
Harry Potter Live Question In 1976

Big screen suddenly lit up on sky and can be seen by every wizard. Lily Evans: What! I will marry james in the future? James Potter: I knew it will happen Lily Evans: My Child is saviour that kill dark lord. ..... Voldemort: There is no way newborn can kill me!! Death eater: Let's kill lily evans family. Follow my discord channel: https://discord.gg/h8fQefhH Support me either in patreon or buy me a coffee Patreon link: patreon.com/zorojurown Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zorojurown

ZoroTraineeWriter · Phim ảnh
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33 Chs

Chapter 28: Voldemort Real Identity


Narcissa Malfoy does not understand why Nick Hunt tries so hard to show the horrible side of Snape. Is Snape the next Dark Lord?

"I really didn't understand why you tried too hard to expose Snape, why didn't you expose the Dark Lord background?" asked Narcissa.

Nick Hunt felt embarrassed hearing the question from Narcissa, then he replied, "I wanted the whole world to judge a real Snape and wanted him to get a second chance. To be honest, I really like him, but he is just a misguided teen, and you will know later why he became like that."

Narcissa was shocked, and she wanted to ask another question, but she knew Nick Hunt had just ordered him to watch a video until the end.

"One more thing, Miss Narcissa, the next question is about your Dark Lord. You might want to know who he really is, so here we go," smirked Nick Hunt.





"Why ask this question? The Dark Lord is a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. I heard rumours that he can speak Parseltongue, and he is stronger than Dumbledore," said Mulciber while smiling.

"Yeah, he is a real example of pure blood. All pureblood should follow him because he wanted to eradicate mudblood and those dirty bloods. They are just destroying our pureblood culture, I don't understand why those blood traitors like Potter support them," replied Mulber.

Some of the pureblood agree, and some do not agree with this statement. On their minds, they are questioning these bigots, 'Are they really stupid? If there is only pureblood left, the economy will collapse and no one will take low-paying jobs.'


"James, do you know the answer?" asked Sirius Black.

"Nope, but I bet if he went to Hogwarts, he must be one of the Slytherins whose slimy sake is so disgusting," replied James with a mocking smile.

Curious about James's answer, one of the purebloods from Gryffindor asked him, "Why do you hate Slytherin so much?"

"Because their house is full of evil, no one is innocent there, and that is the place Dark Wizard was born," said James with a disgusting tone.

"Oh, so your mother is evil; I heard Dorea Potter Nee Black are from Slytherin. So your mother is evil, and you are a descendant of evil or the Dark Wizard," said the Gryffindor boy without empathy towards James.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became silent. Everyone looked at James, and that boy, even Lily, was looking at James Potter. She never knew James mother was from Slytherin.

"You... youu...." James Potter pointed his finger at that boy. Luckily, he was stopped by Remus Lupin.

"Don't say that next time, boy. The reason James hates Slytherin is because Lily is the best friend of Snape. If Snape were from Hufflepuff, he would also hate Hufflepuff, said Remus Lupin, exposing James. Now that he has drunk a potion that cures his disease, he can finally stop James from bullying innocent people.

"WHAATTT!" shouted Lily. "Who are you, Potter, who wanted to hate my friend?"


"Dumbledore," said Horace Slughorn while looking at him with a heavy face.

"Do you know about him, Dumbledore?" Minerva asked Dumbledore,

"I know about him, he is one of the students here. His name is Tom Marvolo Riddle, said Dumbledore calmly.

"What, that handsome prefect from Slytherin? Why have you never told us before?" asked Minerva.

"I plan to tell you, but because of Tom Status, it might lead to the suffering of the Muggle-Born Wizard," said Dumbldore. "He is from a muggle orphanage, and based on my study, he is from the Gaunt family."

"So he is half blood, but it is a good thing we can answer and get the reward this time. Shadow clone jutsu might be helpful and can be a dangerous weapon if the enemy owns it."

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