
Harry Potter : Time Travel

''Master of Death'' Harry Potter travel to 1976. First time witing a story please comment your suggestions.

alex_fawley1234 · Phim ảnh
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Charlus Potter was at his desk reviewing the latest letters from his cousin Fleamont Potter and his fellow Aurors when suddenly his wife Dorea rushed into the room.

Charlus was born and raised in America before moving to the UK, a descendant of the Potter line of America and a descendant of the famous Abraham Potter one of the twelve founding Aurors of America.

Charlus left America once his parents died, Charlus being 11 years old when they died due to an accident. With no other family in America he decided to return to Britain, where the main Potter family welcomed him with open arms, Henry Potter being his father figure and surrogate father.

Charlus along with his cousin entered Hogwarts school where, like all Potters, he entered the Gryffindor house. It was at Hogwarts where he met his future wife Dorea Black from the Black house, at first Lord Black opposed the marriage but the enormous Charlus Potter's reputation as a powerful duelist, along with the Potters' prestige and fortune, were enough for Charlus and Dorea to marry.

Both Charlus and Dorea were in love, so the marriage was prosperous and happy, together having a son they named Harry in honor of Henry Potter.

Unfortunately, his son disappeared and was left for dead when he was 3 years old in a terrorist attack in the United States by a group of Grindelwald fans.

During the attack he and his family were attacked, losing sight of little Harry, when they realized what had happened his little son had disappeared and was presumed dead.

Both Dorea and Charlus were heartbroken, they spent a fortune to find their son but in the end they left him for dead, the death of little Harry destroyed Dorrea, vowing never to have a child again so as not to replace Harry.

Dorea was restless and apparently something important had happened.

"Charlus, you have to come, it's something important"

Charlus got up worried. "What happened?".

"He's our guest" Charlus learned that his wife had picked up a 17-year-old boy right in front of his house in a sorry state, from his appearance and wand he knew he was a magician, something that puzzled him. "He has risen."

"Is that so, who is it?" he asked curious.

Dorea was shaking and couldn't seem to get the words out "His name is Harry, Harry Potter"

Charlus felt the air leave his lungs in shock. "That is not possible…".

"He is, but he's not our Harry," Dorea whispered.

"What do you mean?" Now he was really confused.

"He is Harry Potter, but he is not our missing son, apparently he is from the future and claims to be the future son of James" replied Dorea.

Charlus was really confused. "That's impossible, are you saying that he is a time traveler?"

She nodded "It is, I even gave the boy Veritaserum to check and he didn't lie, he's Harry Potter."

Charlus sat back in shock, time travel, Potter from the future, this was all crazy, but he trusted his wife and if she had checked then it had to be true.

"Is awake?"

She nodded.

"Okay, we'll go talk to him."

The two quickly went to the room where Harry currently was. Charlus entered followed by his wife, upon entering he was met by a young man who was clearly a potter.

He had jet black hair and green eyes, if it weren't for his green eyes Charlus would have mistaken him for James Potter.

Clearly the young man in front of him was James's son and had come from the future.

"Hello young man, I'm Charlus Potter, I think you met my wife and she explained the situation to me" he spoke gently as he sat down opposite Harry.

Harry nodded. "I'm sorry I bothered you, I didn't mean to travel back in time and end up at your house. I really don't know how I ended up here."

Charlus nodded "You can start with the last thing you remember."

"The last thing I remember is hunting down the last of the Death Eaters when one of them launched an attack that I think was ancient black magic before losing consciousness," Harry explained.

"Death Eaters?" Dorea asked.

Harry nodded. "Death Eaters, followers of Lord Voldemort. If my memory serves me correctly Lord Voldemort should be starting his recruitment campaign for him."

"Lord Voldemort? Is that the name of the dark lord?" Charlie asked.

"No, that's not his real name, it's Tom Marvolo Riddle, a half-breed daughter of a Graunt woman and a Muggle man," Harry replied.

"Is that supposed dark lord a half-blood?" Charlus asked really shocked, Charlus thought that the man leading the pureblood movement should be a pureblood mage, in his wildest dreams he thought that a halfblood would lead them.

Harry nodded. "Ironies of life," he said making a face. "Soon he will start his campaign of terror across wizarding Britain, killing a lot of Muggle-borns and half-bloods, he also killed a lot of pureblood families who opposed him."

"okay, Harry first you should rest. We will talk later about it."