
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 875: Brave Hermione

To accompany Hermione to buy underwear, but also to provide advice...

Does this mean that Hermione wants to wear underwear to show him, or how to provide advice!

Thinking of Hermione wearing a variety of styles of underwear in front of her appearance, Ai Wen's heart beats.

Then, he thought of the many underwear styles that he had seen before in Furong, and many of them were very sexy.

If you can, let Hermione put on those, the temptation of the exquisite body...

undefinedAi Wen shook his head hard and didn't dare to think about it anymore.

With a complex feeling of tension and expectation, he and Hermione came to Mrs. Mokin's robes store.

There was no one in the store, and Mrs. Morgan received the two warmly.

In preparation for the start of Hogwarts, she recently entered a new batch of fabrics, and Ivan and Hermione were her first customers this summer.

She tried to persuade the two of them to order a new set of robes and give a considerable discount.

In addition, Ai Wen bought a few more robes that have already been made, mainly in adult style, just in case.

It can also be used when using compound soup in the future.

As for the girl's clothes, Hermione didn't let him buy it. She meant that if Avon became a girl, she could use her robe.

Even those Muggle costumes of their own can be provided to Ai Wen.

"Mrs. Mokin's robes are very expensive, we don't have to waste money." She said, "I can't use my clothes anyway."

Ok, anyway, Ivan's pocket is filled with messy things.

Elaine's underwear, Gabriel's robes, and Hermione's full set of clothes.

Ai Wen has long been used to it. Just be careful not to take the wrong one. Fortunately, the three people have different bodies.

Gabriel is still not developing, Elaine is poor, Hermione is a good figure, growing up quickly...

Coupled with the robes you just bought, think about it carefully, which covers the clothes of women of all ages.

From the inside out, you really don't need to buy anything else!

The only pity is that there is no **** style of Hibiscus.

After Furong came to the UK, maybe she could ask her for two pieces...

"The next step is to buy other clothes!" said Hermione. "We went to the mall in Muggles."

"My phantom appearance takes you in the past!" said Ai Wen.

Two people walked silently to the remote alleys, each with their own minds, and the atmosphere was inexplicably tense.

Because they are going to buy underwear, they are both thinking about this.

In fact, with the apparition, Evan can quickly return to his home with Hermione, without worrying about being discovered.

When you find your mother or Mrs. Granger out to spend time with Hermione, it won't be so embarrassing.

But if you do it, it would be too stupid. There are not many opportunities to accompany girls to buy underwear.

"You don't think about it, I really can't ask you to accompany me." Hermione said, taking a deep breath and noticing the expression on Ai Wen's face, waving his fist, " If you don't want to stay with you, you can do it."

"Of course I am willing." Ai Wen hurriedly said.

Seeing Evan's expression, Hermione knew that he had guessed what he was going to buy.

This is really too shy, just like last night's things, playing in front of so many people...

Thinking of this, Hermione suddenly had an impulse to beat people and could not let Avon.

"Last night, don't think I have forgiven you!" She suddenly said, revealing two tiger teeth.

"I was too excited last night, I couldn't hold back the temptation." Ai Wen decisively admits.

Hearing this sentence, Hermione's impulse to hit people became stronger. What couldn't bear the temptation?

But think about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case.

If you let yourself squat in your girlfriend's pajamas, there are very few people who can stand the temptation.

Of course, the premise is that you have to be a cat, or you can't get there.

Ai Wen just licked the collarbone, and actually did not do anything, but it seems to have done a lot...

"I thought you were my girlfriend, a little bit smug!" he said pitifully.

There is no way to live in frontal confrontation, so there may be a turn for the weak.

"Well, I won't do this in the future!" Hermione began to blush with disappointment, and her thoughts in her head became messy.

I can't tell why, when I saw Ai Wen's smiling face, Hermione thought of the picture she saw from the collar last night.

The black kitten was lying on his chest and his movements were not honest.

It's strange enough for a cat to do that kind of action, not to mention that it's not a cat, but Evan!

"Well, I remember!" Avon said, nodding his head seriously.

Next time you encounter this situation, don't drill on it, you can consider going down....

For a moment of silence, the two people walked on the secluded path in Diagonal Lane.

"I mean, don't do that for me when there are other people in the future." For a long time, Hermione whispered.

She was really afraid that Ai Wen misunderstood that the progress of the two of them was slow enough compared to other couples in the school.

Even the number of real kisses is very small, so the first time is in this alley.

There was a Christmas tree here, and the two of them were under the mistletoe...

She was scared away at the time. She knew that she should be brave enough to go to the end and should not run away.

Ai Wen is still thinking about the meaning of what Hermione just said. What is it that when outsiders are there, don't do that kind of thing to her. If there are no outsiders present, you can do that kind of thing. Now they are surrounded by two people. Is it ok...

He looked up and saw Hermione staring at herself. The little face was temptingly pink and looked extraordinarily charming.

The atmosphere in the air suddenly became a feminine, and under Hermione's gaze, everything seemed to be becoming unusual.

She seems to be thinking about something and gradually immersed in it.

She was thinking about the words that Avon had just said, she is Ai Wen's girlfriend!

It is not a way to escape this way, nor is it her style.

Since I like Ai Wen, I will take the initiative to show it, always withdrawing and escaping to have a future!

Can she hide for a lifetime when she hides for a while?

Besides, if she doesn't like Ai Wen, what else does she promise to do as his girlfriend? !

Hermione would never let it happen again, as she turned and fled on Christmas night.

"Hermione..." Ai Wen shouted softly.

The next second, beyond his expectations, Hermione suddenly got together and kissed herself.

Her hands clasped Ai Wen, and she came across Evan's lips, a cool, sweet taste...

After a few seconds, the two separated, Hermione gasped, and her face turned hot and her ears turned red.

She bravely looked at Evan, and there seemed to be a provocation in the twinkling eyes, and there was a look.