
He loved me for I was an evil nine tailed fox demon

The title already says all about the story How about giving it a chance? Chapters will be released soon

Sky_Li · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

He's my brother

And that's the story of her life, she lost her parents during the war of the Shang dynasty as the three realms got into a fierce battle all because of the nine tailed fox demon endangering the mortal people, the heavens took pity on the mere mortals by sending out their armies to take care of the three realms.

Nian Zhen was still a baby who stayed in a cradle when the war began, her parents had her locked up in a hidden closet to keep her safe from the demons who attacked, she could hear their screams of agony it made her cry as well.

The demon's killed her parents without mercy, that's all she could remember about her childhood neither did she want to remember more about that terrible disaster, her uncle was part of the people who fought the demon's.

He rescued her from the closet and took her in, she's been living with him ever since, he gave her shelter and kept her safe, but as she grew up, she found she had strange abilities which she didn't understand, abilities she couldn't control and when she felt those abilities, she finds herself causing trouble intentionally and unintentionally.

Her uncle Ahn noticed her behavior recently, he just thought to himself it could be she was gaining special abilities but what he couldn't understand was her stubborn attitude, most times she'd do the opposite of what he tells her to do and she'll always find an excuse to give.

She finally grew up turning to a beautiful damsel, she had the most pale and burnished skin making other ladies around envious of her, she had a small and attractive delicate face with big brown eyes and double eyelids, a dainty nose and small pink lips which were sexy and desirable, her hair was shadowy black, long and soft cascading down her back to her waist.

She was twine thin and had a graceful nature except she was too stubborn and had a sharp mouth.

Nian Zhen brought the stranger to her home, it's her fault he got hurt so it's her duty to take care of him till he wakes up, besides she couldn't leave him to freeze to death on such a harsh winter.

She took him in supporting the unconscious stranger with his arm around her shoulder, she laid him down on the bed and sighed.

"Gosh! he's so heavy." she said to herself while flexing her arm, Is this her punishment for hurting an innocent stranger, she brushed it off and secretly hoped he was alright, his heartbeat seemed normal to her. He shivered a bit and she noticed.

"He must be cold." she covered him up and lit up the room with candles.

She gazed at him properly now, only then did she realize the person she just brought to her home was actually really charming, her eyes widened.

"He's actually beautiful." she said in astonishment, she's never seen anyone look so handsome before.

She sat beside the bed and continued to gaze at him with infactuated eyes like she was staring at a perfectly sculptured master piece.

"Oh wow, was he sent from heaven?"

He looked really charming outshining the moon itself, his skin looked pale and flawless, it made her envious.

His eyes were closed as his long lashes rested on his cheeks,they made him look almost feminine, his lips were a total pink and super tempting, his long dark hair fell past his back and the breeze blew a few strands on his face making him look even more enchanting, she placed her hands on the bed resting her chin on both palms.

"Someone this good looking really exists?"

She was carried away by his charms, the sudden noise from outside made her gasp jolting her back to reality, could that be from the imperial court?!

She glanced at the unconscious stranger and immediately knew the reason for their coming. Oh no!, if they see him, it could be bad for her.

"What do I do now?"

"We know you're in there Nian Zhen, are you stepping out or she should we step in?!"

She knew who that voice belonged to, Eunuch Shin, she had only one choice now and that's to step out, if she does the opposite, it might do more harm than good.

She made her way through the living room, she's so glad her uncle went out for a pilgrimage and wasn't around to see this, she stepped out of the house, Eunuch Shin stood at the porch with a few soldiers behind him and the three goons as well.

Eunuch Shin kept his gaze on her, he cleared his throat and his face looked stern.

"We meet again."

Eunuch Shin has been hitting on her for a while now but she wants nothing to do with him which is one of the reasons he's always coming at her each time she does something wrong.

She folded her hands. "Why must it be you, you aren't the only chief Eunuch who must come to execute me."

He smirked. "You sure can talk even after committing a grave offense."

She scoffed. "You'd actually believe what those three idiots said to you?"

"Hey!" one of the goon's yelled but Nian Zhen ignored him knowing fully well they can't come near her with soldiers around.

"I have just one question for you, did you really kill someone?"

"I didn't." she smiled. "Now that your question has been answered, can I go now?"

"No." Eunuch Shin said almost with a frown, this girl is so hard to deal with and equally smart.

"You just said you had one question."

"I have more."

"Sheesh, try to be more specific next time." she looked away with a sneer while folding her arms.

The goon's were starting to get impatient with her, Nian Zhen couldn't help it, she wasn't the type to take nonsense from anyone.

In the warm room, Wang Shu's eyes slowly darted open, he let out a breath to ease the pressure he felt, he wasn't feeling the pain any longer but he was clearly weak, after getting himself a bit, he forced himself to sit upright still holding unto the blanket, his eyes tracing the room curiously.

"Where the heck am I?" he said almost in a whisper, it's surprisingly warm too, candles where lit in each corner to keep him warm, he studied the structure of the place, how did he get here?, was it safe being here?

He slowly got to his feet and stepped out of the room.

Nian Zhen was already arguing with Eunuch Shin.

"I've told you, he's my brother, we went out for a little walk and those three idiots.." she gestured at the goon's. "Saw the whole thing from a wrong point and decided to make a big deal out of it."

"Your brother?" Eunuch Shin raised a brow, she nodded. "Yes, haven't you ever heard of a distant brother?"

The soldiers exchanged glances, Nian Zhen had to make sure they believed her lies so they won't take her to the imperial court.

"She's lieing!" the goon's raged.

"Don't you have any manners?" she said to the goon's. "Raising your voice to a lady is wrong you scumbags!" she pouted stubbornly, she has such a small mouth but super sharp at talking, more of a small but mighty.

"Hold on!" Eunuch Shin said already getting tired of the situation. "Where's your brother then, tell him to come out."

Nian Zhen froze at her spot, if the stranger shows up, things won't end well for her. she tried to keep a firm face.

"W.... why?, I'm here and I'm telling you what happened."

"I want to hear your so called brother side on this story, bring him out now else I'll drag you to the imperial court room!."

Nian Zhen was speechless now, how will she solve this?!

"What's going on here?"

Nian Zhen froze up at the unexpected but pleasant deep voice she just heard, she turned around and met Wang Shu's gaze, her eyes widened, staring at him made her heart jump to her throat, he's awake?!

What if he tells everyone the truth, how's she going to solve this now?

Nian Zhen really is in trouble this time

will Wang Shu corporate or will he spill the beans?

Sky_Licreators' thoughts