
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 431: Letter from Harry

Harry shook his head, Ron couldn't, then Hermione? !

Immediately, Hermione's voice rang in his mind, his voice screaming and panicking.

"Have your wound hurt? Harry, that's really serious. Write a letter to Professor Dumbledore."

"I'm going to double up "Common Magical Pain", maybe there's a way to treat the spell with scars."

Yes, this is indeed the suggestion that Hermione will make. Go directly to Dumbledore and look for a book.

undefinedHowever, Harry has decided not to tell Dumbledore about this.

He looked up and looked out at the dark blue sky outside, and wondered if there was such a book to help him.

As far as he knows, it is only him who has survived the spell like Voldemort.

Therefore, he could not see his symptoms appear in "Common Magical Pain" or other magic books.

Harry shook his head again, so he certainly wouldn't get the answer he wanted from Hermione.

Hermione was vetoed, and now only Avon is left.

Ha used the knuckles to lick the scars, and could not help but think that Ai Wen is the person he really needs now.

Although he is one year younger than himself, Avon is different from all the little wizards.

In fact, Harry had never seen such a small wizard like Ai Wen.

His magical strength is very strong and he knows a lot of knowledge.

In Harry's impression, there is hardly any magical knowledge that Irwin doesn't know, or something he can't do.

Even the black magic left by Voldemort, he must know.

Thinking of this, Harry's innermost thoughts of seeing one side with Ai Wen rose again.

Not only because of the pain, but Hermione said in a recent letter that Voldemort's curse on Ai Wen had been cracked. They found the Sorcerer's Stone, but the letter was unknown. Harry wanted to know the details. through.

Undoubtedly, it must be a great adventure, and Harry regrets that he has not been able to participate.

He wants to know what they have encountered? !

Also, why is Sirius so hurt? !

Ai Wen is now in his own home, and Hermione is there.

If he can, Harry also thought of going there, and he couldn't wait to do it.

But Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia would not agree, and he was not invited.

Harry resisted the urge to leave home and leave the Dursley family and sit at the desk.

Despite this kind of thing, he did it once in the past year and didn't mind going again.

Anyway, Harry decided to write a letter to Ai Wen first to ask about the situation.

He turned on the desk lamp and started to shoot in the dim light.

Harry wrote very quickly. If he told others, he might only say that his injury hurts.

He wouldn't mention what he saw in his dreams, and Harry didn't want to look nervous.

But if the other party is Ai Wen, there is no such concern.

He wrote all the dreams he saw, and some speculations on a piece of parchment.

At the same time, Harry also asked about the current situation of Ai Wen, their experiences during the summer vacation and so on.

When the cold, gray-white skylight slowly penetrated into the room before dawn, Harry's desk light line seemed to fade.

Finally, the sun rose, the walls of the bedroom were golden, and there was movement in the room of the Dursleys.

At this time, Harry picked up the crumpled parchment group on the table and read the letter that was finally written.

After a minute, he nodded with satisfaction.

He rolled up the parchment and placed it on the table, waiting for Hedwig to come back and send it away.

Then he stood up, stretched out and opened the closet.

He did not look in the mirror, he went straight to wear clothes and went downstairs to have breakfast.

If he can, he hopes that the summer vacation that is coming to an end will be more exciting.

When Avon and Hermione had breakfast at the table, a snow-white Hedwig fanned in and flew in.

In fact, the atmosphere at the table was very embarrassing.

Without the majority, his parents were very happy after learning that Avon was awake.

I don't know how Dumbledore explained it. They didn't ask what happened to Ai Wen.

They just care about Ai Wen's physical condition and have a lot of jealousy.

Subsequently, Mr. Mason left home to go to work.

And Ai Wen's mother and Hermione sat at the table and talked about it. There was no room for Ai Wen's mouth.

Looking at Hermione's expression from her mother, she obviously thought a lot, and she was very satisfied with Hermione.

Ai Wen sat alone, watching the conversation between them, feeling like an outsider.

Without him, the mother is very familiar with Hermione, and Hermione is like a member of his family.

I don't see it at all. The two of them actually realized and couldn't get in touch for a day.

From the content of the dialogue, others even mistakenly think that the two of them are mothers and daughters.

The atmosphere was very subtle, and Ai Wen felt that he had reached the limit. He was not sure if he should sit here and listen.

Fortunately, at this time, Hedwig flew in from the window, giving him an excuse to leave.

Ai Wen knows that her mother has phobias about birds. He greeted him and returned to his room with Hedwig.

He took the parchment tied to Hedwig's foot with a letter from Harry.

Ai Wen frowned at the above content, which is obviously not good news.

Harry was above, referring to his scars and the dream associated with Voldemort.

Ai Wen knows this because Voldemort left part of his soul in Harry fourteen years ago.

Therefore, there is a unique connection between the two of them.

Harry can enter Voldemort's brain and know what he is doing and some thoughts.

This is obviously a very dangerous behavior, and Voldemort will soon be aware of this.

Harry should learn brain closure as soon as possible to block this connection as much as possible.

In addition to this incident, the dream that Harry saw also made Aiwen worried.

What kind of conspiracy is Voldemort and Carresis planning, will it be related to the upcoming three-strong competition? !

Also, in the battle of the fallen horses, they took away the statue of the evil spirit.

After several contacts, Ai Wen knew that the statue was very evil and was the embodiment of the evil **** in the real world.

Although Ai Wen reinvented the evil spirit, it did not die.

Now the statue is in the hands of Voldemort!

Ai Wen hopes that there must be some accidents beyond his imagination.

A Voldemort has already caused headaches. If he and the evil spirits are united, things will become unimaginably bad. (To be continued.)