
Harry Potter and the Talents of Fate

On his first train ride to Hogwarts, young Harry Potter discovers an ancient and mysterious system that changes his destiny. This system allows him to see and copy the talents, skills, and abilities of others, with three crucial limitations: the person must be in front of him, stronger abilities take longer to copy, and he can never reveal the system to anyone. As Harry navigates his years at Hogwarts, he uses his newfound abilities to protect his friends, face old and new enemies, and uncover his true potential. However, the secrecy of his power constantly tests his resolve and the strength of his friendships. **Note:** This fanfiction is a creative work based on the Harry Potter universe, which is owned by J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., and other respective rights holders. The concept of the System is also not my original creation. This story is a product of my imagination and love for the series.

CipherStorm · Phim ảnh
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Chapter 4: The Forbidden Forest and Quidditch Training

As November arrived, Hogwarts was cloaked in a crisp chill, with the first snowflakes beginning to fall. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had settled into their routine, and Harry's mastery of his magical abilities continued to grow, thanks to the system.

Harry's Quick Learning ability had paid off immensely, and he found himself excelling in his classes. Professor Flitwick was particularly impressed with Harry's progress in Charms, often using him as an example for the rest of the class.

"Harry, would you demonstrate the Accio Charm for us?" Professor Flitwick asked during a lesson.

Harry nodded, concentrating on a book across the room. "Accio book!" The book flew into his hand, earning a round of applause from his classmates.

"Excellent, Mr. Potter! Ten points to Gryffindor," Flitwick said, beaming.

Outside of class, Harry was eager to improve his flying skills. Madam Hooch's flying lessons had been a revelation. Harry had discovered a natural talent for flying, which caught the attention of Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch captain.

One afternoon, Wood approached Harry in the common room. "Harry, I've seen you fly, and I think you'd make a great Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. How about it?"

Harry's eyes lit up. "Really? I'd love to!"

Wood grinned. "Great! We'll start training tomorrow."

Harry's first Quidditch practice was both exhilarating and challenging. Wood drilled the team hard, but Harry relished every moment on his broom. The feeling of soaring through the air was unmatched, and he was determined to become the best Seeker Gryffindor had ever seen.

During one practice, Wood introduced Harry to the different balls used in Quidditch: the Quaffle, the Bludgers, and the tiny, elusive Golden Snitch.

"Your job, Harry, is to catch the Snitch. It's fast and hard to see, but I have a feeling you'll do great," Wood said, releasing the Snitch into the air.

Harry's eyes followed the Snitch as it zoomed around the pitch. He took off after it, feeling a rush of excitement. The wind whipped through his hair as he sped up, his focus entirely on the glinting golden ball. After a few minutes of intense chasing, he managed to snatch the Snitch out of the air.

"Well done, Harry!" Wood shouted. "You're a natural!"

Harry's confidence soared with each practice. The system showed him a progress bar for his flying skills, indicating he was steadily improving. His teammates were supportive, and he quickly bonded with them, feeling more at home in the Gryffindor team than ever before.

Back in the classroom, Harry continued to harness the system's abilities. In Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Quirrell introduced them to more advanced spells, and Harry found himself excelling in casting protective charms. The system's Quick Learning ability allowed him to absorb and apply new knowledge rapidly.

One evening, after a particularly grueling Potions lesson where Snape had been more unpleasant than usual, Harry, Ron, and Hermione retreated to the library to study. Harry decided to focus on improving his potion-making skills, hoping to avoid Snape's ire in the future.

He glanced at Hermione, who was deep in a book on advanced potion-making. Her status window showed her exceptional skills in Potions, and Harry decided to focus on copying her knowledge. A new progress bar appeared, indicating it would take a few days to fully acquire the skill.

As they studied, a message from Hagrid arrived, inviting them for tea. They eagerly accepted, always happy to spend time with their kind-hearted friend.

In Hagrid's cozy hut, they sipped tea and listened to his stories about magical creatures. Hagrid mentioned something about a dragon egg he had won in a game of cards, but quickly changed the subject when pressed for details.

"Let's just say, it's best if ye keep this between us," Hagrid said, looking a bit shifty.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged curious glances but agreed to keep Hagrid's secret.

The next few days were a blur of classes, Quidditch practice, and study sessions. Harry felt more confident with each passing day, his skills growing stronger with the system's help.

One evening, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in the common room, discussing their progress in their studies. Suddenly, Harry felt a familiar tingle as the system notified him of a new ability available for copying.

New Ability Available for Copying: Advanced Potions

Harry's eyes widened. This was Hermione's skill. He focused on it, and a new progress bar appeared. He knew this would take time, but he was determined to improve in Potions and earn Snape's grudging respect.

Their conversation was interrupted by a commotion outside the common room. Percy Weasley, the Gryffindor prefect, entered, looking flustered.

"Everyone, stay calm. There's been an incident. A troll has entered the castle!" Percy announced, his voice urgent.

Panic ensued, but Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged determined looks. They had faced a troll before and knew they could handle it again.

"Let's find it before it hurts anyone," Harry said, and they slipped out of the common room amidst the chaos.

They carefully navigated the corridors, listening for any signs of the troll. Finally, they heard loud thumps and followed the sound to the dungeons.

There, they saw the troll, a massive and lumbering creature, smashing its way through the stone walls. It hadn't noticed them yet.

"We need to distract it," Harry whispered. "Ron, you get its attention. Hermione, be ready with a spell."

Ron nodded, picking up a piece of debris and throwing it at the troll. "Oi, ugly! Over here!"

The troll turned, growling, and lumbered towards Ron. Hermione raised her wand, her eyes focused.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" she shouted, and the troll's club levitated into the air.

Harry seized the opportunity. "Now, drop it!"

Hermione released the spell, and the club fell, striking the troll on the head and knocking it out cold.

They quickly tied up the troll with some ropes they found nearby, and Professor McGonagall, Snape, and Quirrell arrived shortly after.

"What is the meaning of this?" McGonagall demanded, her eyes blazing with anger and concern.

Harry quickly explained how they had found and subdued the troll. McGonagall's stern expression softened slightly.

"While it was incredibly foolish of you to face the troll, your bravery and quick thinking are commendable. Five points to each of you," she said, her tone serious but with a hint of pride.

As they returned to the common room, Hermione turned to Harry and Ron. "Thanks for saving me again. I think we're becoming quite the team."

Ron grinned. "We make a pretty good trio, don't we?"

Harry smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie. The system had helped him improve his skills, but it was the bond with his friends that made all the difference. Together, they were ready to face whatever challenges Hogwarts had in store for them.