
Heather's...wait what-?

Murder of popular kids and false suicides....a sexy bad guy and strong female lead who shoots middle fingers off, that all happens in the cult classic film "Heather's" Vanessa is a massive fan of it, and has posters scattered across her walls. Everything changes, when she finds herself in the story! Will she follow the story of the female lead, Veronica Sawyer? Or will she triumph over the main antaginist? Or will she maybe go with his evil plan of bombing the school as a last "fuck you" to society?

Midnight_Raven123 · Phim ảnh
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21 Chs

Chapter 11

Vannessa was walking down the hall when she noticed heather chandlers locker, police tape keeping it shut.

She reached into her bag and took out her student ID.

She used the ID to peal off the tape evenly.

She looked in at the red color coded locker. At the leavings of a short life.

Scrunchies, color coded bracelets and earrings.

And a sticker that read

"I shop, therefore I am."

Smirking slightly, vannessa looked at the strip of a photo booth picture.

Veronica and Heather were making funny faces and laughing at he camera.

vannessa stroked the happy blonde girl in red in the photo. Of all of the heathers... only Veronica I was pictures with heather.

Suddenly were covered by something and the redness of heather chandlers locker was obscured from view.

"Guess who."


Vannessa turned around to find heather Duke in her usual green blazer, but something held her hair back.

She turned a smiling heather around and saw it was a red scrunchie, a massive one at that.

She smiled to herself. JDs 'suprise' plan must be going smoothly.

She pretended to look disgusted at Heather's audacity and hurried away.

Behind her she could hear heather pause for a second. At one point, heather Duke would have asked Veronica what was wrong, but now she saw only Heather's red dangly ear rings... She ripped them all off of their neatly placed magnetic hooks and quickly shoved them into her bag before claiming some more of Heather's personal belongings to herself.



The bang of the croquet mallet against the plastic ball echoed throughout the empty croquet lawn.

Vannessa felt a sense of deja Vu as she played with Veronica's old best friend Betty finn, who played as orange.

Betty smiled at her ball.

"I don't believe it I'm winning!"

Vannessa laughed and moved her ball to take her shot.

"Don't you get cocky on me girl."

Betty looked at her old friend happily.

"I've missed you, Veronica." She looked down at her feet.

"I know I'm not as exciting as your other friends..."

Vannessa scowled at her in a friendly way.

"That's bullshit. Shoot."

"Do you know ow I'm still a virgin? She pushed her glasses further up on her face and blushed.

"Okay, I totally French kisses al Springer once."

She looked up at the sky in a painful laugh.

"It was a total disaster!"

Vannessa smiled at her new friend and adjusted her mallet.

"Shoot the ball.... You know Betty your day dreams are alot better than my reality."

Betty but her ball.

Vannessa laughed and said in a mock evil tone.

"But for now... Prepare to die."

She shoots and her ball hits against Betty's ball.

She moves her ball away and prepares to take her two bonus shots.

Betty looked uncomfortable

"You're not going for those two shots are you? Go ahead. Knock me out. It's the only way to win."

Vannessa looked away.

"That's not my style."

Betty looked down To the ground. And said in a depressed tone.

"Nice guys finish last.... I should know."

Vannessa sighed and moved her ball to Betty's before hitting it to the flower bed.

"Bravo... Bravo."

Came heather Duke's voice from the garden entry.

She was clapping slowly and Heather McNamara came from behind her.

Betty looked embarrassed. A

She handed Veronica her mallet.

"I should be going Veronica... See you later.. this was fun."

Vannessa smiled warmly. "Bye Betty."

Heather Duke nudged Betty with her shoulder.

"Leaving so soon?" She said in a bitchy tone as Betty passed her.

She then turned to vannessa and said, complete change of tone, to confident and bossy.

"Im red."