
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

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v2 Chapter 415: Ma Ren Ruins and Destroyer

Ai Wen was cold, and all the blood seemed to be turned into ice water.

His heart beats so badly that the death of the banshee heralds death, and it suddenly appears under her own window, which means that she

He took up his wand with distraction and didn't wait for him to cast a spell. The banshee downstairs screamed and fled in the direction of the woods, and the speed was amazing.

Soon, it disappeared into the thick fog.

Only the red, swollen, scary eyes left in Ai Wen's mind for a long time.

undefinedAi Wen was in a bad mood and couldn't afford to be influenced by the sudden appearance of the evil spirits in the dream and the dead banshee crying under the window in the morning.

He did not recover completely until the departure.

After breakfast, Sirius moved to the depths of the woods with Avon's phantom.

Nearby is the edge of the location where they explored the remains of the horses. They were influenced by the ancient magic in the relics. No one could phantomly move and could only walk in.

Along the way, looking at the strange scene in the woods, Ai Wen was careful.

Sirius couldn't help but persuade him to relax, no need to be so nervous.

"Look at the tiny soft yellow flowers on the low bushes!" He pointed to a strangely shaped plant, trying to divert Ai Wen's attention and let him not think about the messy things. "You haven't seen it before. This plant is a specialty here, they only grow in countries near the Mediterranean, the scientific name is called"

"The cockroach cockroach!" Ai Wen looked up and continued, "I used this plant when making advanced interpretation pharmacies. The market price per kilogram of weight is in three gold plus, and the five gold plus is processed. Long."

The shape of the cochineal mites is like a shrub or a small tree.

Its bark is grayish white with spikes and is the national flower of Albania.

The rhizome of this flower is an essential material for the manufacture of advanced potions. It is very acidic and difficult to handle. It needs to be used in the potion class above the fifth grade.

"It seems that you really have a good preview of the potion course materials in advance. If you have a student like you, the snot will be happy!" Sirius was slightly awkward.

"He generally ignores me and Hermione now!" said Ai Wen. "As long as you don't bother him to bully other Gryffindors, he will be when we don't exist."

"Since I am not a professor now, I don't have to follow Hogwarts' rules." Sirius said angrily. "If you want to bully you again, I will find a chance to teach him a chance."

Irving expressed doubts about whether Sirius had complied with the rules.

And from the overall strength, his current strength is far from Snape's opponent.

The 13-year-old Azkaban prison life has had a great impact on him. Until now, his face has not completely recovered from the original trend.

After talking about Snape, there was a moment of silence between the two people.

"I know what you are thinking now!" Sirius took a deep breath. "In fact, many people have seen the dead banshee. They have not done anything to hurt others except the sound is hard to hear. As for death. Omen, I have seen too much, you don't really believe in the tricky tricks?!"

"Of course, I didn't put the dead girl in my heart!" Ai Wen replied absently, "I just think about something else."

Many signs and traces indicate that their trip will not be too smooth.

Dumbledore who lost contact, Voldemort lurking in the dark, the evil spirits that are slowly recovering power, and the vampires and the dead banshees that suddenly appeared

Faced with this, Ai Wen has made the worst plan.

Unexpectedly, they waited for them to enter the remains of the Ma people, and nothing happened.

The journey in the woods was very smooth. After climbing a hillside, the remains of the city left by the fallen horses appeared in front of them 800 years ago.

Unlike the Matri tribe in Hogwarts' forbidden forest, this ancient relic is located between two towering peaks, arranged in clusters of stone buildings.

The narrow entrance is a curved alleyway made of grassy green cobblestones.

The alleys continue upwards along the rugged and steep mountains, relying on the terrain to form a natural defense.

Every step up, you will see a strong fortress or level wreck.

It is conceivable that the fallen horses can hide from these fortifications and use bows and arrows to attack the intruders. Even a fierce giant can hardly rush.

In the upward direction, it is a huge circular platform, and the terrain is not so steep.

The living environment here is much better than the following. There are fewer houses, and there are many temples and decorative obsidian statues.

These statues are various horse figures and have different shapes.

Not surprisingly, they are all ancestors of the Ma people. It seems that even if they believe in evil spirits, the fallen horses still maintain their awe of their ancestors.

At the highest point of the ruins, it is a magnificent temple.

It is also the only intact building in the remains of the entire Malay. It is made of the hardest obsidian, engraved with exaggerated carvings, and looks exactly the same as the Moon Temple in Hogwarts. The scale is much larger.

Alvin's gaze went up from the entrance to the ruins and eventually locked on the towering terraces on either side of the Central Temple.

Everything in front of him can correspond to his dreams last night.

However, the remains of the horsemen in front of him are not the beautiful city that he saw in his dreams, shining beautifully with golden light, and time has ruthlessly destroyed everything.

In recent sorcerer adventurers, in order to find valuable items, the remaining remains are ruined and ruined, leaving only a mess.

The river next to the cobblestone alley has dried up and replaced by a grassy river.

The stone huts built by the horses with beautiful red roofs are no longer there. The beautiful wall tiles are scattered all over the place, telling the past glory silently.

In order to obtain the gold and gems inlaid on the statue, the invaders will be able to find all the statues of the horses destroyed, not at all concerned with their artistic value.

As for the Central Temple, it is also the most concentrated place for all adventurers. Although there is no change in appearance, when Evan and Sirius enter the ruins, they can also hear the loud noise from time to time in the temple. .

Needless to say, most intruders are unaware of the institutions that the Maers designed according to the changes in astrology.

But they have another way to enter the core area, which is destruction.

Regardless of the institution, as long as the powerful spells are used to destroy all the gates, they will enter the deepest part of the temple sooner or later.

Although this method is simple and rude, it is very easy to use.

The fallen horses who suddenly disappeared did not seem to have left any defensive measures such as curses to protect their sacred temples.

Don't say a wizard, even Muggles can easily break in.

That's why Sirius and Ai Wen don't stay in the bar waiting for Dumbledore, but decided to come here first. (To be continued.)