
He loved me for I was an evil nine tailed fox demon

The title already says all about the story How about giving it a chance? Chapters will be released soon

Sky_Li · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Take an oath

Wang Shu gazed at the people who stood outside feeling confused as ever it made him get a headache, who were they and how did he end up here?

Nian Zhen's mind worked fast as she thought of an escape, one of her little gifts was being a critical thinker.

Before Wang Shu could say anything further, Nian Zhen beat him to it.

"You're awake." she exclaimed and before Wang Shu could process what was going on, she hugged him in a sisterly manner, his eyes widened in disbelief, who was this stranger and why was she hugging him in front of all of them?!, Nian Zhen cheeks turned a soft pink as her hands wrapped his neck, this is so embarrassing but she had to do it, he wanted to retaliate but stopped when she suddenly whispered.

"Please play along or else we'll both be in trouble."

He paused, she slowly pulled away from him and smiled.

"Hope you feel better?"

Wang Shu was so lost, he had no idea what was going on and why was she asking him to play along?, play along with what?

Eunuch Shin cleared his throat. "Are you by chance Nian Zhen's distant brother?"

"What?" he was still feeling weak, probably cause his meridian had been worn out.

"Eunuch Shin, can't you see my brothers weak, give him some space."

Brother?, Wang Shu seemed to understand a bit now, he has to play along by pretending to be her brother, not that he wanted to but if it gets them to leave quickly so he can ask his questions, he'd do it.

"Yes, I'm her brother." he said leaving her stunned, she never thought he'd agree to it. "she's my sister."

Nian Zhen smiled but she immediately masked it up with a "I told you so." Kind of look.

"They're both lieing, if he's really your brother, why hit him with a stick?!" the goons pointed out.

"You three are the biggest fool's I've ever come across, read my lips, I could never do that, I mean look at me, do I really look like someone who'd hurt my own brother?"

Eunuch Shin studied her, she looked so innocent and gorgeous too, he looked away, how could he not have fallen for such a beautiful woman.

"Fine, you're innocent but try to avoid further troubles or else you'll be dragged to the imperial court!"

The three goons had no idea what to say, they gazed at her and she stuck out her tongue at them giving them a mocking gesture, it only enraged them.

"This isn't over yet!" he said.

Nian Zhen made a sad face. "You see that, those goon's are threatening me, their plan to set me up totally backfired and now they're threatening me, you have to arrest them."

Eunuch Shin glared at the three goons making them freeze up.

"You brought a wrong information and threatened the innocent lady, you won't be spared, take them to the imperial court now."

The soldiers dragged the goons away, once they were all out of sight, Nian Zhen jumped up in excitement, yey!, she's not going to the imperial court, she was so excited not untill she met Wang Shu's questionable gaze, her smile faded, right, she really has a lot of explanations to give.

She cleared her throat. "S.. sorry about all that."

His face looked stern and apathetic, he looks so different from when he was unconscious.

"Who are you?" he asked, she smiled at him which he found strange.

"I'm Nian Zhen, how are you feeling now?"

"Did you really hit me with a stick?"

He asked, she pursed her lips at his sudden question, the aura she felt from him was super strong even at his weakest moment, it's a wrong idea to mess with someone who had such an aura.

"It was an accident, I really didn't mean to hit you at all." she explained.

"So you did hit me." he moved closer making her take a step back, she could definitely give him a chase but he was weak and she didn't want that.

"That's the reason I brought you here, so I can repay for what I did, it really wasn't intentional."

Wang Shu paused, so she brought him here, at this moment, he needed to meditate, so he can get his memories back.

"I helped you from going to the imperial court, in return I need a quiet place to meditate, can you do that?"

She nodded. "Yes, you can use any of the empty rooms, I assure you no one will interrupt."

Wang Shu nodded, she seems harmless for now.

He stayed in the room he was kept before and sat on the bed with both legs crossed in a meditating posture, he closed his eyes and let in a deep breath trying to focus his senses and alas it worked!.

When the war took place, Wang Shu, a sage equal to the heavens was the only immortal who was able to tame the demon fox, After the nine tailed fox demon was captured, she was taking to the spiritual realm, all the three realms had gathered for her execution.

Both her hands were handcuffed and she was left hanging in the sky, she looked disheveled and her hands burned from the iron used in handcuffing her, she lowered her face and her nine tails turned to eight as one of it was being cut off as her punishment.

Wang Shu stepped forward as the Lord of spiritual realms called forth his name.

"Wang Shu, you've captured the nine tailed fox demon, it is your duty to end this."

All the immortal's bowed at him, a golden staff was handed to Wang Shu, he took it and kept a straight face, the evil nine tailed fox has done enough damage and taken the lives of innocent souls, it's time for her to go.

Wang Shu glared at the fox like he wanted to tear her into pieces, she raised her head and met his gaze, a smirk formed on her lips.

"What is it, you don't have the guts to kill me?"

Wang Shu's grip on the staff tightened. "Stop with your petty tricks, it's not going to work on me."

She laughed meniacly. "Why?, is it cause I succeeded in killing the only person you loved?"

Wang Shu smirked, but it wasn't a good one, anger flashed in his dark pupil.

"You might have succeeded in killing the only woman I love but I'll avenge her death by ending yours."

Like a flash of lightning, he charged at the fox whose eye's widened in shock, he stabbed the sharp tip of the staff at her heart making her bleed profusely, she felt the sharp pain and felt it dig into her heart even further she let out a scream.

A sudden dark force swept over the entire place filling the place with red smoke, it was no ordinary smoke but a hallucination smoke, the fox loosed her hand from the cuffs and hurriedly slipped out of sight in the red smoke.

The smoke clouded almost everyone's mind leaving them in a crazy hallucination but it never worked on Wang Shu.

She got away, this was her plan all along, she kept the smoke hidden for a time like this, how could he not have noticed, she got away again!.

She's already stabbed, she couldn't have gone too far.

He searched for her but couldn't find her in the end, where could she have gone to? and so fast?!

Wang Shu was brought to the hall of the spiritual realms, he knelt in front of the stage and a voice was heard.

"You failed to execute the fox, she's escaped again."

Wang Shu said nothing, just kept his head bowed.

"You have failed and your punishment will be to remain on earth, you shall be frozen for a hundred years to come and once that is over, you shall find the fox and kill her."

Wang Shu lowered his head. "I accept my punishment, once that is over, I take an oath that I will find the nine tailed fox and end her for good!" his tone was cold and sharp.