
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 798: Cause and effect

"In the countless timelines I have experienced, this is just one of them, a time when you don't exist."

Coronos continued, noting Evan's expression, "Don't look at me like this, Ivan, I know you are surprised, but I don't know why you don't exist, you seem to suddenly cross the limits of space. In this world, this is not my duty, but my companion, the other Titan..."

Ai Wen certainly knows why he doesn't exist. He is not a person in this world. This is his biggest secret.

From the words of Kronos, there is also the Titan who has the ability to control space.

undefinedAi Wen has no idea what to say, and it seems that it is not so simple and accidental when he crosses into the world.

Before that, he was just a student who liked to watch Harry Potter. He never thought about the existence of magic.

So came to the world, after entering the Hogwarts School of Magic, he thought it was just a simple world of Harry Potter.

As the wizard of Muggle, his biggest enemy is Voldemort...

He has done everything he can to maintain the development of the original plot, and to save the people who should not die as he can.

Ai Wen still remembers that in the first year of Hogwarts, when the basilisk was raging in the castle, his uneasy feelings clearly knew everything, knew that bad things were about to happen, knew the true identity of the murderer behind the hidden, know I entered the secret room method, but I couldn't say it. I didn't even dare to see Dumbledore...

He carefully explored the world. When observing enough and trying to change the world a little, the familiar plot went immediately and turned upside down. Tom Riddle's diary, which should have been in Ginny's hands, went to Ron. .

A series of events eventually led the snakes to break into the Gryffindor common room, and Ron's blackening made his character a bit solitary.

This is the responsibility of Ai Wen, trying to save Ginny, but it hurts Ron...

But this is not the original intention of Ai Wen. For a while, he felt that his performance was stupid!

He made a mess of things, but fortunately the ending of the Chamber of Secrets was not too bad.

After this incident, Ai Wen, who got the lesson, became more careful in dealing with the Siege Jailbreak.

Obviously knowing everything but can't say it, don't dare to change too much, or even push things backward according to the familiar story. Ai Wen is still alone, alone, never knows the impact of the butterfly's wings. How big is it.

Needless to say, the final result of the matter is very different from that of Irvine. Professor Lu Ping left early, he and Hermione met the werewolf attack in Hogsmeade, Professor Trelawney's new prediction, Ron was once again controlled by the demon curse, and the plot of the little dwarf Peter Wait.

These are the things that Ai Wen did not expect but would be expected to happen, which is the inevitable result of his coming to the world.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Ai Wen has seen the power of friendship in this, and what is the real courage.

With the help of Harry and Hermione, they eventually caught the little dwarf Peter and washed the grief for Sirius.

After Sirius returned, Ai Wen became more active and did not follow the naive idea to maintain the original story, but tried to change.

He accelerated the pace of learning and exploration, further enhanced his strength, and actively confronted Voldemort.

The result of this is that the change is getting bigger and bigger, and the evil spirits, the ancient magical civilization, and the unknown secrets gradually appear.

The root of all this is that Ai Wen used the time converter to return to Hogwarts, who was a thousand years ago, and had contact with the four founders.

He was then involved in the secret treasures left by the Big Four, and time has changed thousands of years ago.

Ivan once simply thought that the so-called secret treasure was used to fight Voldemort, which contained the weapons left by the four founders, but with his understanding of magic, and a little deep in the process of finding the treasure key, He found that this was not the case at all.

This is a game set up by the Big Four against the evil spirits. A battle that lasted for a thousand years and did not end, the complexity is beyond his imagination.

Evan can return to the millennium before, and may be just a part of this huge plan.

Even if not, after seeing him, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin also planned everything.

The power of time magic appeared again. Ivan had only changed a few small things before, and tried to maintain the development of the original plot on the main line. The process of the escapement between the Chamber of Secrets and Sirius was overwhelming, and not to mention four. The layout that the giant had carefully planned before the millennium.

The challenge they left for Avon was not that simple, and he needed to defeat or seal the terrible evil spirit again.

It's impossible for Evan to pull out, because he started to get into the game when he met the Big Four.

The secrets of the magical world are unfolding a little, and Avon, Hogwarts, and Voldemort are also entangled with vampires and evil spirits...

Ai Wen sighed. He had been more or less aware of this before. He thought he wanted to understand all of this and thought that it was all.

But the news revealed in the words of Coronos suddenly made him realize that the struggle between the Big Four and the evil spirits for thousands of years, the complex layout and the secret of the treasure may be part of a much larger bureau. I thought that all that I saw was actually only partial.

Coronus told Ai Wen that they had met each other long and long ago.

This is a long time and may be calculated in 10,000 years. History is far older than the ancient magic era. It is the age when the Titans still exist.

In the future of Irvine, when he started using the time converter back to that era, the latter things changed again.

For example, Ai Wen's meeting with Cronus may be one of many changes. Royna Ravenclaw, the most intelligent wizard who used Ai Wen to find the secret treasure key she left, led him to come here to see the existence of this self-proclaimed Titan Coronos. .

For another example, he crossed into this magical world, and it may be part of the change...

The complexity of things has expanded rapidly, and Ai Wen has not dared to imagine how the next thing will develop.

As Kronos said, time is a tangled network, in which it is impossible to distinguish where is the starting point, where is the end point, countless timelines intertwined in everything, independent and influence each other, to jointly build the whole world.

Too much entanglement, trying to clear all the clues, the end result is lost in time... Mobile users please browse m to read, a better reading experience.