
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 758: Extinguished lighthouse

Whether it is the Kraken or the Whirlpool, it is located in the Strait of Messina between the Italian peninsula and Sicily.

From the northeast corner of the island, where Irwin is now, you can clearly see the panorama of the strait.

Near the camp there is a small town where Muggles and sorcerers live together - Taormina. There is a well-preserved ancient Greek theater in the town. It is also a business card for Sicily. Ivan has just visited it not long ago.

At the southern end of the town, there is a stunning mountain cliff scenery and the largest active volcano in Europe, Etna.

The terrain of the whole mountain is quite complex, and the giants are hidden in it. It is also the birthplace of the legendary Cyclops.

undefinedIn the mythology, the Cyclops will use the magma erupted by the volcano to create weapons, often with loud thunderous sounds.

The clouds in the vicinity are very thick. I can't see the top of the mountain for most of the year. It is not easy to find giants in it. Coupled with the loud noise from time to time, the nearby Muggle residents think that they live in the mountains. The giant is Raytheon.

Evan carefully observed the terrain nearby, and he saw the island in the memory of Ravenclaw probably in this area.

In other words, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw have been here more than a thousand years ago.

Gryffindor and the Cyclops in the mountains of Etna made a fight, leaving a scar on the eyes forever.

There is an old lighthouse near the coastline pier in the north of the town. It is a commanding height in the vicinity. It has been guiding the ships for sailing to the sea. You want to take a boat to see the Kraken and start from there.

The Italian Ministry of Magic has set up a special reserve here to protect the Kraken and operate a cruise ship dedicated to visiting the Kraken.

But now there is no one. Mr. Idas Grosso of the reserve told Ai Wen that when the school is on holiday, the wizards who come to visit will get more, and the little wizard who came here during his semester. Very rare.

"No, no, we can't go out to sea now!" Grosso shook his head and said, "Boy, I suggest you better go to your parents or guardians. This neighborhood is very dangerous recently, not a small wizard like you can casually The place to hang out."

"My uncle, they are busy with other things, I just take a look, I read the description of the Kraken in the book," said Ai Wen. "Why can't we go out because of Jin Jialong? Or, you I think I have to be accompanied by someone to see the Krakens!"

"All!" Grosso said, putting the hat on his head right, pointing to the lighthouse on the high ground next to the dock. "But the main reason is that the lighthouse is broken, there is no lighthouse guide, we I can't go to the sea to find death. I tell you, those female Krakens like the little boys like you. If you fall into their hands, they won't kill you, but slowly raise them and keep them on the cliff facets. Inside the nest, I am with you every day."

Evan turned to look at the old lighthouse, and Mr. Grosso told him that not long ago, the lights at the top of the lighthouse suddenly went out.

You know, this lighthouse is not only as simple as guiding the Muggle's ship. The lights in it are also very special protection magic, so that the boat and the crew can not be confused by the songs of the Krakens, let them not Immerse yourself in the illusion.

The lighthouse is now broken, and it is no different from looking for death at this time.

Next, Grosso told Ai Wen a lot about the horror story of the Kraken, and the undead who wandered in this sea, so what Evan really cares about is what happens after the lighthouse is damaged.

"Yeah, after the lighthouse broke down, the Muggles sent people to repair several times. What do they call the geeks with long metal ropes, electricians?!" Grosso said, "I saw it with my own eyes." They went in, and then it took a whole night to come out. The Muggles were all crazy, and they kept saying that there was no meaningful words, as if they had hit a ghost."

"Insane?!" Ai Wen looked at him strangely.

"Yeah, talking about the end, the destruction, the ancient gods, it is like being brainwashed. Who knows what they saw in the tower, I heard that they have been dreaming after going back." Grosso looked around, then lowered his head and put the freckled face close to Ai Wen, and lowered his voice and said, "The reason why the lighthouse is broken is obviously because of magic, there is a group of black wizards inside, I have one night. They saw them on the boat, all wearing black cloaks."

"Do you see what they look like?" Aiwen asked.

"No, no!" Grosso waved his hand and his face flashed a trace of sorrow. "It is obviously a wizard who is swearing. I reported it to the above, but the guy in charge of the town did not react, magic. The Ministry did not send anyone. I want to see that a broken lighthouse is probably a trivial little thing in their eyes. There is no need to send people to investigate. Anyway, the Krakens will not starve, they will find themselves. of."

"But this is a suspicious thing!" said Ai Wen, the bad things that the black wizard said made him contact bad things.

Before the departure, Niko Leme once told him that the claws of the raven that had disappeared for a long time began to come out again.

This place is where Ravenclaw has been. Will those black wizards with hoods be them? !

Or is it the same Death Eaters who are also looking for giants? !

"It's really suspicious, but what does it have to do with me!" Grosso said, and straightened again. "I am just a Kraken breeder. As long as they give me a salary, I don't have to manage it." Those troubles. To be honest, I am fed up with this job. I am ready to praise the money. I will resign and go to Rome to find a new job. It is better than guarding an empty ship and a group of Krakens here."

"Mr. Grosso, if I fix the lighthouse, can you carry me out to sea?" Avon said, "I still want to see the Kraken!"

"No problem, boy, as long as you can fix the lighthouse!" Grosso said. "I have never seen a little wizard who is interested in the Kraken like you. Yes, their upper body is like a human woman. No clothes, but if you look at it below, you won't be interested in them!"

Ai Wen waved his hand and walked back along the path when he came. After waiting for no one around, he phantomly returned to the camp.

No matter what the reason for the lighthouse is extinguished, it is obviously a new trouble.

He is ready to wait, wait until the contact with the giant is behind, and then find a way to solve the trouble.