
Heart Of Obsidian (No more)

After losing his loved ones, Derek is officially on his own. While his life spirals down hill, he starts to lose control of himself. One day he goes to a bar and drinks himself away. once last call is called he leaves the bar and as he walk down the street, he makes a wrong turn. As he's approached by a gang of people he realizes his life is in danger and next thing he knows, he's been stabbed. He awakens in a all white plain and given an option to either he can pass on peacefully or be reincarnated in the lands of the gods.

Kyrell · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

I Cant Do This

After the brief interaction with Hades, two guards come into the room bowing before speaking. "We're here for the prisoner My Lord." then Hades stands up and shoos me away. "Go on, you may leave my presence." He looks into my eyes and with a grin "I look forward to proving that you shouldn't be wielding that, let alone be in this realm." He turned his back to me as the two guards drag me away. We walk down a long hallway, both guards never making eye contact and not saying a word to me. I look around my surroundings and notice the hallway we are in is not the same one from before. "Did the hallway change from earlier?" I ask but not a word was said to me. "Hey! I'm trying to ask you something!" My voice got louder but to no avail as they still don't even look my direction.

We finally make it to a room and they open the door. The first time any of them speak "your room is here." I look inside and see a dimly lit room with a big bed in the center. I see flames from torches and a desk with ink and a pen. I look at the guards and they push me inside the room before closing it. 'This looks pretty comfortable to be a cell." I look behind me and try to open the door. I push and pull but the door wont budge an inch. I start to think to myself about the hallway. "That hallway was different but how? It's the same door I entered and exited from before." I take the sword off of my waist and place it in a corner, I make my way over to the bed. Just as I go to lay on the bed "That's because the rooms are always changing in this castle." I get startled and look around. I

My gaze meets with a woman standing by the door. She had long black hair with streaks of purple. She was tall and wore a long black dress only exposing her shoulders. Her features were beautiful rivaling that of Hera. She stands by the door with her arms crossed. "The castle moves randomly every hour to keep intruders at bay and eventually Cerberus will devour them or bring them to Hades." I stare at her standing by the door. I blink for a second and she disappears. "So, what does Hades want with you?" I hear her voice coming from behind me which makes me jump. I turn to her with eyes wide "How did you get behind me?" She lays on the bed stretching herself all over. "That wasn't my question." She looks at me and grins "you know, you are pretty cute for a mortal." I blush red and stutter over my words "tha... thank... thank you."

I turn my gaze from her looking at the desk now. "Before I go on any further I should introduce myself, my name is Eres." Before I can say a word "I don't really care who you are mortal so please spare me." She starts to stand up from the bed "so, what does my father want with you?" My eyes widen. "Your father?" I look at her "Your father is Hades?" She laughs as she nods her head. "If I'm not mistaken according to mythology your parents are Zeus and Hera, some even say its Nyx herself." She laughs even harder "Oh those are exactly what it sounds like, myths." she looks at me. "My father is actually Hades. He shared a bed with my mother Nyx once upon a time." She moves around the room dancing "She birth me in secret with only Zeus and Hera knowing the truth. In order to keep it a secret Zeus and Hera took responsibility for the birthing of me but that didn't last long. In the attempt to hide me from Persephone she already knew because of Hermes as he was disgusted by my fathers infidelity."

We make eye contact and she smiles at me. I look at her "you just met me so why are you telling me all this?" She leans in closer to me. "I don't know" she shrugs her shoulders and sits on the bed next to me. "So was Persephone mad when she found out about you?" She looks over to me "no, she actually didn't even mind. She raised me as her own but Nyx barely acknowledged me. Something about the secret could not be known at the time and if it was it could've cost Hades his throne with Persephone whatever whatever, I mean that didn't stop my father from paying attention to me." She stands and walks towards the door "Anyways, I'm going to get going but good luck tomorrow!" She opens the door and walks out as the door slams behind her.

A few hours pass as I lay in bed thinking about my interaction with Eris and what I am going to do tomorrow. I lay there trying to think of a way to escape or maybe get out of the fight. Suddenly I hear a faint knock on the door as it creaks open. A hand emerges from the other side with a bowl. I walk over to the door and grab the bowl. "Thank you." The hand pulls back and slams the door. Inside the bowl was grilled meat, fish and olives in olive oil. "I guess I should fill up before this fight." The food inside looked good and tasted delicious. I set the bowl down on the table and sit down on the chair next to the table. I look over and grab the pen and ink." I start to write

"I sit here writing this letter just incase anyone wants to take the time to read this. I am scared, I and alone and I don't want to be here. I don't even know why I'm here in the first place. It's been a constant struggle trying to find my way here and I still don't know my purpose. This was supposed to be an easy journey to Nemea to meet Hercules but it became a full on adventure I wasn't ready for. I don't remember anything on why I'm here but I feel like there is a reason. I feel an emptiness inside me but I don't know how to fill it. I guess I don't want to be here. I don't think I can do this. I cant, I cant do this."

I set the pen down looking at the letter I wrote. I stand up and make my way to the bed. I jump on the bed throwing my face into a pillow. Tears start to form as I wipe my face on the pillow. My body feels frozen and I continue to overthink everything. I stare at the sword I placed in the corner and wonder if this sword should really stay with me. I turn over and lay on my back and close my eyes. Maybe I'll die tomorrow and I wont have to do this anymore. I fall into slumber shortly after that thought passes through my mind.

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