
Having Fun in One Piece With a NanoBot-System

[Disclaimer: First time writting, english is my 2.language] This was on break as first i was buried in exams- but now that the Vegapunk Ark started, I can not continue writing my story as the chance is high that with each new manga chapter something from my story will get invalidated massivly. Because of this I am putting this on Hiatus until either the Vegapunk Ark is fully over or we had enough Infodumps from Oda so that I am sure I safely could continue. Somebody get's reincarned in the world of One Piece with a Nanobot-System ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Tags: science; harem; companybuilding; slowburn; in-universe-poiltics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am always open for ideas, so leave them in either a review, chapter comment or directly on in paragraph comment if you think something should be added, changed or included in future arcs etc. I am not sure about the harem and don't expect the romance to be anything grand. Also english is my second language so correct me if i am wrong! Disclaimer: I own nothing here

SoraSoraha · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Meeting the Princess

From the previous chapter:

The woman who was sitting behind the table was a semi important character and Green easily recognized her.

"Oh? Do you recognize me? I did not think I would be recognized in a rather far away place in one of the Blues and that by a little boy. But still, my name is Vice Admiral Tsuru."


"I had a lot of free time and read a lot, including newspapers, so yeah I know a lot about important people", Green replied trying to sound sad, to play his role.

"Ooooo…. I hope you enjoy your stay on my ship. Your room is right next to the princess." She paused for a second, then looked up from her paperwork and smiled "I was told about your predicament; I hope you can relax a bit here now."

Green nodded to that.

"Gion, how much longer are we going to stay here?"

"We can leave in about half an hour, Captain!"

"Good, kid, you can go and wait in your room until we are outside the view of this country. As long as you are on this ship you can basically do whatever you want, as long you do not get into the way of the crew. I know kids can get excited about all this here", she points with her hands around in all directions, "but remember that you can ask questions so do not annoy anybody if they do not want to talk to you."

Green just nodded through her explanation.

"Gion, show our passenger his quarters." "HAI, capt'n"

Gion led Green through into the belly of the marine warship. It took exactly 4 minutes and 54 seconds to reach his room from the captain's cabin. His Nanobot-System was already starting to map out the entire ship. From the rough calculations with his system, Green knew that this ship was around 250 meters in length, 50 in width and the highest mast reaching over 100 meters tall.

"Honestly I did not expect to sail on one of the biggest ship types out there on my first journey. But I guess it is the flagship of a Vice-Admiral. . . . ", Green mussed to himself looking through all the stuff in his room.

The room was not much, a bed, a table-chair combination and a closet. Green put his money suitcase on the bed. He quickly looked at the door and then proceeded to open the suitcase. Him being reincarnated into this world as an actual 'Young Master', he was relatively desensitized against working with high amounts of money; but actually seeing 100 million berries before him made him bland for a moment.

Green recovered quickly and put the suitcase away, locking him like he had been instructed by his father, and shoved it under his new temperoie bed.

"Now where is my stuff?". Green left his room and went to the adjacent, the princess's. Knocking, he waited, and then received a quiet "come in". Stepping in, he saw that the room was at least 3 times as big but was filled with mostly luggage. Sitting on the bed was the princess. He recognised her as the princess who was sitting closest to the queen during his summoning, which meant that she was the 1st princesses, but her name was still not coming to his mind which meant with his System that he litteral never heard.

She had long blond hair, which while sitting straight slightly touched the bed, a flawless aristocratic face with cold blue eyes. She was not showing any emotions on her face. The outfit she wore was a two layered dress, with the under layer being a plain white dress and the upper layer being a blue overdress. If Green had to guess her age he would place her around 16.

"Are you just going to stand there and not even introduce yourself?", the princess said with the perfect impression of a snobbish lady voice.

"Apologise, my lady, I am Kent Green, as you probably already know, and I am going to be your travelling companion for the next week. I am here because I was told that all my luggage has been mixed with yours." Green tried to sound as polite as possible.

"Yes, I know you already, and. . . . . can we just stop with the polite talk. . . . I was there when you convinced our fathers of this stupid plan. I did not want to go on this stuppid journey and only agreed so none of my younger sisters have to go with you!"

"In my defense I wanted to go alone."

"Oh yes, but we can not have our resident genius smuggle out in the normal way. We have to come up with this stuppid acting plan… not even telling the marines." The princess complained, while gesturing wildly with her hands.

"Oh! You do not want to go, but it is the job of the royals to protect such a promising genius.

Ah, you also finished the royal academy two years earlier than normal and now you want to do something else, but no, you can't do that, because you have to go with the idiot who wants to go to some random island on the Grand Line.

If you do not go, one of your little siblings has to go…. " the princess keeped on ranting for a while.

Green just stood there and listened to the ramblings of the princess. After she seemed to be finished he tried to ask her "Soooo— what's your name then?"

"Ooooofffff course, the genius would not know the name of a lowly mortal like me… During your short stay in the academy we even where in the same class for a while….. " The princess kept talking about where they have meet before and he could have gotten her name.

"I am sorry I do not remember your name but I had to focus nearly all my mind on studying as I have a lot of pressure from a lot of different factions on me. So I tried to avoid people as much as possible; I was instructed that most would just try to gain something from me." Green tried to calm the princess down.

It seemed to work as she relaxed a bit.

"Pendragon Artoria, pleased to meet you", she held her hand out waiting for Green to take it "I guess we could start fresh again."

Green took the offer. "Kent Green and also pleased to meet you." They shaked on it and then Artoria pointed towards a table with two chairs on it. They sat down.

Green opened the new conversion. "So, you are not her on your own will." The princess snorted scasticly "I was surprised about the plot our fathers came up with." This time the princess facepalmed. "But from your reactions I can guess that you have more informations. Soooo would you please share them with me."

" 'Sigh' Yes, I don't want to be here. I really do not want to be here. I am only here because they could not send the crown and 2nd prince as that would have but too many eyes on this."

She signaled with her hands around.

"So it had to be a princess and all my other sisters are younger than even you and they can just write this off as a princess going on a trip after her graduation. "Nobody would look at the poor butler who had to follow the princess around the world" is what my father said."

She paused, and took a sip of water.

"I am sorry if I am sounding like some spoiled princess complaining about everything" She said and Green can see that she really meant it.

"It's okay… but it is really amazing that you graduated early, what 2 years, that is amazing!" Green tried to cheer her up.

"Says the guy who graduated a decade earlier from the academy than normal and then proceeded to become a master in a field before he is ten…. " She remarked sarcastically.

Green smiled at that. First he wanted to make another remark in that line but then decided to move on from that. "So, from you earlier I heard that you knew what you wanted to do after your graduation, so what is it?"

The princess blushed after hearing that question. "It is not something you would normally do as a princess. You will probably laugh if I tell you."

"No you can trust me, I will not laugh", Green reasured.

"I wanted to become a knight", Green starred at Artoria. "Blond, blue eyes, her clothes… she is only missing a fucking sword and then she would fucking look like Saber; how did this take me so long to realise?

For fuck sake! They even have the same name.

Wait, the other royals did not have any resemblance to any fate characters.

Ok, she actually looks pretty young but still…. I guess the archetype of the character is nothing special."

The princess took the starring to that well. "I know it is stuppid idea. Me, a princess wanting to become a knight, a woman! When I asked for lessons as a kid everybody thought it was funny and 'phase'. I even know as a woman I could not become as strong as men but I really want to… "

Green snapped out of his trance "Oh no, I believe you Astoria. You will become the strongest knight ever…. maybe even the King or in your case Queen of Knights, if a pirate can become the King of Pirates you can become the Queen of Knights".

Astoria stared at Green with wide eyes. Then tears started to flow out of one of them, followed by the other one. It built up until she was full on crying in her hands.

"This—…. is the….. the first time... somebody takes my dream… serious."

Green tried to console the princess, so he stood up and walked to her side. He patted her back while she continued to cry. It took a couple of minutes for her to regain herself.

"You really believe I can become a knight even though I am a woman?" she asked, still a bit shaky.

"Of course! All those people saying that you could not become a knight will shut up when you come back."

"What is going to change during this trip? I can not really learn anything here stuck with you!", she nearly screamed this at Green.

"Tell the captain of this ship about your problem and let her tell you how she became a Vice-Admiral or the second in command, the Commodore," Green told Astoria.

Artoria thought about it for a second but seemed not to be completely convinced, so Green thought of a distraction quickly.

"Sooooooo, what is your 'official' role here?" Green asked to change the subject.

The princess seemed to jump onto the bait and replied. "As a sort of 'rite of passage' a royal always went on a journey to see different cultures and introduce himself to other rulers. My older brother, the crown prince, is still preparing for his journey as he has to visit all the West Blue Kingdoms, but me as princess will only have to visit a small amount to make myself 'known'."

Green's reply was interrupted as a sudden shake went through the boat. They both turned towards the window and watched as they started to move. It took a good half an hour until the ship was pulled away from the harbor an d they could hear the men on top starting to set the sails.

After another 30 minutes of them watching their home getting smaller through the window, did they finally saw it vanish on the horizon.


Athor Comment:

I really had problems writing Artoria, or better the princess character, as I changed her like 10000 times in the last week and could not decide who she is going to be. From complete OCs to nearly every other princess characters from other series she was everthing. But then I realised that I named the royal family pendragons in my character sheet because I was to lazy to find an original name, so I opened the fate wiki and had my character, while adding a bit of kuina to round it up.

It also opens a path for

>Warning: Spoilers, so do not read further if you do not want to get spoiled<

a plot line with the excalibur being one of the famed 12 swords which has not been wielded in forever. Maybe I even use the sword + sheath as the famed sword to give it some twist