
Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version)

The magical world has never been a safe place. Dragons, Trolls, Dementors, beings from the abyss, are just some of the dangers that inhabit it, not to mention the greatest terror in it, sentient beings. The fantastic and the extraordinary have always been linked to danger, but not everything has to be so bad. Where there is darkness, there will always be light. In this alternative reality, a variable is born, he was not meant to live, but he lives, slowly changing the gears of this world. When the broken fragments of a life in a different reality merge with the young Extimum at 5 years old, his perception of the world changes and he realizes where he is or isn't... Fighting to maintain the status quo is no longer an option when the world he thought he knew shows him that it is not exactly what he believed. A mysterious background, a complex destiny and a gift along with his arrival that promises to take him to the top of this world if he is willing to put in the effort. Join me in this coming-of-age story where both the young wizard will learn how to live and the author will improve in his description of his adventures. --- This version is an automatic translation with Google, I try when I can to improve the errors that may occur in the process, but as a non-native there can always be a problem or two, so I hope for your understanding. If you want to read the original version (Spanish), you can enter my profile or follow this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-el-zorro-celestial_21135401405306205 - the original image on the cover is not mine, just modify it, if the owner wants me to remove it, he can tell me. --- This is the first story / fanfic that I write so I will upload some test chapters if you like it, constructive criticism is accepted - R18, R*p3, Reincarnation, Harem, Harry Potter, AU, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Dark.

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60 Chs

•Cerberus's name is Fluffy ...

After leaving incantations class , Extimum walked with the crowd through the castle , enjoying the atmosphere, after walking for a while he saw Harry walking along with Ron who had separated from the Weasley twins , they have recently dropped out of flying class and Harry excitedly told Ron how he had been selected to be the Gryffindor Seeker by Professor McGonagall .

Approaching them, Harry noticed him first, followed by Ron.

Harry: "hello Extimum". Although they hadn't spent much time together, Harry liked Extimum and considered him a friend.

Ron: "Wait Harry, it could be a Ravenclaw spy." Ron muttered to Harry, though with Extimum's senses it wasn't difficult to hear him .

Harry: "don't be silly Ron, I don't think Extimum is like that."

Ron: "I just say ...".

Extimum : "Hi Harry, Ron… I heard you were accepted into the Quidditch team , Harry, congratulations." Extimum greeted Harry and when he greeted Ron he stopped his gaze a little longer but continued normally; Extimum did n't really care what Ron said , in fact, he found it a bit funny, him, Extimum , being a Ravenclaw spy ?, although coming from Ron it's not impossible, however, if he gets closer to Ron he would make sure to teach him a lesson or two so he doesn't talk so much nonsense; As for Harry, although they didn't know each other that much , seeing Harry's goodwill , Extimum was sincere in his compliment.

As they continued walking and Ron was talking again about how fabulous Quidditch was and easing Harry's concerns about the game , they were approached by Hermione on the way , who broke into the conversation.

Harry: "but I've never played Quidditch , what if I make a fool of myself ?"

Hermione: "don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself, it's in your veins."

Harry was surprised by Hermione's sudden appearance next to him, however, hearing her words, he quickly asked.

Harry: "what do you mean?"

Hermione: "come with me."

Hermione simply told them to follow her and led them to a hall where some trophies were on display; on the way Hermione gave Extimum a few quick glances, but decided to talk to him when they were alone.

Observing the trophies, one of them in particular was written: Seeker- James Potter -197X

Ron: "Harry you never told me that your father was a seeker."

Harry: "No. ... I didn't know." Harry replied thoughtfully and excited to find out more about his parents.

Since they had finished classes for today, after seeing the trophies, they headed towards the common room, Extimum followed them because the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room was also on the same floor as Gryffindor, although he did not speak much and in general kept quiet and added something to the conversation occasionally, Ron on the other hand, he complained about how creepy it was that Hermione knew more about Harry than Harry himself knew about himself.

As they crossed one of the stairs to access another floor, it shook a bit and began to move in another direction .

Harry: " woow , what's up ?". Harry was alarmed by the sudden movement of the staircase they were passing by.

Hermione, "Don't you remember anymore?, The stairs change places".

Harry: "let's go there."

Ron: " Okay, before the stairs are changed again."

On the floor to which the staircase now gave access, there was a door and other stairs to go down in another direction, they all decided to enter through the door since they did not want the staircase to take them to the other side.

Extimum on the other hand, although he also advanced with them, he could not help feeling that this scene was familiar to him , but he did not remember that, in addition, a staircase changes place is not uncommon .

Going through the door, he found a somewhat dark corridor with some statues and unlit torches.

Ron: "Don't you have the feeling, that we shouldn't be here?"

Hermione: "It's because we shouldn't be here, it's the third floor and it's supposed to be forbidden."

Just as Hermione finished speaking, a nearby torch was lit and a cat came through the door through which they entered.

** meow **

Looking down the somewhat creepy corridor, then at the torch that was suddenly lit, and to confirm his conjectures the meowing of a cat, Extimum finally remembered why he felt this scene was familiar to him and what would happen; Although Extimum has eidetic memory , but his past memories are only normal so they only contain the general idea or highlights that a normal person remembers, however, since he is already here it will not prevent them from entering the room after all, what they saw there will ignite the spark of curiosity in the group.

Everyone looked at the cat blocking the road until Hermione so recognized .

Hermione: "it's filch's cat, run." Since the cat seemed to have a connection to Filch and they hardly parted it was only a matter of time until Filch came and caught them.

They all ran down the hall, in which magic torches lit up as they passed and went out as they walked away , until they saw a door and rushed towards it , however, when they tried to open it, they realized that it was locked, which that I despair of all, except Extimum .

Harry: "It 's closed." He said after struggling with the handle and not being able to open the door.

Ron: "we are finished, this is the end". Ron panicked a bit.

Deciding to save them a bit of anguish and show a bit of his ability, Extimum waved his wand and the door unlocked.

Hearing the door lock being released, Harry and Ron felt a little excited and opened the door quickly , however, Hermione on the other hand was amazed , although he knew the spell, but he could not do it without chanting it, much less performing it so easily.

They all quickly entered the room and closed the door behind them.

Ron: "how did you do that?" After feeling a bit safe, Ron decided to quench his curiosity.

But before Extimum could reply, Hermione answered.

Hermione: "It is the spell 'Alohomora', it is in the spell book, chapter 7, but how did you do to launch it without chanting it? ". Hermione explained the origin of the spell and asked her doubt, looking at Extimum with sincere curiosity, although she knew it was possible to cast spells without chanting them, but it was not something that generally freshmen could do.

Extimum: "training". Extimum did not mind showing them that he could perform spells without chanting them, it was not something so strange if they thought about their origin, although it was impressive, as far as they told others, maybe only Ron would say it, but since it was in the third floor is unlikely to even mention it to him or well , not after seeing what's next to them in the room.

Hermione wanted to know more, but since they still had to be careful with Filch she didn't ask any more and went to the door to hear if there were footsteps or the Filch was leaving.

After making sure they were gone, they relaxed and went a bit further into the room.

Hermione: "already left".

Ron: "It is likely that he believed that this room was locked."

Hermione: "It was closed."

Harry: "And look at the reason." Harry responded just then with a little nervous ism in his voice .

Extimum just looked at the dog with curiosity, he was not afraid of him, he was sure that with his abilities he could at least stay safe in the worst case scenario.

Extimum: 'actually what can you call a Cerberus like Fluffy…'. Extimum felt his lip twitched a bit, seeing this big ferocious dog against the and someone would have named him Fluffy.

And there he was, a large three-headed dog, the Cerberus Fluffy ... his height and width covered the entire rest of the room, with a fierce aura around him and black fur and yellow eyes , if you weren't prepared and you had no experience with this type of creature, it was hard not to feel a little intimidated and a little scared to face it from such close range; the cerberus was dozing a bit and woke up to the noise of the door and everyone's voices.

All except Extimum froze for a moment when they saw such an imposing creature so close to them.

Extimum: 'this would be a good time to take a step forward'. Making a quick decision, Extimum grabbed Hermione's hand that was still frozen and dragged her quickly towards the door , however, that did not stop her Hermione from crying out, either from the surprise of being suddenly pulled or her surprise and fright contained by her. face the cerberus .

The cerberus was instantly alerted upon seeing Extimum move and all three of its heads roared as it rose to its feet.

** Ahhhh !!!

** Roar !!!

Harry and Ron also screamed, venting their fear and running towards the door that Extimum had already opened.

After exiting, Extimum readied his wand and pointed at the door just in case while he waited for Harry and Ron to pass to close the door.

Once Harry and Ron got out, they quickly grabbed the door and tried to close it; the cerberus on the other hand the had followed and pushed one of their heads trying to bite , finishing pushing the door Harry and Ron trying to close.

Extimum approached the door and pushing a little, the door closed easily, of course no one noticed his incredible show of strength because Ron and Harry were also pushing, as for Hermione, by the time she wanted to help they had already closed the door.

After leaving there they headed back to the common room , on the way Ron was only complaining about the madness of having a cerberus at school, Hermione on the other hand was thinking about how dangerous the previous event had been and how Extimum he had taken her hand to get her out of there ; Reaching the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, Extimum said his goodbyes and headed towards the entrance of the Ravenclaw tower.


Upon entering the common room, there were several students reading near some bookshelves, playing some board games or chatting in some groups.

Looking at the calm and friendly atmosphere of the room, Extimum realized that he didn't really know many people or have any friends, although Harry could be considered one.

He had actually neglected interpersonal relationships quite a bit, but it's not like he'd had the chance before. He had attended political meetings before and met many people, including people his age, but usually on those occasions everyone had a different plan in mind, which made it difficult to make true friends.

Heading to his bedroom, Extimum received a few glances, mainly from the women, but some men still did not get used to his unique appearance and were also looking at him more scrutinizingly.

When entering his bedroom he only found 2 of his companions, the other was probably outside, so walking towards them he introduced himself.

Extimum: "Hello, I had not had the opportunity to introduce myself before, I am Extimum Shadowless, it is a pleasure to meet you".

His companions were surprised by his approach, they thought that Extimum would be very arrogant and that is why he had ignored them, however, that had not mattered much to them because in Ravenclaw they tend to enter extravagant or very particular characters, in addition, since in general they have a style more rational and competitive, they wouldn't be offended for so little.

Roommate 1: "My pleasure anyway, I'm Mitchell Knife." Mitchell was a boy with tanned skin, he had crazy brown hair and brown eyes, he seemed the type of person who liked to make friends everywhere.

Roommate 2 : " I'm Steve Genius ". Steve was a boy a little chubby and short in comparison, he had reddish hair, but throwing a little more to the red color, his eyes were gray, he looked like the type you would go to hear gossip and with his lively look he reinforced the thought more .

After that they chatted for a while, from their conversation Extimum learned that the Mitchell family had several farms that produced low grade magical animal skins and Steve's family moved from Russia to Sweden and ran some various business stores in the alley Diagon. Extimum not talk much about his family, but if he did speak a little about himself, after all, even he did not know much of his family, more than he had read in the library or heard of the meetings of his father; He also told her that his other roommate was named Trudor Naipe and that it was likely that he would return later in the night; And just as he had guessed before parting ways , Steve did not forget to tell him that if he wanted to know any Hogwarts gossip he should not hesitate to ask him.

Although he had improved his relationship with his roommates, Extimum still wanted to try to find a private room for himself, although it was not safe to assume that there would be, but since Hogwarts has always been a castle full of mysteries and secrets it should not be impossible that he had. Some secret room, even if it wasn't a personal bedroom, as long as there was a room it could still fit, so he embarked on a search for a secret room.


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