
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 670: Coming soon

Ron and Hermione stood beside Mr. Crouch and the woods became darker.

They had to take out their wands and the two weak fluorescent lights flashed in the dark.

"How could Mr. Crouch suddenly become crazy!" said Hermione nervously. "This is really abnormal. Percy clearly said that he was very sick at home and had no way to work. He seems to have suffered this way now. Cruel torture."

"Is it Percy?" Ron joked, his voice trembled. "He might think that killing Mr. Crouch, you can get the position of the Director of the International Magic Cooperation Department."

Hermione glanced at him. "This is a serious matter because he just mentioned the Dark Devil!"

undefinedA moment of silence, perhaps because of this name, the cold wind that has blown has become more bitter.

Even Mr. Crouch stopped and the darkness in the woods grew deeper.

"We should call Ai Wen, he and Krum are not far away!" Hermione suddenly said.

"You don't want to go?" Ron hesitated, looking around and screaming, "Don't leave me alone!"

"I have a bad premonition. When I was in the first grade, I was confined with Harry in the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid told us!" Hermione said, suddenly raised his wand, using the fastest speed, "If in the woods." When you are in trouble, you will make a red spark!"

Her voice just fell, and a glare appeared at the end of the wand, rising slowly into the sky.

With a splash, Hermione just sparked and fell down...

"Hermione, don't, don't make fun of me!" Ron shuddered, hearing what was going on behind him.

He hurriedly turned around and saw...

.............. .......

Ai Wen followed Krum to a quiet open space, a distance from the stables of the Busbourne horse.

Although Ai Wen thinks that he has nothing to talk about, there are still some words to explain.

Krum stopped in the shade of the tree and turned to look at Ai Wen.

He glared at Ai Wen, and Ai Wen realized that the other person's head was really high enough.

"I want to know!" Krum said with a calm face. "What happened to you and Hermione?"

"I think you should see it, she is my girlfriend!" Ai Wen whispered, "And, she is Hermione, not Hermione!"

When he heard Evan's words, Krum's face suddenly rose red.

"I will let Hermione like me." He said stiffly, his face became more gloomy.

"Obviously, that is your freedom. But I hope that you are better off Hermione, don't harass her again in the future." Ai Wen said calmly, watching Krum, "What you do in the library, It made her unable to calm down and read the book, and it was very rude."

Seeing Krum's angry look, Ai Wen suddenly felt very boring.

Talking about this topic with Krum is actually not meaningful at all.

Speaking of it, it is really boring, it is better to go to Hagrid to listen to the recent situation of the fried snail.

Not surprisingly, Krum became more angry when he heard Evan.

Inside his mouth, he kept saying that Ai Wen had no right to stop himself and had no right to stop Hermione from going to his house.

"In the Quidditch World Cup, when I first met Hermione, I liked her!" Krum said, waving his arms hard and trying to make Ai Wen understand, "She is destined to wait for me." Girl, if you don't give up, I want to fight you. In Demstrom, only the most powerful people have the right to choose."

"This habit is not good, you'd better get rid of it!" said Ai Wen. "At Hogwarts, we pay attention to freedom, not brute force! It's all over, I think you know, Hermione won't like it." You, or you will not come to me. In this kind of thing, I will not give in, Hermione also destined to be my person..."

Just then, a red spark suddenly rose not far away, very eye-catching.

Ai Wen looked up and there was the edge of the forbidden forest. He remembered that Harry, Ron and Hermione were waiting for themselves.

Is there something wrong? Ai Wen suddenly has a bad feeling.

Immediately, Moody's picture of standing alone at the lake appeared in front of him.

Damn, little Batty Crouch will not be hands-on? !

Although it is bold, it does have this possibility. He can hide it without being discovered by Dumbledore by hiding the door key nearby.

Voldemort couldn't wait, taking advantage of this opportunity to take Harry away, and he didn't have to wait for the game to start again.

"Oops!" Thought of this, Ai Wen rushed to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

"Stand up, Avon Mason!" Krumm shouted. "My words haven't finished yet!"

Ai Wen didn't take care of him at all, and there was no time for this guy to continue wasting time here.

Looking at the back of Ai Wen, Krum looked sad, he just saw the fire in the air, knowing what happened.

But today's conversation ended without results, and did not get the results he wanted. If I let Evan leave like this...

He would rather fight with Ai Wen and don't want to end it.

Krum knew that if Evan went back to talk about it, Hermione would definitely be bored.

He hesitated, took out his wand and pointed it at Ai Wen, and wanted to leave him here...

The red light flashed and quickly dissipated.

The magic has failed. I haven't waited until Krum to figure out what's going on. I saw a red curse with the thickness of my arm coming in from the air.

With a bang, his body flew backwards and fell heavily into the trees.

Ai Wen passed through the bushes and quickly ran to the edge of the forbidden forest. He was very close because he was very close.

Hey, a few light fires appeared at the end of his wand, illuminating the open space and dispelling the darkness around him.

Ai Wen saw Ron and Hermione fall on the ground of the forest, Harry is not...

Is it late, his heart sinks hard, and then he notices Mr. Crouch next to Ron.

"It's all my fault, it's my fault!" Crouch whispered.

He curled up on the edge of the big tree, and the meticulous face was distorted at this time, as if he was afraid...

Batty Crouch is here, not dead yet!

Ai Wen has a little understanding of what is going on, and it is time for him to come.

He slammed his wand down and relieved the stiff body.

Little Batty Crouch must be nearby, since it is going to fight, then fight!