
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 987: Dragon meat

"Higer, what about the giant? Is your brother, the guy named Glop?" Harry asked eagerly.

The teeth surrounded them and jumped and licked their faces.

"Oh, it's Ai Wen telling you three, isn't it?!" Hagrid said in a pleasant tone, the sound of burning wood in the stove, "I just put him in the woods, about half of it. In the hour, let him not run around, I want to help him to be a home tomorrow, if you are willing to help in the past..."

When I heard Hagrid, the four people took a step back subconsciously and didn't want to have a relationship with the giant.

"The horses didn't bother you," Aiwen asked.

undefined"There is not yet, they have not even appeared, but they must have known it!" Hagrid continued. "I must thank you, Avon, if you are not helping me, I can convince those stubborn guys."

"They didn't agree, saying that they had to observe for a while," said Ai Wen.

"It's already good. It's not the same as when you left. Glop recently learned a lot of etiquette." Hagrid said, his face was awkwardly revealing an ugly smile. "There is also a lot of progress in English, as long as those guys are willing to give him a Opportunity. Of course, even if they object, there is nothing. The Forbidden Forest is not theirs, but it will make things troublesome."

For Hagrid to say this, everyone expressed doubts.

Look at Hagrid, you will not believe that the giant learned to be polite.

"Hag, your face?" Harry looked at him worriedly.

"Nothing, accidentally encountered, Glopp can't control his strength." Hagrid said, "Do you drink tea?"

"Is that giant attacking you?"

"Tell me, I am very good, don't talk about my business!" Hagrid said straight up, turned and smiled at them, but frowned and frowned. "Really, I am really happy to see you. Summer vacation is good, isn't it?"

"Is that giant a terrible? Why did he hit you?"

"I said the last time, I am fine!" Hagrid insisted that "Glopp is a good boy, he just needs to adapt."

"If any of our faces turned into a bologna, would you say nothing?"

"You should go see Madam Pomfrey, Hagrid!" said Hermione anxiously. "Some wounds look dangerous."

"I will handle it!" Hagrid said majestically.

He walked over to the huge wooden table in the middle of the hut and uncovered a tea towel on the table.

Below is a **** raw meat, green and shiny, slightly larger than ordinary car tires.

"You are not going to eat this, Hagrid?" Ron looked over and looked, "It seems to be poisonous!"

"Not poisonous, it is like this, it is dragon meat." Hagrid said, "I am not ready to eat it."

He picked up the dragon meat and applied it to his left face, and the green blood dripped onto his beard.

He snorted with satisfaction, and the pain seemed to ease. "It's better, it has an analgesic effect."

Dragon blood and dragon meat do have the effect of accelerating cell growth and pain relief, but few people will do it like Hagrid. It is really primitive enough to stick the meat directly to the wound. Madam Pomfrey will definitely do it. It is much better than this piece of dragon meat.

But then, he had to explain why he was injured, which Haiger did not want.

He didn't want to let others know that he brought back a giant. Now only Ai Wen and a few of them know Dumbledore and Sirius.

"Where did you get the piece of dragon meat?" asked Ai Wen. "It looks fresh?"

"Fresh? It seems to have gone bad?"

"No, dragon meat is this color."

"It was Olim who helped me get it. I told her that I need a piece of dragon meat to stop the pain." Hagrid said, moving the dragon meat and covering the most serious scars, "thanks to her, me and Glopp can cross the English Channel. We used the most primitive method to make a big ship and floated back along the ocean. The Ministry of Magic monitored the phantom and door keys. We can't do that, and no one can bring it. Glop is visible, he is too big."

How big is a boat that can hold a giant? !

"Well, how did you spend so long before coming back? We thought you were in danger."

"It is not an easy thing to hide a giant, ah, the water is burning!" Hagrid put the cup in front of everyone, sat down, and picked up the dragon meat on his face. "We are on the road." It was from the wilderness. It could have come back a few months earlier, but Glopp always wanted to go back. In order to convince him, I delayed the time. I told Dumbledore about the situation and waited until the last time of the trip. Orim also came back to help me, and our speed became faster."

"Hag, you really shouldn't bring that giant back!" said Hermione.

"But I have brought it back. He is my brother. I can't leave him alone. Ivan should tell you about the chaos of the giant territory. It is quite dangerous." Hagrid said, "Listen, I I don't want others to know about it, so you guys don't exist as a thing, there's never been a giant, and don't talk to anyone about it. Now, let's talk about how you have been in the summer vacation?"

"Not very good, Harry was attacked by the dementors!"

Hagrid stunned and the dragon meat fell.

He coughed again and again, a lot of saliva, tea and dragon blood splashed on the table, and the dragon meat slammed to the ground.

"What are you talking about, being attacked by the dementors?" Hagrid said loudly, "Isn't it true?"

"It is true. They appeared in the Xiaohuijin area and attacked me and my cousin. Then the Ministry of Magic wanted to drive me out." Harry said in a long voice, "I had to go to trial, and Ivan went with it." Because he told me the truth in the newspaper."

"They are crazy, actually want to fire you!" Hagrid stared at everyone with the eye he could open.

"Yeah, fortunately they finally failed, we won the case!"

"Fudge is really crazy. I heard some news on the road, but I didn't think there would be a dementor!" He bent down and pulled the dragon meat out of his mouth. "I didn't even think that the Ministry of Magic would actually try." You, want to fire Harry."

"No, Hagrid, this is unsanitary..." said Hermione, but Hagrid had already applied the dragon meat to her eyes.

"I heard Orim say that the Ministry of Magic was investigating Dumbledore and his friends and canceled his position. It was crazy!" Hagrid said, taking a sip of tea. "Even someone is monitoring them, even French magic." The ministry also cooperated with them to do this..."

Suddenly, his words were overwhelmed by a sudden knock on the door.

Hermione took a sip of cold, and the cup in her hand fell to the ground and broke.

The teeth screamed, and five people glared at the window beside the door, and a chunky figure swayed on the thin curtains.