
Carnivorous Plants

After Xinya finished collecting all the herbs that were in the room, they made their way to the second room. It was similar to the first, as soon as they walked in a notification popped up, informing them that they had entered room two of five. There were no statues this time, instead there were five water fountains randomly placed about in the room.

To get past this room, Xinya needed to solve a riddle to guess which of the five water fountains wouldn't poison them. Once again, the riddle was quite simple, but also much harder than the previous ones. The one upside of this room was that the liquid in the correct fountain was the potion of luck.

Xinya was happy when he learned that Melting Snow was even more so. He excitedly bragged to his viewers about it. The reason why they were so happy at this discovery was that the potion of luck, which is made from the hard to find, four-leaf clover, turns into a special item after three days in game.