
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 917: Girl and nightingale

As can be seen from the clothes worn on her body, she should be a member of a veteran pure blood wizard family.

For these wizarding families, Ai Wen's "Hogwarts Magic" is a completely forbidden reading. There are many articles on them that they don't like to see or damage their interests. Some overbearing families don't even let themselves. Contact with children.

Ai Wen is not surprised about this, but the Slytherin students who took the initiative to watch the Hogwarts Magic newspaper are quite unusual.

At the very least, in his impressions, he has never seen such a Slytherin student.

He wants to ask the girl what the name is, but it doesn't seem to be very good. The four-year classmates don't even know the name...

undefinedThis is a rhythm that makes people angry.

If Hermione or Colin is here, they can almost remember the names of all the students.

Because Ai Wen stood aside, the girl was obviously nervous.

She put all the newspapers in the box, and hurriedly took out her school uniform robes and put them on the body at the fastest speed.

Taking advantage of her time to change clothes, Ai Wen saw a name in a textbook in the box: Astoria Greengrass.

It turned out to be the Greengrass family, and Avon remembered who the girl was.

In the original story, she eventually became the wife of Draco Malfoy.

Lucius and Narcissa originally had high expectations for the girl of the most pure sorcerer family, who had chosen the most pure sorcerer family.

However, it is said that she refused to teach her son the concept of "pure blood glory" and "Muggle ants", but instead thought that everyone should be treated equally, instead of distinguishing between family and blood, and abandoning the ancient Malfoy. The tradition that the family has always adhered to has led to a smashing atmosphere in every family gathering of the Malfoy family.

It's interesting to think about it. You know, as a pure-blooded wizarding family that has been inherited for thousands of years, the Malfoy family is the most loyal supporter, and has always been known for its sly and scheming. There is a saying like this: You are forever Malfoy will not be seen at the crime scene, but the criminal wand is covered with their fingerprints.

Who can think that the Lucius couple who have always been jealous will eventually meet such a daughter-in-law.

This shows how good Astoria hides...

Like Sirius, she should be a heterogeneous family of pure blood wizards.

Even if it is not a Death Eater, the members of the Greengrass family must be the supporters of Voldemort's loyalty.

She is here alone to watch the "Hogwarts Magic" and see these articles against Voldemort. If they are discovered, they are definitely the rhythm of being a traitor to all Slytherin students and families.

It's not surprising that even being expelled from the family or killed directly by Voldemort...

"I think there are some articles in this newspaper that make sense, and you write very well," Astoria said.

"Oh, Slytherin's students also read the "Hogwarts Magic"?" Ai Wen asked curiously.

"There are some people watching, but everyone is secretly and afraid to be known by others." Astoria hesitated and said with courage, "In fact, I believe what you said."

Just finished, she realized the problem in her own sentence.

There are a lot of Slytherin students who know that Voldemort has returned, and only the other three colleges are still not very convinced.

Astoria has hurriedly added, "I mean, I think your views are correct."

"Thank you!" Ai Wen did not expect that he actually met a supporter from Slytherin.

He looked at Astoria's red face and looked at his eyes that were both looking forward and nervous. Knowing that she was a Slytherin student, it was incredible to say such words.

To be honest, this girl should come to Gryffindor alone.

It seems that Slytherin College is not all enemies...

"Well, let's go to the carriage, and now we should have two of us on the train."

"Well!" Astoria nervously nodded and glanced at the boy's student council president badge on Ai Wen.

They walked off the train, and there was no one on the platform. The dark night shrouded everything.

Evan helped Astoria with his suitcase, and the two exchanged politely, quickly passing through the narrow passage to the dark street washed by the rain outside Hogmund.

There are about a hundred horse-drawn carriages parked here, and every year they send students from the first grade to the castle.

Ai Wen glanced at them. He knew that the carriages were not moving by themselves. The car was a nightingale.

The nightingale is a kind of Pegasus. The average person can't see this kind of creature at all. They have special magical power. They can only be seen by those who have witnessed the death. Ai Wen still can't see the nightingale of pulling the car a year ago. But now it is clear to see, because he has witnessed death.

In his eyes, the carriage is no longer empty.

There are some animals standing between the masts, they look a bit like reptiles, and there is no meat on them. The black fur is tightly attached to the skeleton, and each bone is clearly visible. The head is very similar to the dragon's head. The eyes without the pupil are white, and the front is squinting.

They have wings in the raised space between the shoulders, and the big, black, tough wings seem to belong to huge bats.

These nightingales did not move, standing quietly in the darker night, seemingly weird and ominous.

This is really a strange feeling, Ai Wen smiled.

It is no wonder that superstitious people think that this creature is very unlucky and will bring all the terrible disasters to those who see them. It is a bad omen.

But in fact, as long as they do not actively attack them, the nightingale will not hurt people, nor will it bring any bad omen.

The nightingales are very useful, and their sense of direction is amazing. Just tell them where they are going, wherever you are, you will be sent to where you want to go.

And they are good at finding riders and smelling **** smells, which can be very useful at some point.

"Avon, here!" The students have climbed into the carriage, and Hermione yelled out from the window.

"My friend called me, are you with us?" asked Ai Wen.

"No, no, I still go to my sister." Astoria hurriedly said, "She should help me take my seat."

The words that I said separately and Ivan have consumed all the courage. At the very least, these things will not be discovered by others, but if they are seen by Slytherin, she and Ivan are in the same carriage, she is in Letlin estimates that he will not be able to continue.