
Chapter 105: The Banquet Pt 1

"You have arrived."Junipère said while walking towards Xinya. "I thought for sure you wouldn't make it, but I'm so glad that you did. Thank you so much for doing this for me."

With a strained smile from holding up the cake Xinya said, "It was no trouble at all, I am happy to help you."

"Oh my! Here I am blabbing away, while you are holding that heavy cake." Seeing Xinya strained expression, Junipère rushed to the backdoor of the mansion and opened it. "Come, the kitchen is right through this door. You can put the cake down on the counter."

Junipère held opened the backdoor for them as Xinya and Melting Snow carried the cake inside, while Wandering Sound and Wei trailed behind. When Xinya first entered the first thought that passed through his mind as he looked around was how magnificent the kitchen was.