
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 514: Abnormal mad eye

Suddenly, Ai was banned from participating in the top three competitions by two other magic schools. ??

This is the second accident after the name of Moody's can't be marked by the live map tonight.

It's too sudden, but it seems to be reasonable.

Ai's previous appearance in the World Cup was too high-profile. Whether it was a duel with Carreuse, or the magic to transform the main building of the stadium into a giant, it was already the imagination of most wizards.

His reputation has spread throughout the European magic world and is spreading.

undefinedRegardless of the idea, Ai's strength has been recognized by the public, and now some even say that he is the successor of Dumbledore.

Especially considering his age, Ai's future is simply limitless.

This is a good thing for Hogwarts and the British magic world, but it is bad news for other countries and forces.

Just in front of you, if the warriors of Ai Cheng Hogwarts participate in the top three competitions, then there is no warrior of Booth Barton and Demstrand, they can not beat Ai.

The so-called "three strong competitions" will be completed as a stage for Ai to show strength.

Booth Barton and Demstrand naturally do not want to be born in this kind of thing. They made a request and named it to ban Ai.

The reason is also very good, because Ai is not seventeen years old and does not meet the regulations.

In fact, he is only 13 years old now.

This age limit was originally intended to protect the little wizards who lacked strength and to avoid losing their lives in vain.

It is now used to limit Ai's competition, and there is no problem. Hogwarts and the British Ministry of Magic can't refute.

Because this competition was held in Hogwarts, Booth Barton and Demstrand will enter the primary school for age-approval students, bring them to Hogwarts, and Dumbledore will be responsible for the school. The little wizard who is under the age of seventeen imposes restrictions.

Ai knows what magic he will use and there is a way to break that spell.

Dumbledore naturally knows this, so he needs Ai to make a guarantee that he will never enter the competition.

To be honest, Ai has little interest in this so-called three-strong competition.

But if you don't play, how can you mix with Harry and not cause Voldemort's attention.

No, you must mix in the maze and touch the trophy with Harry.

Or think of a better way, take the opportunity to annihilate the Voldemort who successfully restored the strength

Looking at Dumbledore's deep blue eyes, Ai nodded slowly.

The other party should have guessed Voldemort's plot now. I don't know what plans he has to deal with? !

Perhaps because of the reason Moody is in, perhaps with his own considerations, Dumbledore seems reluctant to continue talking on this topic.

After seeing Ai promised, he let Ai go back to sleep as soon as possible.

After leaving the auditorium, Ai walked in the dimly lit hall, thinking about it in his head.

"It's not fair. They can't limit the wizards who meet the strength. The timid cowards will play these means!" Moody's hoarse voice rang after Ai, and he followed the auditorium. "It has always been the case, they."

"Professor, the rules must be obeyed!" Ai turned and looked at Moody, and said with a slight surprise, "I really didn't meet the age of seventeen. Naturally, I shouldn't break the rules to participate in the game. Dumbledore wouldn't want this. The birth of things."

"Hey, the students taught by Dumbledore, your ideas are too decent, and those talents don't think so." Moody said dismissively, "I have seen too many black wizards, if you are there. Naive thoughts"

"Bus Barton and Demstrom are not black wizards!"

"Never use the external performance to make judgments easily. You don't know the past of those people, always be vigilant!" Moody's magical eyes turned and stared at Ai, with a hint of voice. The meaning of temptation, "Kid, to be honest, do you want to participate?!"

Ai looked at Moody, and a strange thought rose in his heart.

This fake Moody is really abnormal. Why did he come over and say this to himself?

Looking at him, he seems to be tempting to secretly go to the top three competitions.

But why did he do this, what good is it for Voldemort? !

Does the other person want to bring himself and Harry out of school? !

Or is it that Voldemort has not died on the magic stone of his own body? !

"Whether I think or don't want to be important, I have already promised the principal, I have to comply." Ai whispered, "Professor, you are not encouraging me to secretly go to the competition?"

Moody's figure is completely hidden in the darkness that the torch can't reach, and Ai can't see the expression on his face.

For a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "Of course not. I just came to test it. Dumbledore has a high opinion of you. I believe now that you really did not let him down. A qualified wizard must have himself. The bottom line."

Ai did not answer, there was a silence between the two people.

If it's true that Mad-Eye is saying this, Ai may believe it, but knowing that the other person is a fake.

They walked along the dark corridor again, and Moody's office was on the third floor.

From the fake Moody around him, Ai felt a dangerous feeling that was looming.

"I received a letter from Lupin and Black a few days ago. They introduced the current progress of the Dark Arts Defense Division." Moody suddenly said, "Looks, you have learned how to use black magic animals and master a lot of basic knowledge?"

"Yes, Professor Lupin and Sirius gave us a lot."

"Very good, but this is not enough, not enough!" Moody said, limping forward, "I think you need to learn how to deal with black magic, I am going to let you know what the wizards are doing." Spell."

"Black magic?!" Ai turned to look at him.

"You should know that there are many kinds of spells, and their magical powers are different. According to the rules of the Ministry of Magic, I should teach you various cracking curses, and that's all." Moody said, "According to them, you still don't By the sixth grade, the school shouldn't tell you what the illegal black magic spell looks like, because you are still young and can't handle this set of things. But in my opinion, the sooner you know the things you have to deal with, the better. If you have never seen a thing, how can you protect yourself in front of it? A wizard will tell you an illegal spell, he will not tell you what he intends. He will not be frank, fair, polite Give you a curse, only"

"Professor, do you mean to teach us unforgivable curses?!"

"It's not taught, just let you see what the real black magic looks like." Moody said, "I believe, you will like this course" (to be continued.)