.

" Sit." came the woman's clipped tone where at her command, Ember felt like she was compelled that instant to pull the chair opposite and sit.

The girl's hands, pressed the top surface of her bag he that'd come to stay put on her laps, whilst waiting to hear June speak...

" We'd taken your case into consideration and it was stated that you're to stay here until your final years."

Phew... Ember haved in her head, happily..

She told her," Our students also do get retransfered when their times of attending detention has reached its peak, as it determines their level of seriousness here. Therefore, I'd have to keep an eye on you," Then, her voice turned hallow with slight bitterness in it, saying" Not with, your entrance score, as it shows how poorly your academic performance is."The girl bit her inner cheek till it hurt, as she didn't fail to notice how much this woman disliked her. This alone, caused her heart to feel heavy.

 Let alone, the woman gave her a pointed look, and told her,"And that's the main reason why I recommended, Percy to help you perform better, lest you also, want to repeat this year next year."

Great. Ember thought, just great!

" Percy, here, is a senior with decent grades, would be graduating this year as he's in his final year h

ere. Has a smooth record - " then, she drawled to suspense to glance at the boy," and I hope that in the meantime, you'd be able to pick up."

Intently, Ember hated the fact that this woman was looking at her from another direction just because she surprisingly got low grades to gain access into this place. It wasn't her fault!!! 

Although she didn't always appear to be one of the top ranked students in her formal school, she still had good grades that were average....

Soon, Ember stepped out of the room and when she did, a sigh of both relief and exhaustion left her lips. Relief, because she was not going to get transferred elsewhere other than here then, exhaustion, because of the way miss June had interrogated her..

" So, let me guess,Grant,"the boy, Percy, fell next in line with her causing her to set her eyes properly on him.

 He had this 90's grunge hair style, black and came to a stop around his shoulders but hung a little above them, which a piece of his side that was facing Ember tucked behind his ear,high cheekbones, sharp noise, and a pair of dark brown predator eyes, etc, etc..

Whilst at that time, Ember slacked her shoulders from slight bluntness. She was already exhausted that she needed not to speak but to get back to her dorm and sleep for the remaining few minutes left before the break period ends.

"A little, frustrating?" A small smile formed on his lips and he continued," But trust me, I've been there before, and I know how it feels."

"But I don't understand! "Ember said, voicing out her worries to the boy," the questions set, were completely out of last year and this year's schedule!"

Percy pursed his lip before he then said," Probably because they thought that the students must have read a whole different collection of textbooks and notes along with it's different learning schedule." He told her," That's why it's necessary to read ahead of your teachers and beyond,when it comes to matters like this...It was until my sophomore year here that I realized that this was how this place ran its academic system."

With the following details given,it dawned on the girl that this place did take its education so seriously and so, her lips curved," I'll keep that on mind,"remarked Ember.

" Look at you,"taunted the taller boy who walked along side with her, whose brown eyes then, looked at her own that were red."hoping to smash this year's record."a dull small smile arched on his lips for the briefest moment before they disappeared like it hadn't been there just a second ago.

A cold gust of wind wheezed past them and when Percy had brought his hand to brush the long manly locks of his hair, he heard the junior girl say,"Well, what can I say? With you to tutor me, I am hoping that I'll step up."she even, shrugged her shoulders at her own words...

Then, she hugged herself due to the coldness of the breeze that swept through which now caused goosebumps to appear on her skin that was bare, and her blood to turn warmer. 

She then, look up at the sky that now had dark and grey sheets of clouds to cover it. " Redwoods has a habit of raining almost every day."Percy told her which upon,she agreed to, recalling her first day here, with her, drenched from the cold rain..

Now, with more goosebumps to form on her skin that became even warmer, Ember, had missed to notice the way that Percy, had stared at her...