
Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version)

The magical world has never been a safe place. Dragons, Trolls, Dementors, beings from the abyss, are just some of the dangers that inhabit it, not to mention the greatest terror in it, sentient beings. The fantastic and the extraordinary have always been linked to danger, but not everything has to be so bad. Where there is darkness, there will always be light. In this alternative reality, a variable is born, he was not meant to live, but he lives, slowly changing the gears of this world. When the broken fragments of a life in a different reality merge with the young Extimum at 5 years old, his perception of the world changes and he realizes where he is or isn't... Fighting to maintain the status quo is no longer an option when the world he thought he knew shows him that it is not exactly what he believed. A mysterious background, a complex destiny and a gift along with his arrival that promises to take him to the top of this world if he is willing to put in the effort. Join me in this coming-of-age story where both the young wizard will learn how to live and the author will improve in his description of his adventures. --- This version is an automatic translation with Google, I try when I can to improve the errors that may occur in the process, but as a non-native there can always be a problem or two, so I hope for your understanding. If you want to read the original version (Spanish), you can enter my profile or follow this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-el-zorro-celestial_21135401405306205 - the original image on the cover is not mine, just modify it, if the owner wants me to remove it, he can tell me. --- This is the first story / fanfic that I write so I will upload some test chapters if you like it, constructive criticism is accepted - R18, R*p3, Reincarnation, Harem, Harry Potter, AU, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Dark.

Zeroz7 · Movies
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60 Chs

•Do you want to try again?

In the next few days Extimum enjoyed seeing how Ron and Harry were forced by Hermione and by themselves to read books, to find the so called Nicolas Flamel, on the other hand, Extimum would only study his books on space magic and other subjects, and with a little illusion magic no one would notice he wasn't helping.

He would also spend time with his friends in Ravenclaw and after his meeting with Daphne and her friends, he would try to make time to go to the Slytherin table and talk with them and even with other Slytherins, in this way he would expand his social circle, it is not That he planned world domination or anything crazy, he just wanted to be more open to meeting all kinds of people, broadening his perspective.

Naturally his action attracted the attention of more than some, on the Gryffindor side, Ron could not believe it, his face for the next few days was the clear expression of betrayal, uuntil Hermione and Harry made him see reason, Neither the Ravenclaws nor the Hufflepuffs seemed to particularly care, however, their action almost seemed to set off alarms in the heads of some teachers, but they eventually calmed down, after all the Shadowless family had a reputation for being impartial, not that they knew that Extimum was not particularly adept at family teachings, on the other hand, the Slytherins didn't have as much trouble, some murmurs here and there but they quickly subsided, from his perspective, Extimum should always have belonged to their group so having him back in their circle could only be good. Although Draco didn't seem entirely happy with the situation at first, he had seen Extimum and Harry's recent friendship after all, but after Extimum gave Draco his goodwill and properly managed his pride, it wasn't difficult to blend in.

Extimum : 'Maybe… if I had more Slytherin in me than I thought?' Extimum couldn't help wondering, noticing his ease with which he controlled the situation.


Sitting near the edge of the black lake next to a tree, Extimum was sitting alone, he came here because the place was particularly good for quiet time and he wanted some time alone to consider his options.

Extimum :' Christmas holidays are getting closer and closer, but I don't know if I should go home or not, if I stay ... I suppose that in addition to studying and spending time with those who stay, I could also see the mirror of O esed , It would be interesting to see what you can show me, also, I don't know where it will go once Dumbledore removes it when he finishes hiding the stone, on the other hand, I also have several things to do at home, it would be good to finally get my own sword and not only a heavy wooden sword to practice, I could also get a bag with an expandable space, the one I have is very limited as I do not have the enchantment, I could also make some preparations for the plans I have for when the school year ends, register a personal Gringotts account, which I probably won't be using anytime soon, researching information about Lauren Shadowless, um, maybe I can ask Dumbledore when I get the chance, if… I definitely have to go back '.

Extimum : 'Well, speaking of things to do, I have not yet analyzed the feeling I had when I fell off the broom; nor what happened after biting Hermione,she didn't mention it at all these days, but sometimes she stares at me strangely while rubbing her neck, the latter is particularly complicated, I guess I will address it when the opportunity arises. For now, let's try to reproduce the strange sensation in my foot that day, the feeling and the moment was too strange for someone to have been the one to help me, so the answer can only be in me '.

Extimum closed his eyes and concentrated on remembering the feeling of that time, however, there was no reaction.

Extimum : 'Maybe I need stimulation? After all, that time I was in the air…'. Upon reaching this conclusion, Extimum looked at the lake and after thinking a bit, he quickly took off his cloak leaving only his uniform, then took off his shoes and stockings.

Extimum could feel the roughness and freshness of the grass at his feet, directing his gaze towards the lake, Extimum again closed his eyes and focused on the sensation and then he ran in the direction of the lake and jump once he felt he reached the end of the field, he did not open his eyes until his body was on the lake.

Upon opening his eyes, Extimum was clearly on the surface of the lake, however, his body did not sink, his feet seemed to be stepping on the air.

Extimum : "Damn, can I fly?" In his excitement, Extimum took several more steps and jumped up, in his first steps he actually stepped into the air, however, when he took his last step his body fell directly into the lake.

** Splash **

Extimum : 'yes… I guess I can't'. Extimum thought as he poked his head out of the water.

Extimum : 'however, it is likely that in the future I will be able to do something similar, the feeling is clearly like stepping on a cloud, it has the softness that you would expect to feel and the hard enough so that you can use it for support, it is like walking on air, but I can't control it at the moment. '

Coming out of the water, Extimum dried his clothes with his wand and put the other part that he left on the ground.

Extimum : 'Well, there was also that time I touched a ghost, but I'm not sure that detail is of any real use, unless I want to be a ghost hunter.'


Today was december 23, so most of the Hogwarts students were preparing to go home and celebrate Christmas with their families, it was still early so most of the students were packing their bags. In the Ravenclaw common room, Extimum was with his friends having a casual chat on a secluded sofa, departure from the castle was scheduled for 9 am, so they would have the rest of the morning free to prepare.

Mitchell : "So are you staying?"

Steve: "Okay, I'll stay, I'm just developing my influence as an informant, so I'll stay in the castle to finish some tasks that I have to do, at least thanks to the influence of Extimum, in recent days it has become easier for me to access the inner circles of the other houses".

Trudor: "Heh, only you would choose your gossip empire over spending Christmas at home"

Steve: "hey, are you sure you want to talk about me, lest I tell someone that you sleep with a tedd **".

** mmp **

Trudor: "shh, shut up, they will listen to you, hmp, you are not the one to speak, that letter will not work with me, I have also seen that strange poster that you hide in your closet of American witches on the beach". Trudor covered Steve's mouth and fought back quickly.

Steve: "Hmp, I'm not ashamed to admit it." Although Steve said so, his face clearly said otherwise. The poster they were talking about was a secret poster that he kept in a drawer of some American witches who wore Muggle swimsuits on the beach.

Mitchell : "Seriously, why are you taking that poster with you? If you're going to have a poster you should have one of the Tutshill Tornados ."

Steve: "Bah, why would I want a poster of that Quidditch team , you just don't understand the value of my treasure yet, hmp, when they grow up I won't show it to them, even if they beg me".

Steve: "Besides, we all know that team will lose, you think so too, right Extimum ?, Hey wait, Extimum save me !. Damn, leave me alone Mitchell".

As Steve was saying his line he had already gotten off the couch and ran as soon as Mitchell pounced on him.

Until now, Extimum only listened to their conversations, he was entertained by their conversation.

Extimum : "how long do you think Steve can run before getting hit?"

Trudor: "Hmm, hard to say, lately he's been constantly chased by the first-year girls in our house, although he didn't want to tell me why, so maybe it could last about… 5 minutes ?, after all, Mitchell is trying very hard in his training so as not to be rejected again on the Quidditch team . "

Extimum : 'This fat man always does strange things, even I, who have memories of another world, don't go around doing such dubious acts.'

Extimum : "Well, what will you do this Christmas?"

Trudor: "Oh, my family plans to travel to Japan to visit relatives and spend Christmas there. And you?".

Extimum : "Japan eh? I suppose that I will also spend it at home with my family and I will take advantage of the rest of the time to carry out some pending matters".

Extimum imagined the Japan he had seen from his memories and wondered what the magical community would be like there; When he mentioned that he would spend Christmas at home with his family, he could only think of himself and the house alone, Although this Christmas maybe Extimum will have a different time

Extimum : 'I'll see if I can get a portkey to visit other countries later, mmm, maybe visit other branches of the family'.

Although the other branches of the family were not so close due to the distance, but they maintained a stable communication and met occasionally, due to the seniority of the family, each branch had been integrated with the country in which they resided and therefore adopted different cultures that gave more diversity to the family, in that aspect perhaps the Shadowless family was one of the only truly pure ones, although relationships between the family were also practiced, since each branch is related to magical families of their respective places, the Diversity in the blood does not face as many problems as other families, in fact, marriages between the branches were still common.

Extimum : "Well, I'll go hang out with Harry and the others, you should try to help Steve, you never know when you might need to collect a favor from him."

Trudor: "Oh that's an excellent idea, okay I'll go help him, see you on the train."


Going down to the dining room, Extimum saw that the decoration was already installed for the most part, large trees around the tables, mistletoes and among other things to improve the atmosphere were put up by teachers and some students chosen to help decorate the room.

Ron and Harry were at a table playing chess, as they approached their table, he realized that Hermione was also coming with her suitcase and heading towards the place. Extimum did not carry that much luggage, he would leave his things here at Hogwarts and only pack essential items, after all he was only going home.

Hermione got to the table first and watched Ron playing with Harry.

Magic chess is quite interesting because it gives you a bit of immersion in the game, not only the apparent death of the pieces, but the personality of each one can make you feel as if you really command a war of armies, after all, not very often the piece you are going to move tells you which move would be wiser, right?

Looking at the game, it seemed that Ron had the upper hand. And after Ron made a move and his token killed Harry's token, he ended up alarming Hermione who was watching the game closely for the first time with its realism, she had not seen the game before and at most she thought it was just magical because it responded to voice commands to move.

Hermione : "That's barbaric."

Ron: "This is magic chess, this is how the game is. I see you have already packed ".

Hermione : "Of course, and why not you?"

Ron: "I have other plans, my parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie, he studies dragons." Ron was smug when he mentioned his brother.

Harry: "psst, Extimum , tell me which chip to move to beat Ron, he hasn't let me beat him since we started and we've already played 5 games." Harry muttered as Hermione spoke to Ron.

Extimum moved his illusion magic a little to go unnoticed in front of Ron, after all being so close it would be difficult for him not to notice if he told Harry what move to make.

Extimum : "well, move your knight to position D5 and if given the opportunity move your right bishop to position G9". Extimum muttered to Harry a possible play that would put Ron in a difficult situation according to the current game.

Hermione : "great, you will accompany Harry and help him read more books to find Nicolas Flamel."

Ron: "What !, but we have already read hundreds of books, also because you don't tell Extimum , he likes to read."

Hermione : "That's because Extimum is also going home, don't you see that he's also carrying his bag, plus Extimum has read more books than you in the search for Nicolas Flamel."

In fact, Extimum had read more books than they had, but he wasn't exactly looking for Nicolas Flamel.

Hermione : "Besides, they haven't read the ones in the forbidden section." Hermione lowered her voice as she approached to say.

Hermione : "Well, merry Christmas, Extimum will you join me?"

Extimum had no problems, although he was going to stay with them for a while, accompanying Hermione to go out of the castle seemed more attractive.

Extimum : "Good." Extimum nodded and held out his hand for Hermione to take.

Hermione hesitated a bit, this would be the first time that she would take his hand willingly, the other occasions were more like her simply accepting her destiny and taking him by the hand, but this time it was more of an invitation; however, in the end she still reached out her hand for him to take it.

Extimum smiled a little when he saw that she had accepted and pulling her a little, he brought her closer to himself and then they left the great dining room together.

Ron: "I think we are a bad influence on her." Ron muttered to Harry who was in front of him when he heard Hermione's words .

Harry: "Okay, Ron, now continue." Harry just nodded and asked Ron to continue his game.

Ron: "ok, bishop to C4".

Harry: "Bishop to G9, check."

Ron : " What ?, ¿ I when ? , How is it possible?".

Harry: "haha, come on Ron, hurry to move."


Extimum and Hermione walked together hand in hand, they headed towards the carriages that would take them to the station to board the train.

Since they were still in good time to go to the station and not all the students would be back, it was easy to board a carriage and go just them, without the need for someone else to board the same carriage as well.

Once they boarded the carriage, They separated his hands and sat facing each other.. They were silent as they watched the changing scenery through the carriage window.

After an indeterminate time, it was Hermione who broke the silence.

Hermione : "About what happened that day ... when we were attacked by the troll ... when ... why did you go there?" Hermione began to speak slowly and when she was about to ask her question, she quickly changed it to another.

Extimum was enjoying the pleasant atmosphere in the carriage until he heard Hermione speak directing his attention to her.

Extimum : "because I heard from someone that you were unwell and I wanted to go and console you."

Hermione : "but we weren't that close."

Extimum : "Well, now we are, right? Therefore, it means that it was worth it."

Hermione was silent for a few seconds upon hearing his words and then answered.

Hermione : "Thank you." Hearing his words now, Hermione felt a bit touched and her impression of Extimum improved .

Extimum : "You're welcome ".

Hermione : "... a-and why did you bite me !?"

Extimum seriously considered his answer.

Extimum : "it was what I felt was necessary."

Hermione : "What does that mean? Besides, that was clearly not just a bite, it was much more than that, I felt ... many things and later when I looked in the mirror there were no marks, it was as if it had never happened. Also consider if you were a vampire, but I did my research and I was watching you and you definitely don't match the description of one, but the bite and your fangs… ".

Extimum just stared at her and listened until she noticed his outburst and was a bit embarrassed, then asked again.

Hermione : "So ...?"

Extimum rose from his seat, leaned close to Hermione's face and then slid close to her ear and whispered.

Extimum : "why? ... do you want to try again ...?".

Hermione was stunned, in fact, she asked more because of her confusion about the whole thing, but what exactly was she looking for when she asked that?

As Hermione quickly thought of her answer, Extimum lightly raked one of his fangs near her neck causing Hermione to flinch.

Hermione : "What-are you ...?"

Before Hermione finished her words, Extimum gave her a light kiss on her neck and walked away.

** iihaa **

Hermione cried out in surprise and then looked at Extimum .

Hermione : "Y-You."

As Hermione tried to form a coherent sentence, Extimum spoke.

Extimum : "Wow, we've arrived, well, I'll see you later on the train" Extimum spoke naturally and with a bit of enthusiasm, as if nothing had happened.

In fact, while all this was happening the carriage had approached the station and by the time Extimum spoke they had already arrived, so he saluted and quickly got out of the carriage.

Hermione : "Ungh." Hermione got up and stomped the floor of the carriage a bit in exasperation and then headed towards the train as well.

As she got out of the carriage, Hermione looked around at the station, but couldn't find Extimum anywhere.

Hermione : 'He disappeared… again… hmp, but he dared to take advantage of me.' Hermione didn't really think of anything about the little kiss, perhaps between her daring and the previous bite,, a kiss did not mean much or simply his youthful mind did not give much importance to it. Although it was necessary to know that Hermione was already 12 years old, she turned years shortly after entering Hogwarts, she was in fact a few months older than all of her group, however, something like this is not of importance.


Some time later, inside the train, Extimum was walking through the wagons observing the compartments to see if there was any group that would call his attention to join in for a while, as the train still did not start, many of the compartments were open and so Extimum could see who was inside without going inside; As for Hermione , he would let her cool down a bit and then go find her.

In one of the compartments there were four children: two girls and two boys, the two girls and one of the boys were not unknown to Extimum , as for the other boy, he sure saw it but they should not be very outstanding if he did not He bothered to remember their names, although he could remember everything, if the information was not very relevant he would file it in his memory among other things in case it was useful in the future, situations like this, in which if he had to interact with him, he would know their names, were skills like this for which oclumency became important among other things. The two girls were Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones, the boys were Ernie Macmillan and Justin Finch-Fletchley , all four were from Hufflepuff . Extimum hadn't interacted much with them since he came to Hogwarts, he had seen Susan speak with Hermione a few times and Extimum had interacted a bit with her since he knew her, he also knew Hannah and Ernie, being family Abbott and Macmillan respectively, however, with them he had not interacted much, that said, Extimum had not even tried to socialize and try to get along with the Hufflepuffs more than necessary yet, after all Extimum already divided his time among other things.

Having mentioned them before, Susan was a girl with red hair and she wore her hair in a long braid, her eyes were brown and in terms of her appearance, we could say that she was above average, although given that she still mostly retained her features Childhood was difficult to tell in the future, at first glance you could tell that she was a bit dreamy and a bit shy. Hannah had blonde hair and brown eyes, her appearance was also above average, but again, it was too early to say how she would be in the future, looking at her you would say that she was a happy and enthusiastic person. Ernie had blond hair and was Caucasian, his eyes were black and his expression was a bit pompous, yet he seemed friendly. Justin had brown hair and brown eyes, he seemed to have a friendly and cheerful personality.

So, deciding that it was a good time to improve his relationship with some Hufflepuff acquaintances , Extimum entered the compartment to say hello.

Well, here's another chapter.

Know that when I take the time for the extra employees it is because in the future they may or may not have a role and it would be better if they had a previous entry for a better development.

Speaking of extras, what do you think of my Extimum colleagues? In general I think I have given them a good development and they offer fun moments without being forced, they are just things that occur to me at the moment, said this in my original idea They didn't exist, it's just that I thought it was strange that he didn't have friends at home

Zeroz7creators' thoughts