
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 379: Mad Eye Hamody

Ai Wen said this shocking fact, but the expressions of Sirius and Weasley are obviously not believed.

"Bati helps his son escape from Azkaban?!" Mr. Weasley said with amazement, "How is this possible, he will not do this kind of thing."

He looked at Evan worriedly and turned his head to look at Sirius.

Mr. Weasley had a panicked look on his face and he didn't know what to do.

It seems that he hopes that two people will scream a happy April Fool's Day with him.

undefined"Ai Wen, I thought you knew about Crouch's nature!" Sirius continued to try to persuade, "Believe me, he would not excuse his son at the trial of Wissen Gamma." Not to mention breaking the law to help him escape from prison! Anything that threatens his reputation, he must be thrown aside, he has no fatherly love."

"But you also said that Crouch is very ruthless. If there is a way to save his son without being discovered, why not do it?!"

"There is Azkaban, the most defensive wizarding prison!" Sirius is impatient. "You will see what it looks like, what is there? How is Crouch's guard at thousands of dementors?" Next, bring a living person out from there?"

"The dementors have no eyes, they can't see all around, they can only feel the breath of creatures, which is the main reason why you managed to escape." Ai Wen did not swear, "Crouch just has to play a little trick. You can blind those dementors."

"What trick?" Sirius asked, frowning tightly.

"Combined decoction!" Ai Wen whispered. "He used a compound soup to make his wife look like a son. The dementors couldn't see it. They could only smell a healthy person and a dying person. I smelled a healthy person and a dying person."

After Avon finished, neither Mr. Weasley nor Sirius did speak.

The expression on their faces was extremely shocked and seemed to want to find out the loopholes in the plan, but after thinking for a long time, they found that there was no way to refute Ai Wen.

"Is there evidence?" Sirius asked.

"No!" Ai Wen shook his head. He did not have any evidence. "If you are willing to search Crouch's home, use him to vomit or check his wife's grave, there may be some gains." "

"Insane, it's totally crazy!" said Mr. Weasley. "Whoever dares to make these things to the most powerful senior officials of the Ministry of Magic, he will immediately go home or be sent to the hospital for inspection." With all due respect, for the sake of security, I think you should also take a look."

"Well, Arthur!" Sirius said heavily. "Ai Wen is just too stressed. If we have a curse, there must be no better place than him."


"These are your reasoning, a crazy reasoning!" Sirius said, looking at Ai Wen seriously, as if he first met him, "Ivan, if I don't know you very well, I will think you are being Voldemort's curse was insane."

"We'd better not talk about it!" Mr. Weasley whispered. "Batti Crouch helps his son escape from prison. It is crazy enough to think about it."

"But what I said just now is indeed possible," said Ai Wen.

To be honest, he is a little frustrated.

There is no way to convince Sirius, Mr. Weasley and others. The positive image of Batty Crouch is too deeply rooted.

To continue, it is just to let others doubt themselves.

Explaining these in advance is just a matter of asking for trouble, only to let time prove everything.

Since it is impossible to contain everything in the bud, you can only find a way in the next semester.

By then, with the help of a live map, things will become easier.

"These things you said are indeed possible, but I still have the same sentence. You don't know Batty Crouch. He won't do this kind of thing. He is sure."

"Don't relax your vigilance, everything is possible!"

Just then, an old voice rang in the door of the coffin behind Ai Wen.

The door was opened, and Sirius was able to keep Ai Wen behind him, pull out his wand at the fastest speed, watched the front with vigilance, and quickly let it go.

Ai Wen explored his head and saw a very old man standing at the door.

He was carrying a long cane wrapped in a black travel cloak.

Seeing each other's face, Ai Wen was taken aback and subconsciously stepped back.

This face is carved on a piece of decaying wood. The sculptor has only a vague concept of how the face is, and the use of the knife is not very good. Every inch of the skin on the face seemed to be scarred, his mouth was like a slanting big mouth, and the place where the nose should be raised was gone.

The most terrifying thing about this man is his eyes. One of his eyes is small, black and shiny, and the other eye is large, round like a coin, and it is a distinct one. bright blue.

The blue eyes kept moving, turning around, going up and down, completely irrelevant to the normal eyes.

Then, the blue eyeball turned over and got into the man's head, only to see a big white eye.

Ai Wen was stunned by this weird look, staring at each other intently.

Almost in an instant, he knew who this guy was, Mad-Eye Moody.

Moody looked at Evan and Sirius and walked over with a cane.

"Black, I have seen your recent report, so you are not guilty!" He held out a hand, and the hand was as scarred as his face.

"Yes, I am proved innocent!" Sirius shook hands with him, and the other side moved closer.

"The tradition of your family is not very good, although Dumbledore is willing to believe you, but I can think so!" He said bluntly, turning his eyes to Ai Wen.

"I am sorry that I overheard your conversation. If you want to secretly say bad things about the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic next time, it is best not to choose this place."

His normal eyes stared at Ai Wen tightly, and the blue eyes kept turning around in the eye sockets for a moment. "But I have to say, I just heard a wonderful reasoning, very exciting, I have already I haven't heard such reasoning for a long time!"

"Thank you!" Ai Wen replied subconsciously.

"Little guy, you have the potential to be an Auror, I look good to you!" He reached into his travel cloak, pulled out a curved wine bottle and drank a big mouth.

When he raised his arm and drank, the cloak that was dragged on the ground was picked up a few inches. Evan saw a fake leg with a few inches of wood carving underneath, and a claw-shaped foot below. (To be continued.)