
Harry Potter and the thunder lord

a story of a boy who got chance to be reborn in world of Harry Potter. witness the rise of new strongest wizard. in clash of giants like Dumbledore and Voldermort. the Wight lord and dark lord a new lord emerges the rise of thunder lord. no harem. fanfic . wanted to do something new. my English is handicapped and grammar is on ventilator so please ignore my mistakes. thanks

razegnoy · Phim ảnh
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4 Chs

ch 1 .past

After reading so many hp fan-fics . Some of which was to good and rest was horrible. I dicided to write my own fan-fic .

1)There will be no op abilities from start .

2) NO harem

3) and even no romance till 4 th year

My English is handicapped. And grammar is on ventilator so stick with it and enjoy.


In dark chilling night of December. A man is running to go home .

Shit I am late. Fuck today is finals and I wanted to watch full match while enjoying holidays. But that shity bose of mine . Due to that basterd I have to overtime and he even cancelled my holiday.

And suddenly he heard a sound of truck coming twords him with fast speed .

And splash .

Ohh God why always me .

Can't you see you basterd .

My clothes are all wet you mothafaka .

Aaaaaaaa Bare with avi . Every thing is fine . So what some basterd splesh derty water on your clothes all I have to do is wash them at home . There is nothing else I can do . Hash.

Opening the Door of my appartment. First of all I changed my clothes and went for making dinner.

After dinner I went to my bedroom and slept peacefully.

That's all what I remember before waking up in this dark shithole .

Dame what happened and why am I here .

I can't even feel my body . Or you can say I don't even have one here. Fuck anybody here please help me.

After don't know how long I stopped asking for help. And Started to revind my not so good life .

My name is AVI aka Avinash. I am 23 year old or I think I was don't even know how mouch time I have spent here.

I have good and supportive family . Loving parents. Recently passed from college. And shity job with decent selery

. All in all an average human being. But no I am a bloody cool otaku first . I loved fantasy magic, swords , superpowers , and all . Its to that extent that I feel like I don't belong to normal world . And dreams are my reality . But then my college completed and have to live on my own and had to find a job .

But I started to like that to . I wanted to start my own business. Buy cars . Even wanted to participate in Dakar rally some day and became professional rally car racer . And date a beautiful girl . Explore the world . Do adventure sports. But some dame thing happened and I am suck here in this all dark dimension.

Though my heart (which doesn't exist here by the way) wanted to think it's that fantasy like situation I read in fan-fics . Where you will meet some god and will be granted some wishes and finally reincarnated. But it can't be right.

You are interesting kido .

Hun did I just heard some voice.


You really are funny

And yess you are right you are in fantasy like situation. Cos you died prematurely.

Though I am soul examinar . Not almighty God. But yess I am here to reincarnate you .

So I really died . Hy Mr. Examiner can you tall me how I died .

Well that happens due to an earthquake.

While you were sleeping that old fan of your room fall upon your head and thus killing you .

And yess your parents found out and became sad and all . But now everything is normal . It's rule of nature . Every slowly forget about the died once . They even forget your face if not for photos these days. And your voice . Only some movement can be remembered. So don't be sad.

Ohh thank you then. So what now

Oh usually I would have removed your memory and reincarnate you in some new world.

But cos you made me simle in eons . So I think I should try that fiction of yours . So you can pick which world you wanted to go . And two wishes.

But wishes can't be overpowered right .


Let me think .

Sir can you send me to aney world I wanted to .

Yess kido so tell me where you wanted to go .

Ok then I wanted to be born in Harry potter world . At same time as main cast .

Ok granted .

Now wishes

I want to have my memories.

Sorry kido that can't be granted . I am not allowed. To but you can only remember memories releted to Harry Potter series nothing else . That to when you awaken your magic .

Now next wish .

Sir I always think what if someone can became animages of magical being in Harry Potter world .

So can you grant me ability to became animages of magical being.

Ok granted.

Now go

Thank you sir .

Don't die early kid .