
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Phim ảnh
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v2 Chapter 357: Guild War Dragon

Listening to Ugte's explanation, this fire dragon has been living in the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Ai Wen couldn't help but secretly scream, it is the dark age of 800 years ago, and even the horror monsters of this level of fire dragons exist in the woods around Hogwarts.

He looked at the huge black fire dragon with a stunned look. It's incredible how the fallen horses tamed it.

The shadow of the dragon's huge body flashed through the air, and Avon had to admit that they were too small compared to this fiercely fierce fire dragon.

This black fire dragon seems to be a hybrid of the Hessian Black Dragon and the Hungarian Tree Bee, which has their common characteristics.

undefinedThe dragon is about thirty feet long. The black scales are rough and hard. They are covered with bronze barbs. There is a row of ridges on the back that are not deep but sharp like a razor. The top of the tail is a hard arrow. It is like a huge lizard.

It flapped its wings and swiftly passed over the heads of Avon and Ugart.

The fire dragon screamed at the horsemen's troops in the back, snoring and snorting, and then, when everyone did not respond, swooped forward, a group of flames opened from its mouth with a fangs. Spewed out and shot at the horse below.

It opened a **** mouth and swallowed a horseman who was struggling to escape.

The broken body of the horse was swayed to the side. The black fire dragon fell to the ground. The weight of several tons of weight caused the whole earth to vibrate. It stood with the back support, the neck was raised high, and the mouth was elevated from the ground. Up to fifty feet long.

The fire dragon roared and lowered his head and sprayed a mushroom-like fire cloud.

The horses fled, and the unfavorable bows and arrows couldn't shoot through the hard scales of the dragon. It writhed and crept, and the spiked tails swayed to the sides, leaving a dozen feet of pits on the hard ground. Mark of.

"We have to retreat into the forest, so the loss is too great." Uggt said angrily, holding the long gun in his hand.

In front of them, a large number of fallen horses were huddled at the end of the only passage leading to the Temple of the Moon. They seemed to make up their minds and rely on favorable terrain to hold the Temple of the Moon.

As for the outside, let the crazy dragons toss.

Taking into account the horror scene he had just now, Ai Wen wanted to hurry into the temple and stop the magic that was about to succeed before the evil spirits had arrived.

However, the situation in front of him forced him to evacuate with the Malay troops. If he continued to move forward, he would not have to attack the temple and would be shredded by the fire dragon behind him.

Evan and Uggart had just moved, and the fire dragon seemed to think of both of them. It gave up chasing the horses who fled to the surroundings and fluttering their wings to fly back to them.

It spurts the fire and turns all around into a sea of ​​flames.

The heat wave is accompanied by the golden rush, and it is like a torch.

Ai Wen and Ugte were surrounded by nowhere in the hot flame center. In front of them, fierce fire dragons had huge mouths, and the sinister yellow eyes stared at them, black and rough. The wings are fully deployed and rushed like a fighter.

"Damn!" Ugte screamed and started to squat, not flashing away, rushing toward the fire dragon that swooped over and raised his rifle high.

The sharp long gun flashed a heart-rending cold, and it radiated the momentum of oppression.

On Ugette's back, Ai Wen clenched his wand and tightened his body. He watched the outline of the dragon getting clearer and clear, looking at its sharp fangs, and didn't want anything in his head.

He took a deep breath, ruled out distracting thoughts, concentrated his thoughts completely and absolutely, pointed at the scary eyes of the fire dragon, and waved his wand.

The dragon's eyes were the weakest part of the body, and the two sides crossed each other. In an instant, Evan's eye slash hit the fire dragon, and it closed his eyes painfully.

The fire dragon slammed forward to the ground, rolling in pain, and the row of sturdy horse-man's hut next to it was easily overwhelmed like a toy, and the whole space was shaking.

Ai Wen stunned, and the power of the eye spell was not that big.

The next second, he saw the shocking wound on the black fire dragon.

Uggert's attack cut through its hard, rough black scales, extending from the upper body to the left wing, the wound is deep, and bones can be seen in some places.

Ai Wen seized the opportunity to sway the wand at the fastest speed along the wound.

He issued five silver-and-white curses in a row, like the lightning that flew past, and each one was heavily chopped on the bones of the dragon.

With the attack of Ai Wen, the dragon screamed and a lot of dragon blood spattered.

It tumbling painfully on the ground, madly spewing hot flames, golden flames occupying the entire space, and even hard rockes are burned.

Under the joint attack of Ugte and Ai Wen, its left wing is completely scrapped. Even if it is treated later, it is difficult to fly again.

"It's beautiful, human!" Uggt said weakly. "This stupid guy is learning this lesson. We must evacuate now."

In the previous confrontation, Ugette's right arm was scratched by the fire dragon's fangs, and now it is pulling weakly on both sides of the body.

His body was shaking because he was too hard.

The power of Ugte is really amazing. It completely exceeds the innate limitations of the race of the Ma people. It is no wonder that even after eight hundred years, his heroic deeds have been passed down by future generations.

As everyone knows, only the most powerful human beings can defeat the fire dragon. Prior to this, Ai Wen had never heard of a precedent for a horse to kill a dragon.

The dragon's scales have a strong magical and defensive power. Don't say ordinary physical attacks. Even the most powerful attack magic is hard to achieve.

Needless to say, the long gun in the hands of Ugte is not a magical weapon, but the most common weapon. It is entirely up to his own strength to achieve this effect.

Ugette took Ai Wen and other horses to retreat to the woods outside the tribe. Behind them, the crazy dragon was still rolling there.

It will be able to touch everything and destroy it. There is such a guy stuck there, and it is difficult to enter the Temple of the Moon.

Ai Wen was a little worried. He didn't know what to do. Maybe he could fly in the eagle's head and the winged beast. He told Ugette this idea.

"Fly to the Temple of the Moon, unless you want to be a target in midair." Ugart frowned and said, "This idea is not feasible. In addition to being easy to become an attack target, all flying over the temple is prohibited. The creator left a strong defensive magic there." (To be continued.)