
Heavenly Fate

My life, my destiny or better still my fate was already written and decided. I never felt happy knowing that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted but the way it was fated to be. I felt like a puppet, being controlled by someone great. My only purpose of existence was to serve as a guard to someone who was extremely powerful and doesn't even need me. Hahaha, I feel like a joke. My entire life is.... Alora Smith is an African American woman who thought life was going great until she met the tall, dark and deadly stranger who took her out of her protective city into a world of impending danger. Overnight, she was dragged into a world of hell, where heavenly beings were at war, she thought she was just another human caught up in an imaginary world, but could she be wrong? Would Alora let the three Moriai( the sisters of fate) defeated her or would she defeat them and change her destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Marriage Proposal

Monday morning was the same as usual, the same constant routine which has been going on for about a month now, which I was already getting tired of. I miss having to relax in my office and enjoying my success without too much to do.

I work for a non profit organization named JO's Corp. I am a biochemist working in medicine and I was sometimes referred to as a molecular biologist.

I determine the effects of chemicals on medical problems such as cancer, aging or obesity, but right now I was working on something that I don't like and isn't my specialty.

I yawned loudly as I removed my protective goggles and dumped the gloves into the trash.

I had a really rough weekend.

"Time for a break" Samantha shouted clapping her hands in her usual annoying way, causing my already throbbing head to protest.

Everyone cheered and immediately the lab was already empty.

"Lora, aren't you coming? " The redhead asked, bring her annoying face filled with freckles close to my face.

She did a funny expression and I groaned pushing her face out of my view.

"You don't look so good, want me to give you a massage?" Samantha asked smiling sweetly.

I rolled my eyes and sighed "What do you want in return?"

"Buy me lunch " She said without wasting time.

" If people don't know you they'll think you're one poor starving woman,why do you sound so desperate?"

She shrugged

" No reason at all"

I patiently studied her face for any reaction to give her out, knowing Samantha there's a benefit to every action of her's.

"Fine, let's go to your office, we can't do it here. "

"Why my office?" Samantha asked suspiciously. "Is there anyone you trying to avoid? "

"No, your office has a more relaxing view, hurry up now, before I change my mind about buying you lunch. " 

As usual it worked as the redhead ran in front to open her door.

Ten minutes later

"So, tell me. How was your weekend?  " Sam asked after telling me tales of how her weekend went.

I bent my head to look at Samantha who was giving me a blinding smile.

Samantha would fall under the categories of girls with a sharp attractive features while I would fall under the least attractive ones.

Samantha's rare green eyes made her more beautiful, but for me, my dark brown eyes wasn't so stunning.

Although people claimed that my cinnamon brown complexion, oval face with high cheekbones and a beautiful smile was divine, I still wouldn't agree because I have my insecurities.

Samantha once teased me that I had looks like that of a Greek goddess, but only lacked the fierce look and weapons.

Sure, I wouldn't let that get to my head, I knew I was attractive in my own ways and I try hard to avoid attention.

Although being a member of a globally known company, reporters were always lurking around which made it hard to avoid being noticed, but no one knew I was among the shareholders if not my life won't be as ordinary as it was.

"If I told you how my weekend went, you wouldn't believe it. " I said as I gazed out of her window, she sure has a stunning view in her office, but it's like my friend is too blind to notice it.

Samantha gave me another dazzling smile and said "Try me. "

Taking a deep breath, I told her everything that happened down to the unnecessary details.

After my story, Samantha burst out laughing.

I wasn't surprised, Samantha laughs at even things that aren't funny, she always makes fun of every situation and I love her, she's my best friend for a reason, we vibe together love and detest the very same things and our energy matches.

"Jeez Lora, you have started with your made up stories again. Did you dream about it or you got the story from a movie?"

And she's also the only one that calls me Lora, she claims the A in my name is strenuous and she's too lazy for that.

" I swear on my grumpy grandma's life that I Alora Smith is telling the truth and when have I ever lied to you? " I asked blinking innocently.

"Oh, you wanna play that game again today. OK lemme start by bringing back the memories of what happened the previous week.

Remember when Mr Edward asked you out on a date and you turned him down but came to me and told me sweet things you made up to make me agree to do your work because you claimed to be going on a date that day?

Also, when you hungrily ate Susan's lunch and you blamed it on the innocent rat that she was about to experiment on?

What about.. "

"That's enough now! " I yelled

"Fine, I admit I lie sometimes, most of the time." I hurriedly added when I saw Samantha's expression.

"So, now you understand how difficult it is for me to believe you. " Sam said

"Besides, who befriends someone who admits to the fact that he tried to kill you? Lora, if your story is true, that guy is dangerous. OK? Dangerous. Stay clear from people like that, they will only use and hurt you in the end. "

I was amazed at how serious my friend was that I was taken aback.

Samantha was always fooling around, that's why we became friends, we are alike in so many things.

"That's means you believe me" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"Besides it's not like am going to marry him or something, this is reality not some historical novel where the once upon a time villain became a hero because of a certain heroine. "

Samantha raised her eyebrow giving me that I don't understand how the situation came to be about a romantic novel look.

"Okay, enough of the story telling , I'm starved and we have less than an hour. Let's go to McDonald's and order something good. " Samantha said enthusiastically.

"Who said we were going to McDonald's,  let's just take a bite at that coffee shop across the street. "

"Lora, my work deserves more than that. "  She protested.

"I know you don't care about the burger but you're after something else, if you don't agree, we can stay here instead."

"No no, let's go. I don't like that you like to manipulate me, I don't like you at all. " Samantha said sulking like a child.

About to leave her office, Samantha's office phone rang and I gave an evil smirk knowing that she's about to get occupied and I don't have to buy her lunch.

She noticed my smile and gestured to me telling me that I owe her lunch, I just pretended not to see anything and hurriedly left.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I groaned.

I picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID thinking it was Jane about to assign a task to me and yelled.

"I'm on break!"

"That's why I'm calling you right now" The gentle voice boringly replied.

Oh shoot!

" Heyyyy, gramps. I'm busy now why don't I call you later?"

"No you are not, I just called your secretary and she said your schedule is free for the day"

Why does that stupid secretary of mine have to run her mouth every time?

"Fine,you caught me. What do you want?" I aggressively asked.

"That's not the way to talk to an elder you brat! Come over to the mansion now Jeremiah is here and he agreed to marrying you"

"What! He must be drunk, I thought you have given up this stupid matchmaking?" I angrily yelled into the phone

"You should be glad a fine young man like that agreed to marry you, no one will be willing to marry a culture less young lady"

" Cut it out old woman this is not the victorian era....."

" I don't care!" She cut me off

" Hurry back now" And the phone went dead.

I angrily glared at my phone, why was she so controlling?