
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 747: The power of nature

This altar is very simple. The center is a wooden pillar that is set up. It is narrow and thick. It is a simple illustration of an owl with a knife or something. The painting is abstract and looks more like a terrible thing. Monster.

Its body is obviously widened, its eyes are large and disproportionate, and its feathers jump like a flame.

A thick rope was tied to the pillars, forming a knot, and a turquoise owl pendant was hung on the knot.

Going down, the ground is a complex magic rune that Elvin has not seen.

The natural pattern and the hexagonal pattern are intertwined, and the finishing touch is the ancient magical text in the center of the pattern.

undefinedThe magic text is shining, and the light blue light flashes in it.

Ai Wen can feel a strange magical power, very peaceful, with a touch of healing...

"Is this the devil's altar?" He looked at the wooden pillar slyly. "You can break the curse as long as you drop the blood."

But he always felt a bit wrong, which was not the same as the demon altar he saw in the depths of Hogwarts.

In front of Ai Wen, the little owl flew past the altar, and as soon as it entered the rune, the body quickly changed.

Soon, it became a girl's look, about ten years old, white and clean face, looks very comfortable.

Her eyes are as quiet as the sea, her small nose and thin lips, her mouth slightly bent upwards, with a sorrowful smile.

The girl wore a very classical long dress with a headscarf and a simple wooden ring on her forehead.

"Hello, strange visitors!"

"Who are you?" Ai Wen paused and continued, "Why do you want to lead me to this place?"

"As you can see, I am a soul that has passed away." The girl said slowly, with a hint of calmness in his voice. "As for the name of my life, you can call me Shuklia. I saw you use magic. Restoring the soul and hearing what you said to it, I think you can help me escape this curse, so I will bring you here."

"Curse?!" Ai Wen said, holding the wand in his hand. "I did help you, but the premise is that I have to know what happened in this castle? First, the pillar next to you. What is it? I can feel a powerful magical power on it, which is a strange force for me."

"This is the totem I made by myself. It is because of its power that all the souls wandering inside the castle have become owls." Shuklia said, looking at the pillars around me, "I took the holy of our tribe." Hanging on it, it can communicate with an owl god, it is a very powerful natural force..."

"You changed all the souls here into owls, this is the curse..."

"No, this is not a curse, but a protection!" Shuklia said calmly, correcting Avon's mistake.

Evan frowned, looking at the girl in front of her and the blue wooden pillars shining with her side, and the exaggerated owl above.

As the woman Yaliana, whom he had seen in the mirror before, said, it is this magic that turns the soul of everyone in the castle into an owl, but this thing seems to be really not a demon altar.

Ai Wen can feel that this power is not so evil, but rather decent.

In fact, the totems that Shuklia said, let Evan think of another special kind of magic, using the power of the shaman of nature.

Unlike the magic of the wizards, the shaman uses the power of natural elements. It is a very old and mysterious caster. In those primitive tribes, they are also responsible for communicating with the souls of the ancestors and treating the patients. Task.

In the past, shamanism was very popular, but since time has entered modern times, shaman has gradually become a historical term.

Because the way of inheritance is very backward and quite complicated, the requirements of the caster itself are high, the casting process is also very cumbersome, and it is necessary to communicate with the power of the dead and the elements at all times, and various restrictions have greatly reduced the number of shamans.

Ivan saw the introduction of the shaman in books about accepting magical powers around the world, and I don't know much about it.

The totem that the other party just said reminds him of this ancient profession, which is not a very common casting prop after all.

"The totem you made, is it the power of the shaman?" asked Ai Wen.

"In our tribe, it is called witchcraft. The person who uses this power is called a witch doctor and is the spiritual leader of the clan and the tribe." Shuklia said that the light blue magic light is in her hands. Flowing slowly, "We are responsible for communicating with the souls of our ancestors and the gods of the natural world, guiding our people through various difficulties and maintaining the order of nature without being destroyed. Of course, in your country, this power is also called It's the power of the shaman, but the name is different!"

"Whether a witch doctor from Africa, then you should be the witch it said!" Ai Wen thought for a moment and continued to ask, "If this is the case, what is the protection you just said? What are the souls?" Become an owl and let them never rest in peace. Is this also a kind of protection?"

"It's a kind of protection!" Shuklia said slowly. "There are very powerful evil forces in this castle. If I don't provide shelter for these souls, they will be swallowed by the devil."

"What the **** is going on? What I learned is not like this."

"I will tell you the truth of everything, strange visitors, judge by yourself." Shuklia said, calmly watching Ai Wen, "A long time ago, I left my tribe for a game." Travel alone, this is a trial, every witch doctor in the clan will undergo this process, the elders hope that I can wash my soul during the trip, better communicate with the elements, and return to the tribe Becoming a new big witch doctor. But during that long trip, I gradually lost my original intention. I met a wizard. I met him and fell in love. He wanted to take me back to his family and prepare to marry me. ..."

"We crossed the Mediterranean, prepared to go to Paris, where my family is located, and came to this place at the end of the journey. The hostess of this castle is his classmates who once studied together at a magic school called Busbarton. The two stayed, and we stayed together for a few days and then set off to continue."