
Harry Potter. A Black Prodigy

Disclaimer Except Main character and some magic tricks, I don't own anything. Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. Synopsis: Ethan who transmigrated to the world of Harry Potter as Nigel Black. Follow the journey of Nigel Black to witness, how he clashes with his problems and enemies, to surpass anyone who came before or anyone who is coming. Honing his skills to perfection, to understand the concept and workings of magic,and acknowledged as the GOD OF MAGIC, to become the legend whose stories were told for generations. ************************************ I'm planning to keep stockpile of atleast 5 chapters which will be uploaded, after satisfactory responses and Power Stones.....

Mr_Myeterious · Phim ảnh
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22 Chs

Gringotts And Heritage

As Nigel ascended the grand staircase of Gringotts, his senses were assaulted by the bustling activity of the bank. Goblins manned their counters with steely determination, attending to the needs of the customers. The air hummed with the energy of the crowd, their voices weaving a cacophony of sound. Nigel, with an aura of calmness and quiet strength, navigated through the throng with a predator's grace, his eyes taking in every detail of the upper floor. Though he couldn't see all the vaults, he felt their presence looming like silent guardians of ancient secrets, adding to the atmosphere of power and mystique that surrounded him.

"Nigel, remember what I told you about goblins before we entered the bank," Professor McGonagall reminded him.

"Yes, Professor, I remember," Nigel replied, recalling their earlier conversation about the unique characteristics and roles of goblins in the wizarding world.

"Mr. Black, please stay close to me and refrain from wandering. Goblins do not take kindly to interference or disturbance," Professor McGonagall instructed firmly, her authoritative tone leaving no room for argument.

"Excuse me," she addressed a nearby goblin, "Mr. Black is here for a heritage test." Casting a privacy charm around them, she ensured their conversation remained confidential.

"Very well, follow me. It will cost you 10 galleons," the goblin stated in a gruff voice, showing clear irritation at having to deal with humans.

With a nod, Nigel followed the goblin, noting the disdain in its demeanor as they entered a room where another goblin awaited.

"Go on, wizard. He will check your lineage," the goblin said in the same tone, gesturing for Nigel to approach.

Nigel proceeded forward, determined to uncover his magical lineage despite the evident distaste the goblins held for humans.

Before proceeding with the heritage test, Nigel was briefed on the intricacies of the process. He listened attentively as the goblin explained the steps involved in testing his lineage.Entering the special chamber dedicated to this purpose, Nigel marveled at the sight before him. The chamber was adorned with a magical tree-like structure crafted from enchanted crystal or wood, radiating an aura of ancient mystique.

As Nigel pricked his finger, the drops of blood fell onto the designated area of the magical structure, igniting a mesmerizing display. The enchanted crystal or wood formed intricate patterns, and the drops of blood illuminated, triggering a series of magical reactions.

Branches began to grow and extend from the central trunk of the tree-like structure, representing Nigel's lineage from both his father's and mother's sides. On the paternal side, the name "Regulus Arcturus Black" shimmered into view at the base of a sturdy branch, accompanied by the names of his ancestors from the Black family line.

Simultaneously, on the maternal side, the name "Grindelwald" appeared at the foundation of another branch, signifying Nigel's connection to the infamous dark wizard. As the branches expanded, additional names materialized, tracing Nigel's ancestry back through five generations on each side.

With each new name that emerged, Nigel observed with a keen eye, his usual cold, calculative aura radiating around him. The intricate web of relationships depicted on the magical structure revealed the rich tapestry of his lineage, encompassing both noble and notorious figures from wizarding history.

As the process concluded, Nigel felt a sense of amazement at the ancestral tree that now stretched out before him. It was not awe that filled him, but a deep appreciation for the power and significance of his heritage, affirming his rightful place among the esteemed families of the wizarding world.

As the lineage results were confirmed, the goblin, though intrigued, maintained his stoic facade as he confirmed Nigel's status as a Black.

Upon his return, Nigel was greeted by the goblin waiting for him, a silent witness to the momentous occasion. With a nod, Nigel conveyed the success of the heritage test.

"Now that I am recognized as an Original Black, what are my next steps? What responsibilities can I handle at this point?" Nigel queried, his tone reflective of his calculated and inquisitive nature.

"Mr. Black, you must wait until your 17th birthday, your 7th year at Hogwarts, to fully inherit your Black lineage. However, you can inherit the heir ring, symbolizing your status as a Black heir. It is unusual for a young individual to inherit such titles while the older Black is alive, but your father, who was the previous Lord of the Black family, registered you as his son before his demise, thereby making you his heir," the goblin elucidated in his customary matter-of-fact tone.

"And what about access to my funds? Do I have to wait for that as well?" Nigel inquired, eager to understand his financial standing.

"While you cannot access the main Black family vault, there is a vault specially designated for Hogwarts students of Black lineage," the goblin explained, drawing upon his years of experience in banking matters.

"Well, that wraps up the money talk. But how do I get the cash?" Nigel inquired, intrigued.

"No worries, Heir Black. Normally, you'd need a key, but you can use your heir ring. There's a simple process for inheriting it," the goblin responded, using the title respectfully but lacking sincerity.

"Alright, show me how it's done," Nigel replied calmly, his demeanor authoritative yet composed.

"Follow me," the goblin said, leading Nigel into a chamber adorned with the names and rings of noble families, each glimmering with magic, showcasing the goblin's exceptional craftsmanship and enchantment skills.

"Come closer, Heir Black. This is your heir ring. Prick your finger and let a drop of blood touch it. By doing this, you're binding the ring to your blood and pledging your loyalty and dedication to the betterment of House Black. Let the ring judge you," the goblin explained, his excitement carefully concealed.

The goblin instructed, gesturing towards a gleaming ring resting atop a velvet cushion. Nigel stepped closer, his heart pounding with excitement. Taking a deep breath, Nigel pricked his finger and let a single drop of blood fall onto the surface of the ring. As the crimson droplet made contact, the ring shimmered with an ethereal light, signifying the formation of a sacred bond. Nigel's gaze locked onto the radiant ring, a sense of solemnity washing over him as he pledged his loyalty and dedication to the noble lineage of House Black. In that moment, he felt a profound connection to his ancestry, his destiny intertwined with the legacy of his forebears.

Nigel marveled at the scene before him, his mind buzzing with wonder. 'Truly magnificent,' he thought, 'I can feel the ancestral ties binding me to the vast estates of House Black. There is much to explore, but time is a luxury I lack today. Professor McGonagall awaits, and I must not keep her waiting. For now, I shall conclude matters with the financial arrangements.'

"Interesting," Nigel murmured, absorbing the information. "I see the significance of the heir ring. It's not just a symbol but a tangible link to the legacy of the Black family."

"Indeed," the goblin confirmed, his tone carrying the weight of generations of tradition. "The heir ring holds immense power and responsibility. It is a testament to the strength and integrity of the Black lineage."

Nigel nodded thoughtfully, his mind already contemplating the weight of the responsibilities that came with the heir ring. He understood that this was not a mere trinket but a symbol of his duty to uphold the honor and prestige of the Black family name.

"I understand. I wish to access my vault to make a withdrawal for my upcoming shopping trip. I will provide the necessary bank details later, and address any further concerns at a later time," Nigel stated after some moment, his voice carrying a cold yet authoritative tone.

"Very well. I shall summon Griphook. He will escort you to your vault," the goblin concluded, feeling somewhat intimidated by Nigel's imposing presence.

'Well, that settles it. I must contact Creature, but in a secure location. I've already sensed the ancient Black estate's ward connecting with me, indicating my authority to summon him. Yes, I shall command him to clean the house. But first, let's wrap up here. I'm rather excited about the cart ride ahead. It promises the thrill of a rollercoaster ride,' Nigel thought, his anticipation evident in his demeanor.

After Cart Ride

'Well, that was truly astounding,reminds me of a roller coaster ride from previous life ' Nigel thought to himself as he stepped out of the cart and faced Vault No. 436 before him. The vault appeared old yet exuded a powerful aura of magic, a testament to its efficacy and security.

"Heir Black, please touch your ring to the vault," Griphook instructed in his distinctive accent.

Nigel complied, pressing his heir ring against the vault's surface as instructed.


Hello Readers

So, How was the chapter? It takes a lot of time to create a heritage test but I did it with the logic of their ring.

Well How can he Inherit those because Sirius Black black never lay claim of it, first he is banished, so he didn't get time to lay his claims.

So pls leave review of How I did it, you know I act as a great motivation if someone comment on it. It shows that you are interested in reading, motivates me to give you more exciting content.

Well harem voting will open till mc reaches Hogwarts.

Thankyou for reading....,.....,.....,....,..,...,

I'm waiting Power Stones.

Mr_Myeteriouscreators' thoughts