
Harry PotterYou are my Cosmic Connection.

Chapter : 39

Spotting her friend, Minerva congratulated Augusta on what was a well-attended ball. "Thank you, Minerva. I was rather disappointed though that Harry Potter refused my invitation. At least I have the consolation of knowing he's not attending the Malfoys event."

"I'm just relieved they're returning to Hogwarts after the holidays. Anything else is a bonus."

Augusta's eyes had been roving over her guests as Minerva spoke, the Hogwarts' Deputy now had her undivided attention with that remark.

"And why wouldn't he be returning?"

"I asked him the same question, he turned that question back on me. To understand, you need to know that accident Harry suffered at Halloween caused him permanent memory loss. He didn't know he was a wizard, anything about Hogwarts or even how he got there. The only person he remembered was his girlfriend, now intended, Miss Granger."

"I assume you've had the boy examined?"

"Poppy checked him over medically before, with Harry's permission, Albus visited his mind. Both confirm that, while he is now fine, those memories are gone. Harry has only known about him being a wizard since being told so on Halloween evening. In the proceeding couple of months after being given that news, he's been attacked by a troll, had an illegal spell cast at him by a member of staff, continually had his mother and intended referred to as mudbloods and twice been attacked by students - the last one being organised by a head of house. Given that background, how could I honestly say staying at Hogwarts was in his best interest?"

The matriarch of the Longbottom family was an extremely shrewd witch, Augusta soon put a few things that had been puzzling her together. "The mystery of why Albus finally hung Snape out to dry is now explained. Faced with a choice of losing one of them, Albus chose to retain Harry Potter."

"You may be right, I know Albus spoke at length with both Harry and Hermione to convince them to stay. Don't let their ages fool you either, those two are very much a couple. Harry is actually spending the holidays with Miss Grangers' parents. I may be wrong but I got the sense he could hardly wait to be back in the world he was familiar with. I would say that, rather than any slight on your invitation, is probably the main reason neither of them are here tonight. Having Harry raised in the muggle world may have kept him safe, it leaves him though questioning everything we take for granted. In every way but one, he's as much a muggle born as his intended."

This left the eldest Longbottom shaking her head. "Neville seemed to be half expecting our invitation to be refused, he also didn't appear to be in any way upset about it. I'm beginning to understand his attitude at the matter a bit better now. I've long argued there should be introductory courses to our society for muggle borns, I just could never get any support from the rest of the school board. Trying to get them to allocate resources specifically for muggle borns was never a popular proposal. Would you mind if I used Harry Potter's situation to revisit this at the next school board meeting?"

"I wouldn't mind, and you'll certainly have my vote. I think that idea should be put to Harry first though, rather than just using his name without his permission."

Dumbledore and Fudge arrived in time to catch the end of their conversation, leading to a fuller explanation being offered. The minister was then left looking to the headmaster for some reassurances - Albus didn't have any to give.

"With Harry only having those few months worth of memories pertaining to magic and Hogwarts, I managed to convince both of them they should stay a little longer before making decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. Both agreed to continue at Hogwarts until the summer, though I wouldn't be surprised if they were using these holidays to research just what other options they have available to them."

Thinking of the public and political outcry Harry Potter leaving Hogwarts would cause, Cornelius only had one thing to say. "Anything me or my ministry can do to prevent Harry Potter leaving Hogwarts, you only have to ask."

While Albus stoically proclaimed he would do his best, inside he was smiling broadly. He had no idea what the two time travellers had planned next, Cornelius though had just given Albus a way to get ministerial backing for it.

Dan shot up in bed, the loud shouting and swearing that had woken him however came to an abrupt halt. This didn't stop him though, he headed straight to where he knew the disturbance had been coming from - Emma now right behind him. Opening Harry's bedroom door saw the instant return of the shouting, the silencing spell Hermione had hastily erected being negated when her parents walked into the room.

An agitated Harry was standing in a corner of the room, an expression of horror and disgust worn on his face. This was the source of all the shouting, and Harry soon gave them the reason behind it.

"I killed a man when still eleven, and you know what those stupid bastards did? They gave me fucking house points, a pat on the head and then sent me home to this version of the Dursleys for the summer. Crazy, they're all fucking nuts..."

"Harry, please..."

"Hermione, I killed someone. Who's to say I won't do it again? Perhaps you'd better stay away..."

"Harry James Potter, that's not an option. Not now, not ever. What you did was pure self defence. An evil man was trying to kill you, he was so evil even the touch of someone as good as you was too much for him to bear. That's all you did, Harry, you put your hands up to protect yourself - nothing more. Dad, mum, sorry about disturbing you. I started to tell Harry about our past, he obviously wasn't ready to hear that bit. Come here, love..."

Hermione held her arms open and Harry slowly made his way into them, only then did the situation calm enough to where Dan felt it was okay to speak.

"This is clearly going to be a lot harder on you both than you first though, Hermione. You don't have to go through this alone though..." Holding out his hands in the universal sign of stop, Dan headed off his daughter's argument. "You are going to tell me that Dumbledore will be able to read our thoughts, but he won't be able to if we're not here. Your mum and I will be elsewhere when he comes to install these shield things, then we probably will never see him again."

His intended holding him had considerably calmed Harry. "With your mum and dad there, maybe I won't be as quick to fly off the handle. Hey, I hope that phrase is not a quidditch reference?"

Harry even attempting humour told Hermione he was back in control, though still not over the shock. "I'm sure it means something like an axe or hammer flying off its handle. That temper of yours however will get you into trouble someday." Hermione was smiling as she said that, both knowing that's exactly what brought them to here.

"I'm sorry, Hermione. It was a hell of a thing to find out about yourself though. You know I wasn't angry at you?"





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