
Rhiannon’s bracelet

Xinya along with the other's begin following Elaine to the medbay. The walk itself was very short and they arrived at the red and white tent in no time at all. Walking inside the medbay, Xinya looked around and saw that it looks like a small hospital. 

Still following Elaine, he walked over to the bed where the Mayor was lying in. A female soldier was by his side, making sure he was covered completely by a blanket before leaving.

The Mayor hearing the groups footsteps, turned his head towards them, a smile gracing his face when he saw his daughter. Gesturing his hand, he motioned for her to quickly come over to him.

Elaine proceeded to walk quickly over to her father's side, happy to see him doing better than he was before, when he told her to bring the group who saved him. With a bright smile on her face, she begins introducing Xinya's group to her father.