
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 912: Bat curse

The President of the Student Union has the right to remove the leader, but no one has ever used it.

If Gleason was dismissed from Avon, he set a precedent and Gleason would become a laughing stock.

Later, people mentioned how he would say, the first one was dismissed because of stupidity? !

Sure enough, when I heard Evan's words, Gleason's face suddenly rose red, and suddenly became extraordinarily excited.

"I want to fight with you, Mason!" he shouted, pulling out his wand. "I want you to know what is the right attitude towards the seniors. Dumbledore can make you a chairperson of the boys' student council, but You don't have this qualification."

undefined"Sorry, I don't have time to take care of you now!" said Ai Wen. "As the chairman of the Boys' Student Union, I will start to give instructions to the leaders for the new semester. Then we have to go out to inspect and maintain order. There is no effort to do it with you. A boring game. Draco, can you please help me out of your college? I think that closing the confinement can calm him down."

Don't say calm, Evan's sentence is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

Malfoy, who was named by Ai Wen, had no action. Gleason waved his wand and sent a red spell to Ai Wen.

"Stop, Gleason!"

"Be careful, Avon!"

The next second, a small shield appeared in front of Ai Wen to block Gleason's curse.

With the appearance of the shield, the wand that had just disappeared was quickly pulled out by Ai Wen.

He swung his wand a lot. In the blink of an eye, Evan's spell hit Gleason. His entire face was covered with a winged monster, making a fierce cry, trying to pull the monster on his face. Drop it.

The bat curse, Ginny's improved version, is very powerful.

Ivan is still using it for the first time, and the effect is really amazing. Before the bats disappeared on the face, Gleason had no way to see the front, and was so smacked by so many furry, big-eared little monsters on the face...

Gleason kept on, but he couldn't see clearly. He could only launch the spells around him indiscriminately, and others rushed to dodge.

"Are you crazy, Gleason!"

"Quick stop!"

The crimson shield in front of him gradually disappeared into the air, and Ai Wen looked at Gleason who lost his fighting power in front of him.

He waved his wand and gave Gleason a petrified curse that allowed him to enjoy the service of the bat on his face.

According to the magical power used by Avon, these bats will probably disappear when the train arrives at Hogwarts.

Anyway, the bat doesn't bite, it just keeps squirming on his face, sticking out his tongue and swearing.

That look, like a mutant mouse.

It is said that before the bloodsucking, the bats will continue to lick the place, their saliva has anesthetic content, and when the person being shackled feels more and more comfortable, when they can't feel it, they start to **** the blood!

These bats naturally don't **** blood, so to some extent, Gleason should be comfortable now.

So many bats squatted on his face and served him with a small tongue...

"Avon, are you okay?" Hermione hurriedly said that everything happened too quickly.

Ai Wen's spell was in one go, especially the magic shield that blocked Gleason's curse, which seemed to appear out of thin air.

Others simply don't know how Avon did it. Can he cast a stick without a stick, or is it instant?

In fact, this is a combination of the casterless and the silent spell. The wand has played a supporting role. After the magic is strong enough, the effect of the wand will be reduced. Of course, this will consume magic and mental power.

As for the shield that was summoned, it was the white magic that Aiwen found in the Black family book not long ago.

The strength of this shield is related to the amount of magic input. In theory, it can resist the curse.

"Nothing, I have been prepared. After all, the sneak attack has always been the tradition of Slytherin!" said Ai Wen, looking at Malfoy, whose face became paler. "Draco, can you bother to carry him out? Right. Best not to touch the bats on his face."

"You can't do this!" shouted at the sixth grade Slytherin level next to Malfoy.

He raised his wand high, but the one that happened just was too fast, and he didn't even shoot.

"I will explain it to Professor Snape about what happened today." Ai Wen smiled and took the wand up. "If you disagree with my approach, I can raise it. I am always ready to greet." challenge."

Under his gaze, the sixth grade Slytherin boy backed back.

"We will first carry this idiot out," Malfoy whispered. "Go back and ask Professor Snape to be the master."

It doesn't make sense to continue the stalemate. As he expected, several of them simply won't beat Ai Wen.

It is possible that everyone can do it together, but the other three colleges will not help them.

After Gleason left, the atmosphere in the box became much more enjoyable, and the rest did not want to be the ambition of the president of the Boys Student Union.

Therefore, they are more likely to accept Evan.

Some people began to ask Ai Wen what the **** is going on, and some people are whispering about the duel.

The student student council president is a seventh-year student of Ravenclaw, with a smile on her face. She asked Ai Wen to speak first.

The president of Ai Wen's Boys' Student Union is likely to be in office for another four years. His status and influence are naturally different from hers.

"I think everyone should know me. My request is very simple. Since you are a leader, you must lead by example and take the lead in observing and maintaining the rules of the school without causing trouble." Ai Wen said, looking at the sheets. I slipped over my face. "And, I hope that the students' own affairs will be solved internally by the student union. Don't involve schools, professors and other forces."

"Right, if there is anyone who opposes me as the chairman of the Boys Student Union, or if I have doubts about some of my practices in the future, it is best to find your dean and principal through normal channels, rather than through today's approach. I promise that next time it's not a bat charm, it's so simple!"

After seeing Gleason's end, probably no one will do it!

The trouble of finding Ai Wen again is purely uncomfortable.

Next, the president of the girls' student council gave instructions to the chiefs to tell them what he should do. These were all passed down from year to year. At the beginning of the new semester, the freshmen were mainly guided to help them become familiar with the campus.

The penalties imposed by the ranks on the students must be aggregated into the hands of the corresponding presidents of the student unions, and it is reasonable for them to check them.

Ai Wen naturally has no time to do this kind of thing, but can ask Hermione to help...