
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

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v2 Chapter 614: Rejected Harry and Ron

From Hagrid, Avon saw Gabriel waving at himself near the Busbarton carriage.

This guy has not chosen his own partner until now, but she has expressed hope that she can be with Ai Wen.

It is a pity that two people are not old enough. Students who do not have a fourth grade or above are invited to go to the ball.

This is the tradition, even if Gabri is a student of Booth Barton, it is no exception.

As for Gabriel's sister Furong, the number of boys around her has recently increased.

undefinedAlmost half of the boys who don't have a partner are waiting for Furong's choice. It may be too many people, so she has not made a final decision.

Of course, with Ai Wen's understanding of Furong, she may also feel that it is very interesting to do so.

Let the boys fall for her beauty, attract everyone's attention, and the girls' jealousy

I have to say that she did succeed very much.

Even if she finally chose which person, she does not really feel about him.

Influenced by the body's Meiwa lineage, Furong is very similar to Meiwa in choosing the opposite sex.

That is to take the initiative to attract the attention of other men before meeting someone they really like, but not tempted.

A man who is obsessed with Meiwa will forget everything in the world, do not eat or drink, do not sleep, if unfortunately participate in them while Meiwa dances, they can only keep dancing until they finally die exhausted.

In history, the number of male wizards who died because of the charm of Meiwa is not a small number.

Of course, if you meet a man you really like, Meiwa will stay with the other side for a lifetime, never separate, very loyal.

It is inferred that Furong's mate selection criteria should be similar.

Ai Wen did not see which of the boys in Hogwarts could satisfy Furong, and her eyes were high.

When she sent Gabriel back a few nights ago, Furong expressed her willingness to let Ai Wen be her partner in a joking tone.

Ai Wen refused directly. He didn't want to be played by Furong like the boys in the school.

He and Harry and Ron spoke and walked over to Gabriel.

"I don't understand, Ivan has a lot of choices, why must I insist on Hermione!" said Ron. "He has rejected many good girls these few days."

His gaze followed Advan's direction and eventually landed on the Booth Barton carriage.

"Hermione is actually good, let's say that they are not together early?!" said Harry.

"No, I heard Ginny say that Hermione talked to her about this, and the two of them actually didn't make any progress." Ron said, continuing to stare at the carriage of Booth Barton, "You know, Hermione's She is older than Ai Wen and she is not beautiful, she has been hesitating."

The two people made rapid progress in the early days, but they retreated at a critical moment, especially Hermione.

Both Ai Wen and Hermione are too smart. How do you say that sometimes you think too much, not a good thing.

"We don't worry about Evan, let's think about ourselves." Ron continued. "I never thought that finding a partner would be so difficult."

The words that Hagrid had just said to them made Ron a little anxious. He didn't want to leave himself alone without a partner.

If this is the case, it is too shameful, but he is a warrior!

Look at other warriors, aren't they all surrounded by a group of people? !

Krum needless to say, his fame is very popular, very popular with girls, Ron is also very admired.

But even Digori is the same. Although he played abnormally in the first game, he is very handsome and has a good relationship. He is a warrior that almost everyone loves. Many girls like him, but in Ron. It seems that Digori is actually a useless handsome guy, and his mind is not enough to fill an egg shell.

"Yes, we have to act, Ron, the rest of the time is running out!" said Harry, making up his mind, "especially you, I and Ivan have no partners and will not make a foreign appearance, but you should be with others. The Warriors danced first together."

"You're right, we have to bite our teeth out!" Ron took a deep breath and listened to his tone as if they were planning to break a fortified fortress. "Tonight we return to the common room." When you have to find a partner, you can say it!"

"Well, okay," said Harry.

The two of them were separated, and Harry didn't know who Ron's goal was, but he seemed to be autumn Zhang in his head.

He only asked Qiu Zhang to say a word and invited her to the ball. It was as simple as that.

When it was time to have dinner, Ai Wen was separated from Gabriel and returned to the castle.

He met Luna in the foyer, needless to say, she did not find a partner.

Luna didn't care, she didn't care about the Christmas ball.

She gave Avon a message that Harry had just invited Qiu Zhang to the ball at the Raven Craward House, but was rejected.

After Ai Wen refused to fall, Autumn had accepted Cedric's invitation.

It is conceivable that Harry should be very depressed now and need the comfort of others.

But when Avon walked into the auditorium, he was surprised to see Ron sitting in a corner in the distance.

Harry and Ginny sat next to him and spoke to him with a low voice, as if comforting him.

There were noisy people in the auditorium, and Malfoy pointed at Ron at the long table at Slytherin, as if laughing at him.

"What the **** is going on, Ron?" Aiwen asked, and walked over to them three.

Ron looked up at Avon and had a look of horror on his face.

"Why do I want to do that?!" he said confusedly. "I don't know how I would do that!"


"He, um, he just invited Furong Dracul to go to the ball with him," Harry replied.

Ginny nodded and seemed to be trying to hold back her smile, but still ruthlessly patted Ron's arm.

"Even if Ron invited Hibiscus, why did it become this?" Aiwen asked.

"I don't know how I can do this kind of thing!" said Ron gasping. "What jokes are I making? There are people, people are crowded, I am really faint, everyone is watching. I met her when I walked through the hall. She stood there and was talking to Digori. I suddenly couldn't control myself and went to ask her!"