
Heavenly Fate

My life, my destiny or better still my fate was already written and decided. I never felt happy knowing that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted but the way it was fated to be. I felt like a puppet, being controlled by someone great. My only purpose of existence was to serve as a guard to someone who was extremely powerful and doesn't even need me. Hahaha, I feel like a joke. My entire life is.... Alora Smith is an African American woman who thought life was going great until she met the tall, dark and deadly stranger who took her out of her protective city into a world of impending danger. Overnight, she was dragged into a world of hell, where heavenly beings were at war, she thought she was just another human caught up in an imaginary world, but could she be wrong? Would Alora let the three Moriai( the sisters of fate) defeated her or would she defeat them and change her destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 4: Stranger II

I didn't know how long I was unconscious, but when I woke, I felt really good. I adjusted myself trying to get comfortable, but some loud noise won't let me. I sighed and lazily opened my eyes.

Staring at nothing in particular, my eyes moved around the room until a dark figure leaning against the wall staring outside and cursing repeatedly came into my view.

Who was that?

I didn't get drunk and let a random stranger in my room, did I?

My eyes widened as realization dawned on me, it was the guy who tried to kill me.

I sat up, grabbed the lamb beside my bed ready to bash his head with it when I noticed a wet towel on my head and a warm blanket draped over me. It was arranged properly, but I could still tell that the person who did it was super angry.

He still didn't notice me, he must be mad at something because he kept mumbling harsh words.

I was super confused, why would he try to kill me and then help me treat my cold.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, my head hurt so bad I decided not to think of it anymore but ask him instead.

"You can stay here till they leave " I heard myself saying.

Stay here what!

I was meant to be screaming help, instead I was offering him a place in my bedroom.

Well, I'm just exaggerating, but no sane woman would tell a stranger who might be dangerous to stay in her room till when the cops leave.

All sane women would use this DIVINE opportunity to save themselves, but for some strange reason I felt comfortable and at ease.

Did he perhaps feed me something! That, can only be logical explanation for my odd behavior.

He turned and gave me a cold glare like he could read my mind.

I sighed, slid off my bed as sluggishly as ever.

Seems to me like I would have a tough time talking to this guy, he wasn't approachable at all.

I couldn't see his face properly due to the fact that the room was still dark and he was wearing a baseball cap.

"Thank you for helping me, despite the fact that you also tried to kill me!" I yelled.

"What were you thinking, coming into my room, trying to strangle me to death and then helping me, I don't understand your motives, but lemme warn you I don't have any money to offer you, none! "

He just remained quite as he moved away from the window and leaned on my working desk.

As expected, the silent treatment which was going to drive me nuts any moment from now.

"You can just sit instead, the desk isn't that strong. "

No reply.

I sighed "Why did you want me dead, why did you change your mind and help me instead?"

He just continued to stare at me like he didn't understand what I was saying.

I sighed again and looked at my desk searching for my chocolate bars ,I needed it to help me calm down turning back I noticed the bowl beside my bed.

I narrowed my eyes at him thinking he ate all the chocolate. I slowly started moving towards him like he was a prey, I tried to be intimidating.

But I guess it wouldn't work on him.

I'm tall, taller than most men and have a good shape for a woman, all lean and curvy. The thing people don't understand is that you can be skinny and curvy. Chloe Ferry is one celeb with such figure I say to people all the time. I could have looked like a Greek goddess but I feel something is missing not that I'm sad about being naturally endowed, but sometimes I wish I wasn't.

My eyes roamed about still looking for my chocolate. I gasped and threw him an hateful look when I saw my chocolates inside the waste bin.

"And why are my chocolate bars in here?"


"Why won't you say anything? " I asked  agitatively, running my hand through my messy hair thinking.

Maybe he doesn't understand English. Looking at him closely he doesn't look American, I still can't really see his face but believe me I could tell from his prominent jawline like that of Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill that he doesn't speak English, but Henry is British stupid !

"Do you understand English? " I asked.

"Well  unfortunately, I can't speak any other language. " I lied.

Not to brag, I'm skilled in Six languages.

I still got the silent reply.

Maybe he's deaf.

Yes! That could be the only reason, I sneezed hard before coming in here and he didn't hear anything, that was loud enough to alert him that someone was coming.

A wicked grin broke and I gestured to him in sign language.

And he snapped.

"Are you trying to provoke me girl?"

"Aaha! " I shrieked.

"So you can talk." I said grinning like a mad woman, I finally broke him.

"And who the hell are you calling a girl? "

I glared at him throwing daggers with my eyes.

He ignored me like usual and went to the window and furrowed his eyebrows when he saw more cops on the street.

What the hell is going on, and why has the light not come back on so the cops would leave and he can escape this pest.

That must be the thought running in his head, I shook my head as my naughty side kicked in.

He glanced at me warily, I must be driving him nuts.

I sighed again, bent and picked up a chocolate, opened it and started munching on it as loud as I could.

I noticed him clench his fist, uh maybe being naughty was not a good idea.

But heck, I was already getting bored.

I sighed again, dramatically this time.

"Would you stop making noise and shut up, or I would shut you up myself." He said in a low life threatening voice.

I raised my hand in surrender and slowly moved away from him.

Two hours later, and the silence was killing me. I have never been this quite in my entire life and I hated it.

"Can I please just ask a question? " I asked like a polite child.


I sighed and he gave me a cold glare and I swallowed.

After a little while, he answered me.

"I didn't try to kill you, I was only trying to make you unconscious, but I couldn't bring myself to stop, it was like I wasn't in control of myself. "

Did he take me for a fool, how am I supposed to believe that.

I looked down at my hands, a gesture of humbleness and asked the question I was dying to.

"I couldn't....wasn't able to defend myself, it was like my body wasn't aware of the danger, which is scientifically impossible.

Did you do something to me? "


Well that was a really honest answer!

"What did you do? "

"You're asking to many questions." He complained.

"Sorry! I promise, this is the last question. "

He copied me and sighed dramatically "It's called Lockdernaline. "

Lockdernaline my ass I scoffed "Do you think I'm an idiot, that shit only exist in movies. "

"Then can you explain what happened to you? " He asked.

I fell silent, thinking.

"No, I can't. You tricked my body into thinking everything was okay. How did you lay your hands on it, are you some kind of secret agent, do you want to kidnap me and use me to create some deadly bio weapons? "

"Quiet! " He snapped.

I just raised my brows and continue eating the chocolates on my bed. Why was he so mean?


He stood and moved towards the window examining the activity going on.

"You know, there's a back door you can actually use. " I said like it's a thing everyone should know.

He turned and walked towards me slowly, his steps calculated and this made me nervous.

He clenched and unclenched his fist repeatedly, an indication that he was really mad.

"You knew this all along and you're telling me now? "

I swallowed hard, real hard.

"I forgot "

In my defense, I truthfully did forget.

"Trust me I would do anything to get rid of you, besides you broke in.You should be aware that's there's a back door, didn't you do your research before coming here and why are you even here in the first place, how did I forget to ask such important question for the past two hours? "

He abruptly stopped walking and said "Show Me"

"Show you what? " I angrily asked.

"The door " He replied calmly too calmly and I quickly nodded.

"Sure, follow me. "

I hurriedly led him downstairs

"She must have gone to bed now, no need to worry." I quietly whispered when I noticed him glancing around.

"Like I would worry about an old woman" He muttered.

I opened the door as quietly as I could, just in case my grandma came downstairs and tease me about hiding a man in my bedroom.

But wait! I never said the she was an old woman.

"How... " I turned to say, but he was already gone. I looked down the street and saw nothing, it was like he disappeared.

"Ungrateful pest! "