
Harry Potter: The Immortal Lycan

Unknown to most, the magical world savior Harry Potter at age fifty who has taken care of the Dark Lord was dying. He has in fact slowly been dying due to inability to connect to his soul mates due to doses of potions and betrayals. Offered a chance to go back in time to steer his destiny back on track, Harry just hopes he can make it through school again.

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Chapter 43 - Werewolf vs. Lycan

As the final school days wind down with all students ready for summer and a few professors. Dumbledore sat at the head table smiling as the OWL and NEWT exam were finished. Now all stressed fifths and sevenths were relaxed while praying they done well.

While his blue eyes fell on a certain emerald eye student. He silently observed that student grinning as he waved at some older girls and sent some winks. Mentally laughing at the display his eyes soon turned to disappointment when they landed on a brown hair girl.

Last evening she was caught trying to sneak into the infirmary and attempting to steal another student file. While she may have been successful if he wasn't there chatting withMadam Pomfrey. He had to give her slight credit for advance spell use, but sadly he couldn't as it was for a bad cause.

After his eyes moved on to the pack of redheads who worked hard to stay this year. While he admired their hard work for ones so young he was slightly disappointed with the youngest son. While Ronald could become an impressive young wizard, his laziness and growing jealousy got in the way.

Now barely scrapping by to progress on to the third year as he didn't have Harry or Hermione helping him. Dumbledore could only sigh as he saw this happen quite a few times as a professor and headmaster. Most tend to be poorer purebloods or muggleborn but most grow out of it by their seventh year if not sooner.

However, if Harry's word still rang true despite the changes in the timeline, Ron still has a long road ahead of him.

Soon the sound of wings flapping filled the hall as the morning mall came in. Students smiled as letters appeared before them. However a frown soon appeared on Lupin's lips as he looked at the letter. Something bad filled his being as a unique smell appeared.

The smell was sweet almost mind numbing for Lupin as he began smiling as his best memories surfaced. His memories of being part of the Marauders alongside James, Sirius and Peter with their multitude of pranks. However his smile soon vanished as they turned to horror as his mind filled with screams of the dying and torture.

An intense rage took over as the great hall vanished from his view and Harry turned into Sirius Black. Insane laughter was soon heard as it appeared as if Sirius began casting the killing curse and Peter begging for mercy.

Despite knowing what he was seeing was fake, Remus still felt the need to save his long 'dead' friend. Frantically searching for his wand but quickly realizing he didn't have it. Using the best thing in his opinion Remus threw himself towards 'Sirius'.

Even if burden and curse caused him misry all his life, having a slightly stronger body than others did have an advantage. When he reached out he quickly realized that his hand wasn't normal but claws from his werewolf form. His form quickly changed from human to his sickly wolf form.



A few moments earlier, Harry was winking towards a pair of twins who were graduating this year. Suddenly he felt a chill run down his spin as his head wiped towards the head table. There he saw his honour uncle, receiving a letter and smiling. However his form quickly began changing.

"Get away from him, now!" Harry shouted when he saw Remus transforming.

Screams quickly filled the Great Hall as the students rushed for the doors. Some of the Professor quickly moved into action either trying to contain the werewolf or calm down the panicking students.

Quickly transforming himself into his wolf form. Harry quickly landed on four paws as his black fur emerged as white fur formed a lightning bolt of his eye. Pouncing towards the sickly looking wolf with a snarl.

Harry barely managed to save Professor McGonagall from the jaws snapping at her. Due to sitting near Remus before his transformation she was at the most risk of being clawed or bitten.


Harry growled at the large wolf he bashed away destroying the wooden chairs. Circling the wolf like a shark that smelled blood. Their growls and jaws snapping filled the hall as most evacuated towards safety.

As if a signal was giving, Harry clashed against Remus with his teeth clamping down on the sickly looking arm. A loud crack soon followed as Harry's powerful jaws broke the arm before jumping back dodging the jaws heading towards him.

Circling again looking for the advantage, Harry watched as a dark brown wolf joined the fray. Her powerful legs landed on Remus's back kicking him to the ground. Seeing the opportunity to attack once more, Harry jumped and rammed his body against Remus's head that looked away barely knocking him out.

Panting as he transformed back with Katie doing the same. They looked down at the unconscious wolf with a frown.

"Professor, do you know what is going on?" Harry asked Dumbledore who was examining the letter.

"I believe it is a powerful and very harmful potion known as Moon Dew." Dumbledore replied though he sounded uncertain. "This handwritten note however I recognized. A certain undersecretary known as Dolores Umbridge."

"Moon Dew?" Katie asked, backing away unsure if it will affect her.

"Moon Dew, a very powerful potion that can force a werewolf transformation like what just occurred. However that is just one aspect and that it causes hallucination that can affect anyone. It forces you to relive your best memories before twisting your view and making you go berserk." Professor Snape replied in a monotone voice.

"It was created in an attempt to cure werewolves I believe." Harry added. "However, it turned out badly and thus banned. It also takes nearly a whole year to brew thus very difficult to attain."

"Young Harry is right and the Ministry has standing orders if it discovers it is supposed to be destroyed on the spot." Dumbledore added. "Now the question however is how she got her hands on this particular potion and why send it to Remus."

"I believe it to do with a certain celebrity. If I recall he forced Wizengamot to veto her attempts at rising taxes and such on magical creatures. Werewolves to be more exact." Snape commented before his eyes drifted over Harry.

Shaking his head, Harry just couldn't see what she hoped to achieve unleashing a berserk werewolf at Hogwarts. A place where children of those in seats at wizengamot currently attend. This just seems like political sucide if any of them were bitten as they would have her head once it discovered.

"Why would she want revenge?"

"There are many dumbasses in the world Katie. It's better not to question their thinking capacity at times." Harry commented before receiving glares from a few professors but none called him out.

"Well now that this incident is over, shall we calm the students." Dumbledore suggested and headed towards the door. "Oh and hundred points to each of you for your quick actions."

Thanks for reading.


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