
Heavenly Saga

In a world ruled by seishin practitioners, a genius was born. Is it his fortune? Or will it become his misfortune? The most powerful person will rule over the world. "Survival of the fittest", that's the only rule followed ever since the world began. Those who are weak can only beg for their lives. Heaven is only for those who can trample anyone in their way. This is Heavenly Saga, the journey to the pinnacle of the world.

Ichiryuu · Kỳ huyễn
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306 Chs

Chapter 38: First Station

The Advanced academies' assessment that was held at the Warrior King plaza continued.

Several minutes after Kraftvoll and Princess Kyomi came, Belle arrived at the assessment site accompanied by her grandfather.

When the other two kids noticed her arrival, they greeted her by waving at her with a smile on their faces. In response to this, she waved back and smiled back at them.

Like everyone else, she went to the end of the line to wait for her turn for the assessment. Kraftvoll and others patiently waited for their turn for the assessment until it's finally their turn.

Time passed very quickly and it's finally Princess Kyomi's turn to the first station.

As soon as she heard the assessor said, "Next!" she stepped up to have her seishin cultivation assessed by the assessor.

After a few seconds, the assessor was able to identify her seishin cultivation by just evaluating her inner seishin essence inside of her.

He said, "High Seishin Warrior. Impressive! You passed the first station with flying colors, Your Highness. You can go to the next station."

"As expected of a member of the royal family of our kingdom." People who were at the assessment site gossiped among themselves.

After hearing what the people said, Princess Kyomi frowned a little because people did not recognize her because of her own talent instead they concluded that it was just because of her royalty lineage.

Despite her dissatisfaction, she decided to just ignore all of it and move on to the next station. She winked at her two pals before finally going to the next station.

Since Princess Kyomi finished her assessment, this can only mean that it was finally Kraftvoll's turn for the first station. Everyone in the assessment site focused their gaze on the child that came with the children.

Everyone that lives in Stolz City knew the faces of the members of Stolz Royal Family but this time, they couldn't recognize who came with the princess. This made everyone believe that boy who came together with the princess was the king's only student.

As soon as Kraftvoll reached the assessor, the assessor started doing his job. The assessor's eyes suddenly widened.

"Middle Seishin Captain Rank!?" the assessor said to Kraftvoll while looking at him with great astonishment. Everyone looked at him with awe in their eyes.

'Is he truly nine-year-old? Even the most geniuses recorded in the kingdom's history were only Entry Seishin Captain when they registered in the previous assessments. Well, if he is faking his age, then we will know at the next stage.' the first station assessor thought to himself.

"You passed. You can go to the next station. Next!"

After hearing this, Kraftvoll finally went on his way to the next station of the test.

"Another genius appeared! He is the one that came with the princess, right?" People that came to observe the assessment whispered among themselves.

After some children finished their assessment at the first station, it was finally Belle's turn to have her seishin cultivation assessment.

Belle came near the assessor to get her assessment. A moment later, the assessor said the result to her and everyone present in the assessment site.

"High Seishin Warrior! You passed with flying colors. You may go to the next station."

This remark didn't make Belle happy at all. This was because she saw the assessor being shocked by seeing Kraftvoll's cultivation. She felt that the gap between the two of them was growing more than ever.

"A genius just appeared again! But this noble lady can't be compared to that boy that came with the princess." the people at the crowd were talking among themselves.

When Belle heard those remarks, her feelings suddenly turned worse than it was a moment ago but she suppressed it so that she will not show any weakness to anyone.

She finally went on her to the next station of the assessment.