
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 930: Future plans

The 0ls that is held every June is a very important test. This test has an important impact on future work. It can even determine the future fate of a student to some extent. In order to pass the exam, students in the fifth grade must spend this nightmare. One year.

The intense academic pressure and the fear of the exam are no worse than the terrible news of the resurrection of Voldemort.

The fear of being dominated by the 0ls exam will make the fifth grade students appear in various situations.

The nightmare repeats year after year, and George is by no means an exaggeration.

"It's nothing, Kenneth Tolle is full of scorpions, do you remember?" Fred recalled, his face was exactly the same as George.

undefined"That's because you put a big powder in his pajamas," George said.

"Hey!" Fred said, as if he thought about it. "I forgot, sometimes it's hard to remember clearly, isn't it?"

"In short, the fifth grade is a nightmare year." George concluded, "Believe me, if you care about the test scores, you will become nervous and on the verge of collapse. Fortunately, Fred and me. Finally, the spirit is not bad."

"Yeah, you later, how to say it, each person passed three ols." Ron said, "There are too few, and the results are not satisfactory. Percy got 12 certificates. I know you. The results, my mother was furious and said a whole summer vacation. Fortunately, the Quidditch World Cup held after the rescue saved you."

"Yes." Fred said indifferently, "But we feel that our future is beyond academic achievement."

"Yes, before the start of this semester, we seriously discussed whether we would return to the seventh grade." George said with a fluttering voice, "Since we have accumulated enough funds with the help of Ai Wen, we are ready to Diagonal Lane opens a shop."

"Mrs. Weasley will not agree." Avon said that he came back just to hear their conversation.

"Mom is really hard to say, but it is not absolutely. At the beginning of last summer, we both gave her the money earned in the past few years. She seems to agree. But thanks to Percy, After he became the biggest fool in the world, Mom directly refused our request to leave school early." George said sarcastically, "I really don't understand, since we now have an ols certificate, what else do n.ets certificates have? Use, become a fool like Percy?"

"But since we are back, we will not waste the last year here." Fred said, while looking around the auditorium, "We will use this year to do some market research and find out Hogwar." What ordinary students in the company want to buy from the joke shop, carefully identify all the research results we have before, check each product, and then produce a popular product that truly meets everyone's needs."

Not just a prank product, Fred and George are very talented in business and business, and they will succeed.

If there is enough time, they can sell the product abroad and build a huge commercial map.

This is also the main reason why Ai Wen has been working with both of them. He has the funds and enough magic to support the research of various new products. He can even find the sales channels of Muggle world from home, but there is only one problem.

He is not willing to do such things, and he is not willing to waste time on it. Even the "Hogwarts Magic" was mainly supported by Hermione and the house elves, and now almost all of them are handed over to Lupin and other managers. Ai Wen rarely intervenes.

But he also needs the influence of commercial expansion, such as this research to make a new flying broom because of this.

In this case, daily management and management require someone to do it, and Fred and George are the best candidates.

"Really, buddy, I think it's a waste of time to stay in school." Fred said, turning to look at Ai Wen, "You should go with us both to Diagonal Lane, where It is the stage where you can display your talents, and we will definitely achieve a great cause."

Ivan once described the prospects to them, and Fred and George took it for granted.

"Do you want Ai Wen and you to go to Diagonal Lane to open a joke shop?!" Hermione frowned at him. "I hope that after Ivan graduates, I can do something more promising, such as running a newspaper or entering the Ministry of Magic... ..."

"Oh, Hermione, you sound like mom!" said Fred.

"Almost exactly the same!" George nodded. "Do you want Avon to be a fool like Percy?"

"It's too early to study these, I haven't thought about what to do!" said Ai Wen.

In fact, he intends to travel around the world after defeating Voldemort to find ancient magic relics.

But this is all about the future, and no one knows what will happen in the future.

"Know, I haven't passed the ols exam yet, and I still have time to think about it."

"Right, can Irwin take the ols exam directly?" Hermione suddenly asked. "The average wizard level test does not seem to have an age requirement."

"Others are definitely not good, Ai Wen is not good to say!" Fred said, "because he is Ai Wen!"

"Yeah, the miracle creator!" George said with a smile. "Okay, we both have to go to class. If you go early, you might be able to sell a few telescopic ears before the herbal class."

After Fred and George left, the topic continued, and Hermione seemed to want to let Evan take the ols test ahead of time, anyway, his strength is enough.

She disagreed most of what Fred and George said. Except for one point, Ai Wen really didn't have to stay in Hogwarts on the normal track. It was a waste of time. His current level is already beyond that of others. More, on the ability to combat, even the graduating students are not as good as him.

If you can, take the ols exam directly and enter the n.ets course...

For this matter, you still need to ask Dumbledore. If the principal agrees, Ai Wen does not matter.

There is no problem in actual combat, just pay attention to theoretical knowledge.

"You said, is this school year really awkward? Because of those exams?" Harry hesitated that he seemed to be scared by the scenes depicted by Fred and George.

"Oh, yes, they are telling the truth." Ron said, "Ols is really important, affecting what jobs can be applied in the future, etc. We will get advice on job search in the next semester of this school year, Bill tells me. So, next year we can pick the n.ets subjects we need."

"Well, do you know what you want to do after graduating from Hogwarts?" Harry continued.

This is a very important issue, and he has thought about it many times before.

For a while, Harry even wanted to be a professional Quidditch athlete like Wood.