
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 673: Dreamland

Hagrid gasped heavily and glanced at Kakalov.

His magic is weak, not a qualified wizard, but because of the semi-giant pedigree, the actual combat power is very strong.

Needless to say, he also has the ability to tame magical animals.

Kakalov was not an opponent of Hagrid at all. Under his anger, he could not say a word.

He is such a soft-stricken personality, Ai Wen has long known, but the actual situation is worse than imagined.

undefinedAi Wen didn't know how this kind of person mixed up with the position of Dean Strong, but Kakalov was awkward!

"Igor, we are going to send Mr. Krum to the school hospital now, he will recover." Dumbledore said, "Hagrid, trouble you to **** Harry, Avon, Ron, Hermione, four of them. Return to the castle!"

"Maybe I better stay here, the principal," Hagrid said.

"You accompany them back to school!" Dumbledore said again, and his tone was very firm. "Take them directly to the Gryffindor Tower, Avon, Harry, I hope you stay there. No matter what you want to do." Anything can wait until tomorrow morning."

"Know it!" Ai Wen replied, and really can't give Little Batu Crouch a chance.

Especially after so many things happen, the other party may jump over the wall at any time.

"I will leave you the teeth, principal," Hagrid said, glaring at Kakalov.

Kakalov is still curled up under the tree, entangled in the messy robes and roots.

He did not look at Hagrid, apparently waiting for them to go first.

"Leave, teeth! Let's go, you four."

They silently passed through the carriage of Booth Barton and walked towards the castle.

"He is a big courage." When they strode across the small lake, Hagrid screamed, "How dare he accuse Dumbledore, as if Dumbledore did that kind of thing, like Dumbledore. Deliberately let Ron participate in the competition!"

"You said, will it be Krum that the man attacked?" Harry said, asking a lot of questions. "Who is he, why should he chase Mr. Crouch? And why Mr. Crouch will change." What kind of look?"

"Mr. Crouch mentioned the Dark Lord, and this thing must be related to him." Hermione said, "I don't know if Mr. Crouch has anything, I hope he can."

"Enough, listen to me!" Hagrid shouted angrily, and Evan, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were shocked and looked up at him. "Don't talk about it again, you four nights." I should have been drinking tea with me instead of drilling into the woods and fighting the evil black wizard. Especially you, Avon, how can you go to the depths of the forbidden forest with the Krum, he is Demstrom He is likely to poison you here. Imagine it, he was scammed unconsciously."

"Krum is not my opponent!" said Ai Wen. "And why should he poison me?"

"Don't ask me why, they have always been like this!" Hagrid stepped on the steps and said seriously, "In short, you guys don't deal with these foreigners less, the less the better, none of them can letter."

Several people looked at each other and Hagrid was apparently angry at Mrs. Maxim's affairs.

"You are farther away from the sisters of Meiwa. Don't wander in front of the carriage. Who knows that something will be rushed out from inside." Hagrid said, the look was very scary at a time. "Try to re-contact, I can see them through." I want to come and ask me for it. I want to tell her what is in the lake. They can't believe it!"

It seems that Hagrid did follow Ivan's suggestion and went to Mrs. Maxim to re-communicate, but the result

Hagrid's mood was terrible, and he kept sending them to the Gryffindor common room.

When they said goodbye to him in front of Mrs. Fat, all four felt a sigh of relief.

"Avon, who do you think is the one who is fighting you?" said Hermione, looking for a no-man's corner.

"I don't know, it's not the people I know!" Evanton paused and continued. "You haven't acted alone recently. Some people have mixed into Hogwarts. The school is not safe. What we should do now is to help Ron. Pass the second game."

He does not expect any further accidents, and hopes that everything will go smoothly.

"Don't worry about me, I can't help with the help of the sedge," Ron said.

"Damn!" said Harry indignantly, slamming his fist. "If Snape stopped me, we could arrive in time." The principal was very busy, Potter! It was a nonsense, Potter! Why didn't he let it open at the time?"

When he went to Dumbledore, he was stopped by Snape for a long time.

Eventually, when they arrived, the battle between Avon and Little Batty Crouch was over.

"Maybe he doesn't want you to get there at all!" Ron said immediately. "Maybe, yes, how long do you think he will go to the forest? Will he grab you in front of you and Dumbledore?" Will the fighting person be him?"

"Unless he turns himself into a bat or something," Harry said.

"It's not impossible," Ron muttered.

"Okay, go back to sleep!" Ai Wen said. There is no point in continuing to speculate. "There is nothing to ask Hagrid tomorrow morning. Remember, be vigilant, don't act alone!"

This night, Ai Wen slept very unsteadily, and what Mr. Crouch said when he left was always echoing in his ear.

Ai Wen dreamed of the terrible evil spirit, which merged with Voldemort.

The only thing that didn't sleep well better than Ai Wen was Harry. His scars had been hurting. What awful was that he had dreams again!

That is a very realistic, but terrible dream.

Harry dreamed of riding on the back of an owl, flying in the dark night sky, sliding all the way to the front of an old house full of ivy.

The night wind blew Harry's face, they flew lower and lower, and finally flew in through the broken window of a black hole in the top floor.

Now they are flying along the dark corridor, and there is a door at the end of the corridor.

They flew into the door, this is a dark room, the windows are sealed!

Harry was no longer on the back of the owl, and he watched it fly into a chair with his back facing him, with two black shadows next to the chair.

One is a terrible tree root statue, the one Harry had seen in the summer vacation.

This is a mixture of the ugliest things that Harry has seen in his life. They are twisted in everything, and from time to time they give off a faint red glow.