
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 359: Entering the temple

Although some sacs were collected for emergency use, Ivan had never eaten before, and he sucked in the first cold water like the oxygen he needed for life.

He swims like a real mermaid, and his head is no longer spinning in the water.

Ai Wen took another breath of cold water, it was a wonderful feeling that water flowed smoothly through his beak and sent oxygen into his brain.

He put his hands in front of him and looked at it carefully.

They look a little green under the water, they look strange and terrible, and the fingers are connected. He turned his head to look at his bare feet, his feet became longer, and his toes were connected, as if his feet suddenly turned into ducks.

undefinedThe river in the evening is no longer cold and biting. On the contrary, he feels very cool, very comfortable and his body is very light.

Following the equally weird Ugette, Avon continued to paddle forward.

With the help of two shackled feet, he can now move fast in the water.

Moreover, his vision became very good, and it seemed that he could clearly see the front without blinking his eyes.

Along the narrow riverside, he quickly swam forward, and he could hear the killing of the horses not far from the top of his head and smoothly enter the huge lake in the center of the tribe.

Without precautions and no resistance, the fallen horses did not expect anyone to sneak into the water.

Ugette's strong figure loomed in front and eventually disappeared.

After entering the central lake, Ai Wen swam in a dark, awkward and strange scenery, and his ears were silent.

He could see the scene within ten feet of the circle. Every time he made a row in the water, a new scene suddenly emerged from the darkness in front: the jungle of undulating, tangled black plants, scattered with shiny pebbles The broad and flat sediment.

Ai Wen and Ugte traveled deeper and deeper, heading towards the deepest part of the lake center.

Along the central island, the main building of the Temple of the Moon has been extending deepest into the water, and the ancient, huge architectural outline emerges in front of Ai Wen.

Once again, he was shocked by the miracles created by the horses and immersed in the greatness of his eyes.

Ai Wen's eyes widened, his eyes piercing the gray, sinuous lake, looking at the huge shadows in the distance, where the lake was dark and dark.

Countless little fish swam past him lightly, like a silver dart.

The next second, Ai Wen saw a big guy moving in front of him, not Uggte, waiting for him to speed up the tour, only to find that it was actually a huge squid.

The squid danced with claws and stared at Ai Wen tightly, as if he wanted to attack him.

When Ivan was nervously holding his wand, it suddenly lost interest in him, chasing the fish far away, and swam quickly.

Ai Wen breathed a sigh of relief, but he soon encountered new troubles.

He met a Glidillo in the thick grass under the island. The long-legged monster suddenly poked out of the grass, and the long nails clenched Evan's legs, showing a pointed tip. The long teeth seem to bite him.

He gently waved his wand, and a boiling water column emerged from the end of his wand, hitting the green skin of Green Dillo.

The monsters immediately stiffened together, turned grey, and motionless, slowly falling down.

Avon's petrochemical curse works, but more Grindelillo is drilled out of the water grass, without mermaids and other natural enemies. These monsters breed in the lake.

This is not the way to go, Ivan is ready to let them know.

He quickly moved his wand, and Glidillo, who was rushing to himself, was instantly split into two halves. The blood stained a large lake, and the monsters began to quit.

Ai Wen seized the opportunity to swim in the past. After a few minutes, he slowed down and stared blankly around him, looking for Ugette to enter the hidden entrance of the Temple of the Moon.

But he saw nothing, and he was alone in the dark lake.

He turned a hundred and sixty degrees in the water, only feeling the silence that oppressed his eardrum.

He knew that he must be at the bottom of the lake, but there was nothing but the endless darkness. The huge water pressure made him feel lonely.

He and Ugte have dispersed, and the other party may have entered the temple. The role of the sacred grass is gradually fading, just in case, Ai Wen has added a bubble curse to himself.

Then, the end of his wand began to glow outward.

The darkness was dispelled, and Avon saw the lonely grass. In front of him, the huge black and black rock wall was engraved with pictures of the ancient horses watching the stars.

There are several horse stone carvings scattered in the depths of the lake. I don't know how to stay here for centuries. They hold bows and arrows in their hands, or they hold high-profile scepters.

Ai Wen followed the rock body of the Moon Temple and drew a distance down. As he secretly groaned, a powerful arm suddenly protruded from the middle of the rock wall.

He hurriedly raised his wand and found that the other was Ugg.

They climbed up the narrow, slippery ramp, and the surrounding rock walls were covered with thick green moss and water plants. Through the role of light and shadow, Ai Wen found that the entrance of this secret passage was subtly concealed in the mural. If you do not know the specific location, it is difficult to be discovered.

"I just turned around and found that you are gone!" Uggt said with a rough voice, "The effect of the herbs is disappearing, I can't swim too far to find you."

"I just met a group of Glandillo and took a nap." Avon explained that he used his wand to gently tap his robes and spurt a large piece of water vapor.

This is a very effective little curse, and his body instantly becomes dry.

"Those **** water monsters have been lurking in the lake, causing great trouble to us. They will suddenly attack people who take water, drown you out of the lake and drown." Ugte shook hard, like a beast. Dry the water on your body. "You are lucky, come to the entrance, or I don't know what to do."

"Is there any tricks?" Aiwen asked. "I saw the murals on the rock in the lake. How did you find this entrance?"

"It's very simple for us, just follow the trail of the stars." Uggt walked to the top of the narrow ramp and continued. "Here is the Temple of the Moon. You have to follow the stars to find the moon. Where it is, where is the entrance or the location of the agency."

He said, patted gently on a pattern that looked like a crescent shape, and the thick stone door in front of it slowly rose open. (To be continued.)