
Heavenly Fate

My life, my destiny or better still my fate was already written and decided. I never felt happy knowing that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted but the way it was fated to be. I felt like a puppet, being controlled by someone great. My only purpose of existence was to serve as a guard to someone who was extremely powerful and doesn't even need me. Hahaha, I feel like a joke. My entire life is.... Alora Smith is an African American woman who thought life was going great until she met the tall, dark and deadly stranger who took her out of her protective city into a world of impending danger. Overnight, she was dragged into a world of hell, where heavenly beings were at war, she thought she was just another human caught up in an imaginary world, but could she be wrong? Would Alora let the three Moriai( the sisters of fate) defeated her or would she defeat them and change her destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Vague Memories

Following her hurried steps I tried to catch up but then I lost sight of her. I looked around dumbfounded I had lots of questions to ask, but now she's gone.

Thankfully she brought me to the tree where I hit my back against when rolling down the hill, but this was not where it all started. It started from the forest with the giant in it. But I'll rather stay here where it seems safe than go back to the forest and have my eyes closed and vulnerable to the giant's fist. She'll smash me into paste.

I looked up at the sky, it was near dusk with the sky growing dark in the distance, I had no time to waste.

Summoning up my courage and bracing my mind against what I don't know I closed my eyes and imagined myself in my flat on my bed drinking a soothing glass of red wine.

I opened them back and nothing! No change!

I tried again imagining myself standing outside my grandmother's mansion where I was initially meant to be, still nothing. I groaned and looked at the sky again. I don't have time for this!

Deciding to try out my logic, I imagined myself back in the forest where it all started. I felt the change of environment and slowly forced my eyes open and surprisingly I was back to the forest. I jumped and screamed out loud "Yes! I did it"

That was an improvement. I stood there amazed "So I'm really a time traveler? Wow! "

Not understanding why I felt excited I was glad I wasn't ordinary. Where was this weird feeling coming from? I forced that to the back of my mind and concentrated.

"So now all I just need to do is imagine I was back home." Taking a deep breath "I can definitely do it!"

I closed my eyes again and repeated my previous actions.

The wind suddenly picked up and excitement bubbled in me. This was prove that it was working.

The wind began to get heavier and stronger and it stung my eyes and scratch my skin. It felt like I was in the middle of a sand storm.

' This isn't right, there's something going on'.

Not wanting to dwell on the thought much longer I kept imagining my bed over and over again.

"Grab my hand! " Someone yelled

Not waiting to be told twice I stretched forth my hand and the soft hand with a strong grip grabbed my hand and began to pull me out of the sand storm.

I was about to question her reasoning when I felt the wind die down. I quickly opened my eyes to see who saved me and I saw a splitting image of me smiling, I gasped confused.

"No time to waste Alora" She said and gave me a heavy slap, I was about to yell what was that for when I started hearing loud chatter of people talking and the sound of civilization which I thought I would never hear.

Praying to God that it worked because I didn't have much time left, I found myself in front of the spot where I met the fortune teller and I was overjoyed I almost died from it.

"I'm back!" I yelled with fist in the air, people looked at me crazy and I didn't pay attention to them.

"This was easier than that adult kid predicted, but I'm glad it wasn't difficult " I whispered. Looking at my self from head to toe I was dirty and tattered. Thankfully the dust already covered the blood on me. Judging from the looks people where giving me I'll soon be admitted to a psychiatric ward but that would be better off than prison.

For some reason I felt I was missing a memory from seconds ago, I shrugged.

I gathered myself together, and decided not to take the same way I took before so as not to walk into the portal again. I didn't even care if it was open or not. I would rather take a taxi home than take any corners.

Pushing myself through the busy crowded area in LA I wondered how long I was gone because in movies if one time traveled time is always different from reality. Deep in thoughts I failed to notice the familiar figure in baseball hat who seems to be everywhere I go.

He walked pass me and flicked my forehead. I stopped to look at who did that but I possibly couldn't know and no one was out of place or acting suspicious. I turned back around and a vague memory stirred in me. I shook my head and something hit me hard. Random flashes of things I couldn't understand went by in my head in seconds and it hurt so bad. I felt each emotion from each memory and I was like a crazy woman. I bent down and held my head in my hands crying out for help, crying, laughing, excited, angry , sad, distressed, worried and worst of it scared at the same time.

The feeling of fear was more powerful than the rest and it felt like something was draining out my life forces and sucking at my head. It was too much to bear and I finally felt myself cracking from all the weird things I went through from the time I met that fortune teller till now and I broke down in tears. The pain became unbearable I almost pulled my head off in an attempt to make it stop. Someone hit me at the back of the neck and made me unconscious.