
Harry Potter: Ninjutsu Wizard

After dying during a war while on a relief mission, a young boy was granted a lucky draw for his next world. Unexpectedly he got the Ninjutsu System and his next world was of Harry Potter.

LordRaphael · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Ravenclaw over Gryffindor

A few hours before the resurrection ceremony:

Hermione and Earnest were talking to each other as they moved towards Dora's cabin.

"Let me introduce you to my big sister, Nymphadora Tonks. Big sis, she is Hermione Granger, my first friend that I just made."

"Hi Hermione" Dora nodded to Hermione and after some introductions, Hermione and Nymphadora became familiar with each other. Hermione kept asking her some questions about Hogwarts and magic, and Dora also replied very patiently. After a while when there was nothing to talk about, Earnest asked her sister to get out of the cabin.

"Hey big sis, can you teach me a cleaning magic spell? You know Hermione already knows some spells."

"I can but they are advanced spells and you might not be able to use them."

"Don't worry sis, I will just give it a try."

'Since my physique has changed, my magic flows more smoothly so that I can use ninjutsu. I think my charms talent should have also increased. Well, intent and self-confidence are required from what I remember about the book, but magic flow is also important. Plus I need to clean the blood stains and that black goo so that it does not raise any panic.'

"Fine fine, I will teach you about a spell called scourgify. But you must not use them on other students otherwise there might be some serious consequences."

After that Dora went on to teach wand movements and spell incantation to Earnest and he also learned the spell on his 10th attempt which came as a surprise to her as this is one of the charms taught in the 4th year.

But she was still happy that her brother seemed quite talented even after losing his memories.

Earnest excused himself for a couple of minutes citing the same reason as going to the washroom and used the newly learned spell to get rid of the blood and black goo from the carriage where he underwent his physique change.

After he came back, people started filling the platform and many students entered the train. Earnest also decided to help Hermione enter Ravenclaw instead of Gryffindor.

"So Hermione, which house do you wish to enter after sorting?"

This question got the attention of both the girls present.

"Why don't you both enter Hufflepuff? It is the best house, it is near the kitchen and is quite lively."

Hermione has a trace of hesitation. She liked her new best friend and also this cheerful senior who happened to be her best friend's sister so she didn't know how to refuse them.

And she would also like to enter the same college as her friend. So she decided to ask Earnest about it.

"Which college would you choose Earnest?"

"Me, I don't know, big sis, can you tell me about the houses, and please give me an honest opinion and not the 'Hufflepuff is the best college' one."

"You are no fun Ernie. You should just follow your sister like you used to do when you were little." Dora pouted but decided to enlighten her little brother and his friend about the colleges as this is one of the most important decisions for their Hogwarts life.

"Gryffindor symbolizes courage and bravery, Ravenclaw symbolizes wisdom and is known for its thirst for knowledge, Slytherin represents cunningness and ambition and Hufflepuff represents loyalty, hard work and fair play.

But that's what the founders meant when they created this house system. Gryffindor students these days do have courage but it's more of recklessness and there is no sense of unity. Ravenclaw students do value knowledge but there is no innovation left, they are more of a bookworm.

Slytherin values ambition but is now reduced to a pit of blood politics and arrogance. As for Hufflepuff, they think of themselves as inferior and most of them stop striving for excellence and settle for mediocrity."

'That is quite a good description from her. She might seem to be carefree but her observations are quite astute.'

After Dora finished explaining the meaning of the four houses and their current situation, there was silence for the better part of a minute before Earnest decided to break the silence.

"I think Ravenclaw is better for you Hermione."

"Yes, but I thought of entering Gryffindor, I heard that it is the best house."

"And how is it the best house?" this time it was Dora who asked her and there was a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"Well, headmaster Dumbledore was from this house. And he is the greatest wizard of the century."

"Yeah, but how does that make Gryffindor the best house?" Earnest questioned Hermione with an amused smile.

"Well, he is the greatest wizard, so Gryffindor should be the best house. Also, Professor McGonagall was from Gryffindor."

"You still didn't answer my question, Hermione. They were from the same house, but they are not students right now. And also they become great because of their talents and not because of the house. House just connects you with like-minded people which can help you make friends and make you develop a healthy mindset and good memories at Hogwarts.

Am I correct big sis?"

Dora looked at Earnest like he had grown another head.

'How can my cute and stupid little brother who only has his big sister in his mind become so intelligent and tactful? I can see he is trying to guide her from not entering Gryffindor. Maybe he doesn't like that house.

But is it because of that accident? Does the permanent loss of memories make people more intelligent or maybe he always was intelligent but never got the opportunity to show it?

But he is quite a genius in music and always used to play songs for me and Mom and Dad.

Yeah, previously apart from playing with me he only attended his music lessons in the muggle world so that's why I never noticed it.'

"Yeah, you are correct Ernie." Dora jumped and hugged her brother as she giggled.

But Earnest didn't focus on that and continued his explanation.

"Now Hermione, you might want to join Gryffindor because you might be brave and your admiration for those great wizards and witches, but will you find like-minded people? Now big sis, can you tell me how many students from Gryffindor will you see in the library or those that are academically excellent and focus on studies?"

"None, well only one but he must be in his fifth year right now and might be in Gryffindor only because of his family history.

Most of them are reckless and focus on playing pranks and breaking school rules."

"But how can this be possible, that was the Headmaster's house."

"Well Hermione, Ravenclaw should be perfect for you. Even if there is no innovation, they still focus more on studies which resonate with your modus operandi. And you might find more like-minded friends in this house."

Hermione went deep into thinking mode after listening to this and Earnest did not disturb her. He knows that he cannot influence her more than this.

"And what about you Ernie?" asked Dora while still hugging her little brother.

'She is quite clingy.' remarked Earnest in his mind as he replied.

"I still don't know, maybe I will leave it to the sorting procedure."

'Yeah, but I am still debating about Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. As Ravenclaw, I might get to be with Hermione and also there are a lot of beautiful...Cough! Cough! a lot of books and no one will find it odd if I find more time in the library learning spells as I need to grow strong and quite quickly which requires the development of body, magic and ninjutsu.

The body can be developed with exercise and martial arts practice only. I still remember my six years of martial arts experience and with the strength of Uzumaki's body and perception, I can still take on these Hogwarts wizards easily.

Magic knowledge accumulation, Ravenclaw will help me cover for it because Ravenclaws have an unusual thirst for knowledge.

Ninjutsu require money and only Slytherins have money and I might need to take over Pure Blood family's coffers. As a ninja, stealing their money will be quite easy and since the system will take the money, I won't have to worry about evidence.

As for Hufflepuff, this house is the most ordinary one and no one will pay attention to it. If you want to secretly develop without gathering any attention from the white demon king or the black one, Hufflepuff is the best choice.

It's just that as a Hufflepuff, I won't get a good chance to steal more money from the Slytherin Dorms and also a Hufflepuff spending more time in the library reading advanced spells might garner unwanted attention.

Sigh! let's leave the problem for the sorting hat.'