
Harry Potter: The Rise of the Pure Bloods

A teenager named Lorion Gaunt was reincarnated into the magical world of Harry Potter and goes to school at Hogwarts! With his knowledge of the future and great talent for magic, he takes the path towards the top of the magic world.

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24 Chs

Ch 13: Practice

As Lorion's train of thought was running at a full swing, a knocking at the door interrupted it. It was Draco Malfoy who did the good job. Lorion was speechless towards this kid who always liked to pretend to be his big brother.

"Little Lorion, dad called you! We need to go practice spells!" Draco's voice reverberated through the door.

Lorion was a little disturbed at his thought being interrupted. But upon hearing that they were going to practice spells, his mood quickly lifted up. After all, he can't just rely on stealing magic beast's powers to survive in this world. Only through mastery of different spells can this be achieved.

Lorion quickly stood up, wore a robe and tickled Max. Max was irritated at Lorion waking him up, but before he could complain, Lorion said "Coil up!"

Max immediately coiled up Lorion's arm and Lorion opened the door. Draco had a smudge smile on his face as he stood crossing his hands before Lorion's room.

"Little Lorion, we need to go to Hogwarts tomorrow. So, dad wants us to learn a few spells before school starts. I already have started practicing for a week. But since you don't have much time, just know how to cast spells today. Maybe it will keep us ahead of the class. After all, we can't tarnish our pure blood reputation right?"

Lorion nodded his head stiffly, and followed behind Draco. As he reached the study room, he saw two desks with Lucius standing before them with a stern face. Looking at them enter, he gave a slight nod.

Lorion and Draco quickly settled themselves down. Lucius too organized his thoughts and began his lecture.

"Lorion, Draco…Today let me tell you what magic is. Magic is a supernatural force that can be used to override the usual laws of nature. We learned to use magic from the noble ancient wizards who studied this supernatural force and understood the expressions that can bend this force to do our bidding. Thus, many wizards think that these expressions, these words are the key to magic. You just spell the words, let the magic flow through the wand, and the magic is what you see.

But, this is not the correct way for a wizard to cast spells. For casting spells, what we need more than words is emotion. We know that the spell to burn something is [Incendio]. When I use this word and let magic flow through the wand, the thing that I wish to burn will start burning. However, if I can add a bit of feelings to this spell, say I really feel this thing is disgusting and just wish for it to burn away, then the output of the spill multiplies."

As Lucius gave his lecture, he waved his stick at the newspapers on the table incinerating them. Lorion clearly understood that having a deep feeling towards what he wished to achieve can increase the output efficiency of the spell. Draco on the other hand was more interested on the spell itself, rather than emotions attached to it.

Draco even took out his magic wand really eager to try the new spell he just saw.