
The Icy Ghost Flower(Part-1)

Ryuu let out a yawn as he watched Frozen Ocean approach him making him look up towards her.

"I heard you were spying on the other camp."

Ryuu nodded as he spoke, "Yes I am when I killed and captured those cultivators I made sure to tag their allies with arrays that helped me to eavesdrop on them."

"So did you learn anything new?"

Ryuu nodded as he began to speak, "Yup learned plenty.", as Frozen Ocean paid undivided attention towards him Ryuu continued, "Well it seems that their leader Jethrar and Ithrura were absent when we decided to mess with them, they had left their command in another person's hands, her name is Unanresh."

"She was the one who was duped by my plan and led them to this frozen wasteland, and now she paid the price for it."

Frozen Ocean tilted her head as she spoke in a confused tone, "So she was killed?"