
Harry Potter: Monarch of Magic

William Reginal was once an insignificant figure following the flow of a mundane society without leaving any noticeable mark of existence. During a sleep no different from any other, William came in contact with the unspeakable, and unimaginable for a mortal, demon or even a god. Something greater. Far greater. When he awoke from his slumber a changed being, it marked the beginning of a legendary time in which he would be at the core of events that would be etched into the annals of time. ---------------------- Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc, are the property of their respective owners, William Reginal, Vincent Helin, and others. The original characters and extended plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Cosmic_Writer · Phim ảnh
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The two girls who thought they had entered an empty carriage were surprised to find a stunningly attractive boy in the same compartment with them, holding open a book, he was quietly reading but when they entered his deep golden eyes gazed at them before giving a simple smile and returning to his book. After being frozen for a moment both the girls sat opposite William quietly, and as they were attempting to put their luggage away they were surprised to see William simply point his finger and the luggage all stored itself. Wandless magic! Chantless magic! Equally astonished the girls couldn't comprehend how a boy the same age as them could be so advanced.

The awkward silence prevailed on the train until finally, the long black-haired girl took the lead in introducing themselves. "Nice to meet you, my name is Cho Chang, and this is my friend Marietta Edgecombe, thank you for helping us, your wandless magic is really awesome! What's your name?". After hearing their names, William's assumption of their identities was confirmed, one was the 'snitch' of the Dumbledore army, and the other was someone who took the blame for it. Shaking his head slightly in his mind, William greeted the two girls kindly. "Nice to meet you, my name is William, William Reginal. As for my magic, I just practised a lot that's all."

Cho Chang nodded with a slight smile, while Marietta in turn greeted William after putting aside her usual nervous nature. The three had a regular conversation, mostly the two girls talking about various wizarding world affairs, Cho Changs extreme love for quidditch, and their favourite foods, William rarely chiming in with a word or two. Candidly, after ten or so minutes William was desperate enough, to buy a tonne of treats from the train and gave them to the two girls in an attempt to slow them down. It's not that he disliked them talking, honestly, it was pleasant and relaxing to hear them talk so freely. A stark contrast to when at home he is planning the next dark wizard capturing plan, or preparing measures against the Ministry and gang wars. But sometimes, enjoying the pleasant scenery beyond the train under the rain and relaxing is more pleasant.

As the two girls slowly realised William has closed his eyes in line with the relaxing atmosphere outside the train, the two girls also rested against the seats and closed their eyes, enjoying the peace. The pleasant time lasted for a while, until the train slowly came to a halt in the night, seemingly arriving at their destination. Opening his eyes and blinking for a few seconds to regain clarity, William gently woke the two girls before exiting the train with them. In the darkness of night, various lamps and small spells attempted to brighten up the surroundings.

Raising his hand to the air, William released a variant Lumos spell that rose to the sky and like a miniature white sun, lit up the entire Hogsmeade station. Revealing the stunned faces of hundreds of little wizards and the surprised face of a mountain of a man in front of them. No one except Cho Chang and Marietta saw William cast the spell so the conversations quickly died down. "Right, then! First years! This way, please! Come on, now, don't be shy! Hurry up now!". The bearded giant called out loudly, drawing in all the students quickly as they followed him towards many boats. "Right then. This way to the boats! Come on, now, follow me. Four per boat". The large man ordered everyone and soon split William, Cho Chang, Marietta and one unknown boy into a boat.

As the boats began travelling over a massive body of water, which William knew housed a terrifying creature, the majestic Hogwarts Castle came into full display. In the darkness of the night, its illuminated rooms emitted light through the many windows, making it shine like a gem in the night, making even William stand in awe. After arriving at the entrance of the massive castle and going past the massive gates and trickling up some stairs, the giant of a man smiled and stopped in front of a mysterious-looking lady with a classic wizard's hat on.

After greeting each other, the man handed the remaining freshmen to the now known 'Professor Mc Gonagall' and left with her thanking him. "Thank you, Hagrid. Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates in the Great Hall. But before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup. That'll all, hurry up now". Professor Mc Gonagall said in a strict yet caring voice, swiftly entering the Great Hall, with a stream of freshmen nervously following behind her.

As they entered the Great Hall, William was too stunned to speak, the thousands of floating candles, ghosts dancing wildly, a starry night sky as a ceiling, medieval decorations, and massive long tables with a variety of cuisines on them. The films did not do the real thing justice, was William's thoughts. Not at all affected by the many eyes staring at the freshmen, William watched as Professor Mc Gonogall placed a singular chair in front of the stage and in front of a table of professors and the mythical man himself and brought an honestly grim looking wizards hat and placed it on the chair.

After a few words from the professor, the great dean, Dumbledore himself stood up from his seat and began his speech. "I have a few start of the term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr Filch has asked me to remind you that the 3rd-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you". Quick and brief, but it received warm applause from the students towards the world's best wizard.

Following the pleasantries and introductions, Professor Mc Gonogall finally began the first important event of the night. "When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses". The names trickled out, one by one as they arrived on stage and received their house and a round of applause from the corresponding house. Nothing currently deviated from what William knew, Cho Chang as well as Marietta both joined Ravenclaw, whilst Katie Bell, Cormac McLaggen and the like joined Gryffindor.

Finally, Professor Mc Gonagall, after an irregular slight pause called out another name, "William Ambrosius Reginal". Most professors, excluding snape, were stunned, whilst the entire hall fell into whispering chatters as William calmly and indifferently walked up to the stage, step by step, his aura catching the eyes of all the professors and causing all the talking students to fall silent as he placed the famous sorting hat gently on his head.

Seriously how do 11-year-olds talk...are they always excited? Williams basically an 11-year-old super boss when he talks usually, hurts my soul to write dialogue for children. :(

I got some personal work to do, so chapters will be delayed by a week or two, but will return with 20 or 30 chapters to make up for it. Hope you continue to enjoy my work. :)

Cosmic_Writercreators' thoughts