
Heavenly Fate

My life, my destiny or better still my fate was already written and decided. I never felt happy knowing that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted but the way it was fated to be. I felt like a puppet, being controlled by someone great. My only purpose of existence was to serve as a guard to someone who was extremely powerful and doesn't even need me. Hahaha, I feel like a joke. My entire life is.... Alora Smith is an African American woman who thought life was going great until she met the tall, dark and deadly stranger who took her out of her protective city into a world of impending danger. Overnight, she was dragged into a world of hell, where heavenly beings were at war, she thought she was just another human caught up in an imaginary world, but could she be wrong? Would Alora let the three Moriai( the sisters of fate) defeated her or would she defeat them and change her destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Back to reality

People harshly whispered around me and I groaned trying not to pay attention to what they were saying but I couldn't, I then tried focusing to hear what they were saying but they were speaking in a strange language.

I opened my eyes and groaned "Where am I?"

"Where else would you be you Harridan! "

" Did you just curse me? Besides that word is more befitting for you since you the old one here " I sliently said

" It obvious she's fine already " She turned and angrily said to someone standing beside her.

My head was aching badly

" Why does my head feel like it was hit by Adonis? And why does my body feel like it was hit by a bus? " I asked my grandmother

" Adonis did hit you "

" But why?! "

" Because you were on the street acting like a lunatic in broad daylight, what is wrong with you? Where are you getting all this rebellious behavior from? "

" Acting crazy is not a rebellious act grandmother, I have my image to protect too" I replied sulkily. I rubbed my forehead massaging it " I don't remember anything, I don't remember doing all what you claimed "

My grandmother rolled her eyes " Of course you wouldn't remember a thing you rebellious child. I have nothing to say to you anymore for some reasons the only man that decided to marry you was involved in an accident and presently in a mental ward. He looks a mess something must have scare the living out of him. Poor boy. Adonis is here I have some important things to attend to. "

That been said she didn't give me a second look and walked out.

Jeremiah went nuts? I chuckled that's surprising, I didn't give a care.

I noticed someone was intently staring at me. I turned and looked at him " What? "

" You feel off " He said

I rolled my eyes " You always say weird things Adonis, you creep me out too. "

He gave a slight frown as if not understanding me then his expression changed in seconds to an apologetic one " I didn't mean to scare the Miss, I'm sorry "

" What are you apologizing for? " I angrily asked because he made me feel guilty for indirectly calling him a weirdo and a creep.

Minutes later he was still standing in the same spot with his head slightly bowed

" Do you still have anything to say? "

" Not exactly, but Mrs Smith instructed, commanded me to watch over you like a hawk and not let you out of my sight even if you have to go the bathroom? "

I looked at him dumbfounded " So you gonna watch me while I do what girls do in the bathroom? "

He turned red and nervous in seconds " Nnnn.. no I just repeated what I was told. "

" See why I said you creep me out? " I asked and he diligently apologized and I shook my head.

" Can I ask a question? " He asked

" Are you trying to initiate conversation? "

" No, I sincerely do have a question? "

" Go ahead, ask away "

He was quiet for a few seconds before saying " I didn't mention this to Mrs Smith because I didn't want her to worry and think about unnecessary things but you disappeared for a while "

" What do you mean I disappeared for awhile? " I asked confused

He frowned and answered " I was initially following you when you left the office and when you were with the fortune teller but then you took a corner which lead to a dead end and you were nowhere in sight "

I stared at him for seconds and angrily muttered " What do you mean disappeared? And what fortune teller. I only remember walking down the street and having this weird feeling like I was going crazy before you knocked me out cold in public! "

" But that's not how it seems, you...."

" Enough now, I have had enough with your weird talks please leave I wanna sleep.

You can stay outside the door if you like, besides I'm in no position to start acting rebellious "

I turned my back to him facing the wall.

He stood there staring at me before nodding his head and silently exiting the door.

I frowned, deep down I knew something was amiss like I was repeatedly losing my memory, but the thought that I was sick or mentally unstable made me afraid and I denied. I sighed, can't I have a normal life?

Within seconds I was already drifting off to sleep and a figure suddenly materialized in my room. He slowly moved close to my bed and silently whispered "Stupid" He stared at me for a long time before giving a evil smirk.

I jolted awake, why did my dream feel so real. I looked around just to be sure no one was in here.

Adonis is at the door and no one can enter here without having to go through the door first. I reassured myself and went back to sleep choosing to live in ignorance, but for how long?