
Chapter 348

A/N: Want to read ahead (up to 40 chapters)? Go to my Patreоn and get your early access chapters


May the magic be with you! Enjoy!


When I returned to my place and emerged from the apparation, I examined this easy and painless beating.

"You'll say: «We didn't expect it, sudden attack, incomprehensible possibilities.» But that's exactly what's going to happen in the confrontation. Add to that the actual combat spells..."

With a flick of my wand, I began to remove Incarcerous from each of them until I freed them all. It took about fifteen minutes for the students to clean themselves up, find their wands, and stop whispering indignantly.

"And what now?" asked a slightly despondent Potter.

"What's my point? The point is that you're out here having fun, learning the spells of the school curriculum, learning how to use them in a fun and relaxed atmosphere while your opponents stand quietly waiting. You're studying for exams, not for battles. I don't mean to brag, but Hermione and I have been practicing every bloody day since the first year, every bloody day, to the bloody sweat, so that I can now show you what you've seen."

"Tell them about the methods," came Hermione's voice, still sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Yes. Every practice was like the last time. We were trying to hit each other. Bruises, abrasions, cuts, hematomas, fractures, concussions. We brewed ourselves potions to keep from dying in our own training or from injuries. We studied everything we could get our hands on. Here, the seniors will not let me lie — there are a lot of books on Dark and even Black magic in the library.

The girl and the guy from Ravenclaw's seventh year nodded when the others looked at them.

"I'm not scaring you. I just know what you can expect from those who don't limit themselves with morals and laws. If you say you want to learn how to defend yourself, then learn. Learn in a way that makes your brain boil and your wand fall out of your hands. It is not enough to gather once a week for an hour, for fun defense lessons."

"So, now what? Eh?" said Ron indignantly. "Drop everything and be unable to defend ourselves?"

The guys nodded vigorously, "Yes, indeed!"

"You now need to learn something completely different. Not how to fight, but how to escape."

"Hey, we're not cowards!"

"That's what they'll write on the tombstone. Harry. There are textbooks over there," I pointed to the bookcases with my hand. "There are complexes of concealment and detection charms. Learn the Disillusionment Charms and the Homenum Revelio."

I looked around at the students and found the girl I needed.

"Susan. Get the apparation practice rings and instructions through your aunt. The twins already know how to apparate. Let them teach you. Then..."

I noticed that someone had even started taking notes from dictation.

"...I want everyone to learn Protego, Protego Maxima, Protego Reflecto. It is obligatory to be able to put Protego Maxima in a complex with Fianto Duri and Repello Inimicum. You must be able to put them as a complex, around yourself, in a group of three people. Change groups periodically. With such a set of spells, you can go on the defensive, and only Avada, Fiendfyre, and Diabolica's flame can break through them. Every group should have at least one student who is good at transfiguration that can make shields, walls, and other obstacles from Avada out of junk. If anyone suddenly thinks that defense is not enough, you can learn Sectumsempra and the powerful Diffindo on dummies. Well, if you're ready to see your spell cut a man open and his guts fall to the ground."

There were sounds of gagging from the particularly impressionable.

"Max," Harry shook his head reproachfully. "That's too cruel."

"How so!" I clapped my hands. "You're serious about confronting maniacs, murderers, rapists, and lunatics. You will threaten them with Lumos and Expelliarmus? Pfft, scared a hedgehog with a bare ass. Anyway, I've made my recommendations. It's up to you to follow them or not. But keep in mind that once you decide to fight, your life depends on this training. Do you devote enough time to this matter? Oh yes, learn cloaking charms as soon as possible — as I understand, this little club will soon be hunted."

"Why don't you teach us?" asked Ginny, peeking out from the crowd.

"No. I simply don't have time. The textbooks have absolutely everything. I learned from them, too. Only Protego requires a demonstration, but you've got the seventh-year guys for that."

I headed back to Hermione's couch, and the crowd of students began to break into groups again and actively discuss something. They quickly split into two teams in less than two minutes — some are looking for books in the cabinets, and others are training. Those who found books began writing out spells and instructions and then multiplying parchments with them. It is unlikely that their fervor will last for a long time, but if they learn at least concealment charms and protective complexes, they may be able to hold out until the arrival of help if they get involved in some adventure.

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