
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 621: Amazing Hermione

But no one was as frustrated as Ron, and when he came out of the dormitory, his face was a look of horror.

His robes are like a skirt, which is an unavoidable fact.

In order to add a little masculinity to the robes, he made a desperate attempt to recite a cutting curse for those folds and laces.

This spell is still useful, at least the lace on the clothes is gone.

But his work did not work well, and the neckline cuffs were still burrs, which was really discouraging.

undefined"Well, Ron, don't think about clothes, it doesn't look so bad!" Harry comforted him.

"Yes, everyone is similar. These dress robes are very retro styles, which are not in line with the modern aesthetics." Ai Wen said, "These are the ancient traditions left over a hundred years ago. Look at them. ..."

Indeed, the common room looks weird.

The people inside are no longer the black robes of the standard, but the colorful robes.

Ron looked around and saw how awkward everyone looked and how much he replied with confidence.

But when he looked back at Evan, he felt a little self-conscious...

I have to say that Mrs. Weasley made a lot of effort in choosing the robes.

The color of Ai Wen's gown is very conspicuous and distinctive. It is the most eye-catching among the crowd.

Now, as long as people who enter the public restroom now, they will unconsciously drop their eyes on Ai Wen.

The sky-blue dress robes and Ai Wen's unparalleled self-confidence temperament match very well. While showing the noble aristocratic taste, they can show the hidden and uneasy factors in his heart, making people's eyes shine. I have to admit that Ai Wen's appearance is very decent.

If you wear this dress for another person, there will be no such effect, but it will look very fancy.

Ron looked up at the girl dormitory exit and tried not to compare himself with Ai Wen.

After all, like Ai Wen is only a minority, most of the boys look very bad now.

After a while, Lavender and a few girls came out of the girls' dormitory.

She looked much more beautiful than usual, wearing a pink-eyed gown with a thick gold bracelet on her wrist and shining under the candlelight.

She was a little too enthusiastic to say hello to Ron, smirking.

Although the boys below looked at her with horror, Lavender didn't care.

She walked down the stairs and went up and down to look at Ron. It seemed very satisfying.

"Hello!" said Ron, looking ridiculously, rudely looking at Lavender.

"Do I look beautiful?" Lavender asked in disappointment, with a big smile on his face.

"Not bad, well, very beautiful!" Ron glared at her, and he smiled hesitantly.

"Let's go, the ball is about to begin!"

"Okay!" said Ron dryly, waving his hand at Evan Khali and saying, "See you later!"

Lavender smiled and took the initiative to come to Ron late, and the two men left the public lounge so loudly.

"They look very good!" Ai Wen commented.

Harry nodded, but looked at Lavinde's back and shook his head.

He felt that Lavender looked a little scary and looked very embarrassing. I really hope that Ron can hold on.

Harry was thinking about what the autumn party was like, and then thought about Ginny, and hopefully she wouldn't dress up like Lavender...

Not to mention a little nervous personality and exaggerated dress, Ai Wen is very satisfied with Lavent's initiative.

In school, it is not easy to find a girl who is really interested in Ron himself.

If you think so, Lavender doesn't look so bad.

If you change to a girl and see Ron's bad robes, you will probably turn and leave.

The girls came down from the top of the building and left the common room with their dancers.

Other colleges, Demstrom and Booth Barton students were chosen as dancers, and they left the common room in groups.

After a while, Angelina also came down, she smiled and handed it to Fred.

Two people took their hands and left, and Fred blinked at them naughtyly.

Behind Angelina is Ginny. She wears a relatively conservative style of red dress gown, red hair with long hair, and her ruddy face is shy. I am embarrassed to see Harry and Evan. .

Ginny is obviously dressed up and looks very beautiful.

She is now even more like Avon tonight, seeing that all girls are beautiful.

The lovely puff sleeves on the robes make her particularly cute and intoxicating. The waist is a pink belt with a small bow, wrapped around her petite body, and she has an indescribable female while she is slim. charm.

All the boys who have not left to see Ginny have raised an inexplicable impulse from the depths of their hearts.

Not surprisingly, Harry looked at Ginny unbelievably and was surprised to say nothing.

Seeing his appearance, it seems that he just noticed the fact that Ginny was also a beautiful girl.

The look that was originally of no nature also changed rapidly, with a trace of tension in the horror.

"Hermione is still on, just come out!" Ginny said, the little face is still red.

"Well, let's wait for her to go down," said Harry, seemingly a little embarrassed to go with Ginny.

"No, I stay here and wait for her, just two of you hurry..."

Ai Wen naturally didn't want to go with both of them, but his words had not finished and they stopped.

The noisy voice in the common room suddenly stagnate, and everyone looked up and looked at the girls who had just come out.

Many people are surprised to open their mouths and don't know what to say.

It is Hermione! ! !

But she doesn't look like Hermione at all, like a fairy who falls into the mortal world.

She made some hands and feet on her hair. They were no longer messy, but they became soft and shiny, and they made an elegant hair bun behind their heads.

She wore a robes made of flowing, light purple-blue fabric, and somehow her temperament was different, perhaps just because she had removed more than twenty thick books she usually squatted on her body. Let's go.

She is also smiling, of course, a little nervous.

Hermione's current look is amazing, and can only be described with dazzling four words.

After seeing Avon, her eyes lit up and her mouth was filled with a smile.

She walked down the stairs, the light steps like a butterfly, the set of carefully selected pink dresses on the body was extraordinarily elegant and smart, and the silky dress was lightly wrapped around her slender and soft body, such as water waves. Flowing and earth.

Ai Wen just found out that Hermione's body was so good that she was not found under the uniform of the school uniform.