
Harry potter and the Serpentine Prince

A war ridden Severus finds himself in his past, allowed to freely change the world to his liking. Driven by his new obsession of growing stronger, can he truly better himself? And what change will the man bring on the world of Harry Potter. All right except for my OC's belong to J.K Rowling. *Not my cover...

Masked_Narcissist · Phim ảnh
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9 Chs

Unkempt appearance

Unknowingly, the future of the world changed immediately as the fates gathered near the head of the black haired boy, awaiting the rise of their knew experiment...

Snape woke up in the familiar hard ground of the Slytherin dormitory. He had always lived alone, maybe due to his talents in potion, or his unclean appearance. What he did know was he had to force himself to develop healthy habits. Although he had kept his appearance unkempt and untidy for most of his adulthood, he himself was once quite the charmer.

And while Snape knew that looks weren't enough to impress lily, a good looking boy-'friend' is better than a 'regular' dirty friend. Luckily this was his first year holidays, and lily wouldn't be coming back before an entire month, so he had time to fix himself up. He slowly formulated his plan and bid his time...




Just kidding

Snape secretly snuck towards hi-, Professor slug-horn's Potion chamber, not forgetting to dispel and dodge the spells coming out of the secret rooms. He didn't know how Harry potter didn't trigger the trap, but he did know how to avoid and successfully raided the Hogwarts's potion ingredient treasury, only taking the ingredients for a few potions that would soon become soo extremely popular, that there would be people willing to kill for it.

Soon he went into the empty room, and cast dispel spells before using his own cauldron, one his mother gifted 2 years ago. He needs to save her, but that's not what is important at this moment. He lifted his wand and silently read through his own mind, re memorizing this age old potion as well as it's improvements, the horrifyingly popular beautification potion!!!

(Ik that the potion was found in the 1500's, but this a new and improved version that Snape had sold only for a few months before dying. Allow it fam, please.) Also [You might think he is being mean with his mother not being as important as a potion, but Snape grew up with very little affection, so the only reason he would bother saving Eileen Prince is because she is his mother and he would prefer if she wasn't dead. This potion could get him close to lily, his only beloved, and is therefore more important to him then anything else.]