
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 954: Scars and omen

While the selection game on the field was going on, Harry also accepted the last confinement in Umbridge. He kept writing the phrase "I can't lie" on the parchment, hopefully this was the last time this was The woman is confined.

Umbridge just told him that she reordered the new black feather pen and will deliver it next week.

The subtext of this sentence is that if Harry makes another mistake, it is not as simple as writing a sentence. She will not hesitate to punish Harry for the **** punishment. Harry didn't care. He made up his mind, not because Threat without telling the truth.

But as Ai Wen said, there is no need to argue with her, this woman is simply hopeless.

Umbridge is now single-mindedly evaluating the professors, and there is no effort to take care of Avon and Harry.

undefinedA week is enough for her to figure out the general situation. What makes her a little disappointed is that, apart from the castle administrator Filch, no professor has ever taken the initiative to rely on her or support her reform. .

The whole Hogwarts iron plate, everyone supports Dumbledore, they seem to dismiss her assessment and the majesty of the Ministry of Magic.

Umbridge is determined to drive away a professor as soon as possible, and only then can he establish his own prestige.

And she has new plans, Lucius Malfoy and some pure-blooded wizard families took the initiative to contact her earlier today, they are very interested in the identity of her senior investigator, I hope she can do something, as soon as possible Take Dumbledore...

Although she has no supporters in this castle, the strength behind her is not comparable to this magic school.

If this is a war, she is confident that she can achieve the final victory.

Harry saw Umbridge not taking care of himself and ventured out of the window.

He can see the players of the Gryffindor Quidditch team flying around on the field, and there are ten black figures standing under the three high goal posts. Obviously waiting. As a goalkeeper.

Because it is too far away, it is impossible to see which one is Ron.

Harry wrote a few more words, pretending to move to the table and he could hear Umbridge's feather pen writing.

He looked up again and now, who is defensive about the goalpost, is awful.

Just a few seconds after Harry's courage to peek, Katie Bell scored two goals.

He lowered his gaze and looked at it and wrote less than one-fifth of the long parchment. I really hope that the goalkeeper is not Ron.

In this way, Harry wrote "I can't lie," and from time to time looked up and secretly looked outside for a few seconds.

He saw a goalkeeper save all the balls, a burst of cheers on the field, and even the castle was faintly heard. Harry wasn't sure if this was Ron, because the guy was too All right!

With his understanding of Ron's training these days, it's a bit difficult for Ron to do this.

In this way, the sky gradually dimmed, Harry could not see anything, and his piece of parchment was full of "I can't lie", the wrist is sour, and there is no strength to write it down.

"Mr. Potter, I hope that you can remember this sentence. If you have another time, it will not be that simple!" Umbridge said softly, coming over and taking it from Harry. Parchment.

Harry and her short, ring-shaped hand touched it, and suddenly felt a burning pain, the scar on his forehead hurting.

At the same time, he had a very different feeling in the upper abdomen.

Harry immediately woke up and stared at her straight.

She also looked at him, and the smile on her face made the wide mouth of the pine bubble big.

"Okay, Mr. Potter, you can go!" Umbridge said that Harry's anomaly was not found.

Harry picked up his bag and left the room as soon as possible. His heart beat very quickly.

His scars haven't been painful for a long time, and Avon has said that his scars can only be related to Voldemort.

There were some terrible thoughts in Harry's mind. He kept calm and went up the stairs in three steps and two steps. He said to himself, stay calm, not necessarily what you think.

Anyway, he must talk to Ai Wen and tell him the news as soon as possible.

"Mibu Mibao!" Harry gasped and said to the fat lady that the portrait was opened again.

He suddenly stunned and greeted him with a noisy.

Ron ran towards him, his face full of laughter, his hands holding a tall glass of wine, and the butter beer spilling over his chest.

"Harry, I succeeded, I was selected, I am the goalkeeper!" Ron said with a cry in his voice.

"What? Oh, great!" said Harry, trying to make himself laugh a little more naturally, and his heart was still screaming.

"Drink a bit of butter beer!" Ronse gave him a bottle. "I can't believe it..."

"Where is Avon going?" Harry asked quickly.

"Oh, he is there, and Hermione is at everything." Ron said, looking a little overwhelmed, not paying attention to Harry's tone. "I was selected, and Ivan's asterisk was also made successfully. Fendo is a double happiness today, and we will definitely win the Quidditch trophy this year."

"Yeah, we will definitely win." Harry looked up and saw Avon and Hermione sitting on the sofa next to the fire. Ai Wenhuai was holding a piece of cardboard and was bowing his head and writing something fast. Hermione slept next to him, and the glass in his hand slammed to the side, and he would spill it.

Harry thought about it, but he and Ron were surrounded by Lavender and a group of girls, and everyone was very happy.

"Harry, you are back!" Angelina and Katie walked over. "We have a new goalkeeper."

"Come on, Ron, look at Oliver's old robe. You don't fit it properly. Oliver gave it to me when he graduated. I just turned it out." Katie smiled and said to take his name off. If you put it on, he will definitely agree to tell him about it by writing a letter. "

Ron walked over and Angelina walked over to Harry.

"Sorry, I used to be a little rough for you, Potter." She said abruptly, drinking a few bites of butter beer. "When a head is too stressed, you know, sometimes I feel a little bit of Wood's footsteps. It is."

Her gaze looked over Ron on the edge of the goblet and frowned slightly.

"Yes, I know that he is your best friend, but I can say clearly that he is not the best!" She said frankly, "I saw him and Fred and George before choosing him." I think that after some training, he should have no problem. He has a group of outstanding Quidditch players in his family. To be honest, I hope that he will be more talented in the future than today. Frobischer brother and sister and Jie Freehope is flying better than him tonight, but Hooper is always moving, always complaining about some trivial things, Wiki and Winnie have too many social activities, they themselves I also admit that I can't even participate in the training of the team. Anyway, we have a training at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the first training of this semester, this time you must go, take your fire arrow. We will arrive You can also test the asterisk of Ai Wen, and compare it with the fire arrow. Right, I have to ask you one thing, try to help Ron as much as possible, okay?"

Harry nodded and Angelina slowly walked back to find Alicia.